Saturday, January 01, 2022

Blind Items Revealed #37

October 20, 2021

It all began several decades ago when this now A list mostly movie actress first came to the US. It was at the same time that this A list everything in her mind singer/actress was just starting to become famous. A foreign born very wealthy man came to visit to Los Angeles and wanted to spend time with an actress. He was very much a star f**ker. He ended up meeting both of the women, but decided he wanted to spend time with the A list everything in her mind. It was actually this man that encouraged our A list everything in her mind to leave the show that made her famous. It was shortly thereafter that our man got a new title/job and really couldn't spend much time in the US any longer. Fast forward two decades and he kept in touch with the A list everything in her mind and from time to time would see each other. Meanwhile, the foreign born A list mostly movie actress was doing her own thing until one day she ran into the man again. They started hooking up almost immediately, despite him having a girlfriend he was also seeing and also seeing the at the time married A list everything in her mind singer/actress. It was a mess and the only one who wasn't afraid of the mess was the foreign born A list actress.

Salma Hayek/Jennifer Lopez/François-Henri Pinault/In Living Color/Linda Evangelista

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