Saturday, January 01, 2022

Blind Items Revealed #44

November 24, 2021

If you are a guy and sleep with a member of the gay mafia (whichever of the two branches, although, this is the OG branch), you expect to be paid/work/opportunities. There are only so many roles in normal television/movies, so then some will do work in gay porn. Once those opportunities run out, then they do heterosexual porn. If those run out, then they do escort work or even honey pot stuff. When there is a person who threatens this very carefully constructed balance, that person must be dealt with and in this case, they were dealt with in the harshest possible manner. Death. Specifically, this celebrity called out the gay mafia publicly and told them she knew what they were doing. She wanted no part of it and they were endangering her livelihood. When she publicly called them out, they got several bot armies after her and tried to shame her, degrade her and push her over the edge. They called her a drug user and a w***e and anything else they could think to make stick. She didn't back down though and kept after them. In the face of thousands upon thousands of hits against her, she kept fighting back. She was especially concerned because the powers that be owned several organizations which are used to keep the industry safe. She had to abide by them, but all of the men did not. They were allowed to do what they wanted, and did not have to disclose anything to anyone. It was a horror show. She had to be stopped in this crusade. So, they did what they always do. They went to her house and made a person who was not even close to suicidal, take her own life and make sure everyone knew she was suicidal and a drug user. Problem solved.

August Ames

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