Blind Items Revealed #5
The cleaning product actor actually has women reaching out to him right now who are willing to give up body parts to him. Crazy.
Armie Hammer
The cleaning product actor actually has women reaching out to him right now who are willing to give up body parts to him. Crazy.
Armie Hammer
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This brand new model who no one knew existed a month ago, and only got these past few very very high profile modeling gigs because of who she is, was doing lines of coke at a party this past week. A non socially distanced, non mask wearing kind of party. Several people took videos/pictures, but were stopped from posting anything by her minders.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A- list actress who got her fame through a hit pay cable show and then crashed and burned in her first lead movie role, is going all in on trying to replace the A- list actress from a superhero movie. Her team is leaking story after story trying to put enough pressure on the studio to hire our foreign born actress.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The one named foreign born A+ list singer/rapper had even more lipo this past month. He hates to work out, so uses surgery.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This A/A- list dual threat actor who is currently doing some very hit streaming television is drowning his sorrows with a yachter. He was smart though. The television show pays her because of a unique move he did when the show first started filming. It makes everything look totally legit and I wonder if that will become a trend.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Of course right after the big welcome home orgy with the former political appointee/movie finance guy, the host of the party, the disgraced director lands his first job in years.
Steven Mnuchin/Brett Ratner
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born B+ list actress just got a huge break portraying this former A list celebrity. She has never been papped before, so when the studio arranged for it to happen, she had no idea what to do.
Samara Weaving/Holly Madison
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The alliterate one is ticked off she has to be at the same level as the pedophile Prince's kids. It must really tick her off that she has to curtsy to them if her husband isn't with her.
Meghan Markle/Princess Eugenie/Princess Beatrice/Prince Harry
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former porn king/reality star who blew up a Housewives franchise turned fugitive has hundreds of young women that he trafficks all over the world.
Joe Francis/Real Housewives Of Miami
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This male makeup influencer admitted this week that he has probably slept with many boys who are underage. He just assumed that if they interacted with him that they were of age. The police knocking on his door next week for his most recent statutory rape will be an eye opener.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list actor/singer who is currently making the life of this actress/singer even more miserable than she was prior to the events of the week, refused to do an interview with this magazine unless they included a photo of him in front of the tree which is kind of their trademark.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
In his lifetime, this deceased writer was one of the most successful in the world. His books (primarily paperbacks) sold like hot cakes and some were also made into movies.
Awhile back, the wife he was married to during most of his successful years wrote a memoir where she told all about their excessive lifestyle - swinging, orgies, and lots of cocaine.
At one point she confesses that she blocked out certain periods of their time together as moments were too painful to remember.
Here's maybe what she meant - Recent work on a property that was owned by the writer in a city associated in the old days with celebrity homes has revealed the skeletons of several young women buried both under the house and nearby.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Many years ago, this foreign A list leader had a much younger wife who was very much in keeping with the behavior of the day. She was very open sexually and had numerous high profile lovers including an A++ singer of an A++ band and an A list actor known for his many affairs. The leader tolerated this this as she was visually a nice piece of arm candy.
The wife also had sex several times with this leader who was A++ in his day and was immediately recognizable. During one trip to the same part of the world, the couple snuck off to meet with this leader and she indulged herself. This time however she got pregnant. The result is the current leader of the same country as his alleged father but his true father is the A++ leader. You can see it in his facial features.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
It is bad enough the mom is trying to make a buck off junk science. Now, one of the offspring is trying to do the same thing to a much younger, more impressionable crowd.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The alliterate one had final edit approval on an interview which recently aired. She doesn't on the very lengthy one. She wanted the very lengthy one to come out first (because she is in it) so kept trying to delay the first interview by not giving approval. They finally just said they were not waiting any longer and aired it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The former child actor turned pedophile supporter/Ponzi fraudster/Presidential candidate is attempting to use his wealth (other people's money that he defrauded them of) to start a city in the not quite a state/not quite a free country to create a tax haven for billionaires while preventing residents from visiting historically and spiritually important sites to them. The government of the area is working with him to make it happen. This is the same destination for those people in #3.
Brock Pierce/Puerto Rico
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
#1 - If I gave you this actor's name and asked you if he was ever nominated for an Oscar, you would say of course because of this movie or that movie. Nope. It all goes back to the film most people think should have got him an Oscar. It won some. When the stories got out about what he did to his female lead co-star, he had no shot and she reminded people over the years, so he never even made a short list.
#2 - This actress who seems to have become even more popular in the last few years, than she was as a movie actress in the latter part of the 80's. There was a movie made in the late 80's that was very forward and very sexual and had the early 80's villain in a big role. Anyway, our actress was up for the role that went to a model/actress, but wouldn't sleep with the producer. The other two female leads did.
#3 - This early 80's movie is a classic. It starred at least three current A+ listers. It was also the first movie where this A list actor who peaked around that time and is an Oscar winner/nominee is such an a-hole. He hooked up with his co-star who I refer to here sometimes as Susan Lucci. When he had too much to drink and couldn't perform he verbally abused her and trashed her and didn't stop doing so, even in public.
#4 - This mid-90's classic movie got off to a rough start. The back story has always been that this current A+/A lister was recast, because she looked too young. Well, she was super young, so yeah. The truth is, she quit because there were too many scenes where she was forced to do love scenes and sex scenes and she was way way underage. Oh, and get this. The A+ list mostly movie actor who was A+ list then and now, blamed the underage actress and said she wanted him to do the things that were done to her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
What movie best shows off the era in which you grew up.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
In addition to getting plastic surgery and new breasts, the child murderer has finally admitted to killing her child. The documentary filmmakers won't ask her about that though. This is geared towards her side of the story.
Casey Anthony
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This YouTube star and his equally as famous relative have been in trouble with the feds. They have been raided by the feds. For some reason, they think if they move far away, that will suddenly stop. It won't. It stops when you stop trafficking women and drugs and weapons.
Logan Paul/Jake Paul/Puerto Rico
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The sibling of this foreign born permanent A+ list model had to find a new place to yacht for a few months. She says the new place attracts clients who can afford to pay a ton, but are used to paying nothing, so want to keep it that way. They don't know who the models or reality stars are, so don't want to pay a premium for that. Plus, she said they can be really violent which is not the norm in the usual place. She did say the drugs are amazing though which they don't really have in the regular place.
Lottie Moss/Kate Moss
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The world and media is seemingly surprised and “praying” for him. His handlers are scrambling to save what’s left of the last of his reputation (and their bank accounts!)
Though they knew the problem would probably show up again, they weren’t ready for this gravy train/ cash cow to end now or in this way.
He’s known for having mistresses. But we’ll nickname his ultimate favorites, “Amber” and “Vicky”. No woman can ever compete with them.
His PR team is paying off the officers, EMT/firefighters, hospitals. Donation$, anyone?
If this, was.. almost- anyone else in the world, we’d already know the blood test results and levels by now.
But, there’s way too much to lose here.
Not only that, but his most stable ( /used to be mistress) girlfriend, is there. By his side. Won’t leave.
For the love of him, perhaps. The public kiss was great, but girlfriend needs a ring!
Also, his other (some) famous mistresses/girlfriends, ghosts of the past and present, are calling his phone, his agent, and the hospital, nonstop. So annoying.
Everyone is just $oooo concerned, and Girlfriend will not leave his side for one second. Hopefully, if and when he wakes up. She’s hoping (banking on it) that he’ll remember her hold on him. She needs a ring, STAT!
And when “they” finally release the results about Amber and Vicky, he will most certainly lose respect and most sponsorships and career. Because even he can’t even “do it” anymore.
He’ll be forced into retirement, continuing to pay astonishing amounts of alimony and child support, and will need physical and mental rehabilitation for what may be many years to come. Some whisper and wonder if he’s better off/worth more. Dead? Pray for him for those that prey on him
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
You could read between the lines of the A/A list actor's answer to the complaint. He is going hard after his accuser. He is going to try to justify his abuse by saying she abused him first. His team is leaking stories everywhere which is why no one is going to come down hard on him. They think he is a better long term asset than the accuser.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Kneepads mentions a house that was recently sold by a foreign born former A+ list golfer. They don't mention the purchaser because they don't know. I do. The funny thing about this estate is they generally stay on the market for months before being bought. Celine Dion took two years to sell her place there. This estate sold in two weeks. That is unheard of. It has space for a 150 foot yacht. The buyer wanted this place, on an island, where you can get on your yacht on a moment's notice and flee into international waters quickly, if you wanted or needed to. The buyer? The recently retired/forced out lingerie guy who probably should have asked for a pardon.
People/Greg Norman/Les Wexner
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This was the original Johnny$ blind.
More info has emerged.
"Whatever the dying well-known publicist to the stars may have been told about the famous widow's culpability in the A++ famous musician's death, it doesn't square with the investigation that followed.
A disgraced former assistant, who has been in legal trouble from the widow before, has let slip that many, if not most, of the people on her staff and in her inner circle assumed she and boy-toy were responsible. A recording engineer acquaintance told him a week after the event that many of his friends in the music industry thought she arranged the hit. He had his own suspicions, which were amplified big-time when the cops actually looked into them.
One of the detectives investigating the murder interrogated the assistant a few days later, asking very pointed questions about widow's relationship with boy-toy and her pre-mortem plans for divorce, even asking the assistant point-blank if he thought they were involved.
From what the assistant and a later associate were able to ascertain, the police didn't believe the famous assassin was at all as crazy as he's since claimed; his behavior after the event was too rational for that. They felt they were dealing with a hired killer, and that the widow certainly had motivation, in the interest of avoiding a divorce and getting the full inheritance.
Among other things, they were stunned at the speed with which the widow managed to probate her husband's will -- the kind that suggested the legal work had been done in advance. Attempts were being made to connect the assassin's previous globe-trotting with similar trips that the widow's associates had undertaken at her direction and on her dime, and to figure out exactly why this regular joe was so flush with cash when arrested. A neighbor even reported that they'd seen the widow interacting with the assassin prior to the murder, which was apparently passed off as innocuous, but the story didn't hold up to scrutiny.
However, once the assassin pled guilty and there was no chance of a trial, the files were sealed and put in storage. If they haven't been destroyed by now, it would be very interesting to see what the process of discovery turned up."
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The showrunner fired from a reboot of a former children's channel was fired because he refused to play the "ship" game. There are two possible "ship" outcomes and he thinks the fans who focus on that shouldn't be. The powers above want the focus to be on that. Maybe, instead they should focus on why they are rebooting the show in the first place and how it screwed so many people over as tweens/teens and they can't function correctly as adults.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This acting family is selling off everything they have and are going to open a commune/compound which I am sure at some point in the future will be raided by law enforcement.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Almost a generation ago, you had this way underage A+ list tweener who was encouraged by her parents to have sex and live with a guy in his twenties. The tweener has stayed in the A list range ever since. Nearly a decade ago, this, at the time B- list reality star was way way underage and was encouraged by her family to have sex with a guy in his twenties which she continued to do for many years. Now, she is wildly successful and rich. In the past couple of years, this way underage singer, who was B/B- list was encouraged/enabled by her parents to have sex with a man in his twenties and did so for years. She became A+ list. The latter is being glorified/projected to the world as the right relationship to have. It is being celebrated and the whole world can watch it happen when you stream the documentary.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently the manager/producer/band organizer was more angry this past weekend than anyone had seen in a long time. A guy he was paying to have sex with started posting everything to Instagram and the manager/producer thought more had been shown than in reality was shown. He had a couple of his bodyguards beat up the lover before discovering his error.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
As long as nothing is done about this religion and their use of asbestos everywhere, then you will continue having people die of cancer from it like the A- list alliterate musician.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
A surprising number of doctors who administer botox as a great deal of their practice, are getting a lot of PPP money because actresses and such are not getting as much done. One doctor was hit especially hard because he specializes in feet. He injects their feet, not only for the wrinkles of feet, but also it numbs the nerves so they can wear heels for hours on end. His clients include:
A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner
Her hated co-star
Permanent A list actress who is a co-star of our first actress, but not the second.
This foreign born former A list mostly television actress who doesn't need to act any longer after her decade plus long run on a hit network show.
The doctor was used to seeing 20 patients a day at $2-3K per patient. These days he sees maybe 2- 3 patients a day, and many days, there are none.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
I was a child actor in the 80s and 90s. I did several feature films, one of which was quite successful, in the early 90s whereas in the 80s I had primarily bit parts in sitcoms. I certainly did the rounds though and saw more than I should have. Despite my pseudonym I am actually a male. I actually happened upon your site a few years back after I decided to google a long deceased costar of mine.
I won’t be talking about that costar though. At least not yet.
In the 90s I did a movie with this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor. I just want to get it off my chest how much he verbally abused me and our costars and how he sexually harassed one of our female costars off set. He had such a temper and would even have what I can only refer to as rage blackouts.
I left the industry years ago and have no plans to return because believe it or not the actor was the least of my problems.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
When we first got the origin story of this superhero two decades ago, it was inspired by a real life wrestler. So, naturally, the wrestler was invited to be in the movie, playing a wrestler. In one of the shots, he ended up doing career ending damage to his neck.
"Spider-Man"/Randy "Macho Man" Savage/"Bonesaw McGraw"
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
For some reason, I don't think I have ever told this story. I know it is a story this actress doesn't like being attributed to her. She isn't really to blame, but thinks she is. She is an actress that was cast as the original in a role that all of you know. Everything about her casting was amazing and positive. Granted, even though she was young, she was an industry regular by that time and had powerful friends to protect her. She was too young to realize what often went on behind the scenes. When it came time for there to be a touring version of her role, parents would often come to her and ask her what her experience was like or they would ask her parents. They always said everything was great. This production had roles for lots of young girls. Everything was fine during rehearsals, but when that thing hit the road, the chaperones would disappear after the show each evening, and there was not a girl or a night that went by that wasn't sexually assaulted every single night of that first tour. It was horrific. When the girls began dropping off the tour, and our actress discovered why, she was crushed. For years, she blamed herself for their assaults.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
Does Bill Gates want to control the world? Is he like Tim Robbins' portrayal of him in Antitrust?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
Apparently sleeping with as many people as possible has paid off for the celebrity/reality star who is only famous for sleeping with a married A+ lister. Our mistress is in consideration to be a Housewife. If that is the case, she should probably stop yachting with the married guys, before the cameras start rolling.
Rachel Uchitel/Tiger Woods/RHONY
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
One person who is wanting COVID to take its course is the wife of this foreign leader all of you know. She wants a divorce, but agreed to wait until there is some type of normalcy. Another staged photo op like this week though, did not make her happy.
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau/Justin Trudeau/Canada
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Besides all of her overpriced snake oil products that she has convinced herself work, our A/A- list mostly movie actress/Oscar stealer is also firmly convinced that while she may not have invented a certain spa treatment, that she is the one who popularized it. Seriously. She thinks no one in the last 150 years since it was patented ever really got one until our actress.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
An English Lit professor from a small state college traveled to a large university in another city to attend a symposium on the Beat Generation. One of the original beat poets was speaking there. At a cocktail reception the professor witnessed the famous poet and several other men passing around a photo of a 13 year old naked boy and salivating over it. The professor was disgusted. Apparently, the poet knew the boy and it was not just a random photo. The professor mentioned this to some other academics attending and it was either laughed off or they made excuses for the poet. The professor flew back to where he came from, disillusioned with the beat generation and academia.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
While the alliterate permanent A list singer deserves our support in a lot of battles, let us also not forget the time she tried an end around to get control of the estate of her brother and leave his kids in the dust.
Janet Jackson/Michael Jackson
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The reason you never hear this permanent A list singer/actress who really does neither any longer, talk about her ancestry is because of her husband. The fact that he is the offspring of escaped Nazis kind of runs opposite to what she preaches.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Speaking of former A+ list rockers only when they are in a group, this former rocker is married to a one hit wonder. He also has the worst plastic surgeon of all time and looks thirty years older than his age.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A+ list rock star while he was in the group he founded is writing his autobiography. In it, he is not holding back about the way he treated groupies and other women. He confesses to beating multiple groupies if they didn't do what he wanted in bed.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
A year ago, this A- list mostly television actor who has been lucky twice on huge long running television shows got busted cheating on his wife. Unlike when he cheated before with the golfer's mistress, this one didn't get much attention. Now though, there is a video to go with his cheating and things will be big.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
By the end of this year, we will hear more about the beginning of the end as it pertains to this foreign born former A/A- list mostly movie actress. She was never the greatest actress, and was more of a name, but she realized early on that she had enough in the bank to not have to play the Hollywood game. She got lucky as a tween/teen because the projects she was working on, the higher ups were more interested in molesting the boys than the girls. That one project which nearly broke her was with the disgraced actor from an acting family and his frequent partner in crime. Along with the actress/serial rapist enabler, they made our foreign born actress miserable and did everything they could to break her and get something on her. They tried drugs and they tried sexual harassment. When she didn't break, she knew her days were numbered in acting. She got very few roles after that and was so scared of another experience like she endured that she welcomed not getting as many offers.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
It is crazy to me that the foreign born alliterate actress/singer continues to move forward with her showmance, despite having multiple pregnancy scares from several different men during the time she was supposedly being exclusive in her showmance.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
More lies/embellishments/exaggerations and just really a poor job of marketing from the reality family. That new brand of theirs they like to pretend is made by virgins in Mexico or some type of nonsense when it is actually made by a company that also makes a dozen other brands who don't tell the same lies/embellishments/exaggerations and do a better job of marketing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This B list actor has been discussed in this space numerous times. He was a convicted murderer who was also caught up with the walking blind item of her day. There has been a new discovery about the actor. He had a sexual relationship with the Black Dahlia.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X , Old Hollywood , Old Hollywood Blind Item
You write a blind about a Housewife and their huge secret and within a couple weeks, they say goodbye to the show. It really makes you wonder what kind of explosion is coming in her personal life.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The highly paid PR team of the cleaning product actor have been working overtime to discredit the most vocal victim. It has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They managed to convince a reporter to not use any statements from her in a recent article and used her monetization of all of this as the reason she couldn't be trusted. Ridiculous.
Armie Hammer
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Apparently over the course of the past year, this barely barely celebrity who is married to a foreign born permanent A list dual threat actress has become the go to guy if a celebrity is in a jam. It all started when our married celebrity was being threatened by one of his mistresses that she was going public. That would not have been good for our barely there celebrity. Instead of paying her, he spent some money for a good online investigation company who "found" information about the woman and let it fly all over the internet. A bunch of embarrassing things. There was so much for her to do to fix her own life, she dropped her campaign against our barely there celebrity.
He told the story to this foreign born A+/A list superhero who goes way back with the barely there celebrity. They don't live in the same country, but have always chased woman together even as married men. Our A+/A lister couldn't get his mistress to vacate the apartment he rents. He wanted a new mistress to move in. So, our barely there celebrity gets that same online company working again. They randomly and viciously started going after the woman and made her fear for her life to the point she took all of her stuff and left in the middle of the night. The actor never heard a peep from her again.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
From Twitter:
What famous dead person would have the best social media account if they were still alive.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
Judging by the sudden openness to discuss the events that have occurred over the past few years, this former child actress turned singer is about to get into much greater detail about the death of this singer and what she knew before and after.
Taylor Momsen/Chris Cornell
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The conversation went something like, "I made you who you are. You will do this for me." The next thing you know the offspring of the permanent A list singer is the face of a company.
Madonna/Marc Jacobs/Lourdes Leon
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
A group of extras and one offs from this former hit pay cable show are in the process of discussing a settlement with the showrunners prior to filing a class action lawsuit. They are alleging they were sexually harassed, discriminated against and were forced to agree to film nude and sex scenes prior to being hired.
Game Of Thrones
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This recently deceased writer was more famous for his business acumen and helping get the word out. The truth is he was always a government intelligence agent starting with his time in the military and then with a three letter agency. He was there to monitor the scene and influence the dialogue. His famous location was often used as a clandestine meeting place for intelligence agencies.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
It's true this deceased influential writer was a terrible human being - From living off his rich family's money while nursing a lifelong drug habit to going abroad for gay sex tourism to neglecting his own son. One common misconception - He did kill someone close to him but it wasn't an accident. She was psychotic and clingy and would not let him go and he preferred sex with men. His comments on this are in letters to this deceased gay poet whom he had sex with occasionally.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list mostly movie actor comes from an acting family and is an Oscar winner/nominee. Considering he can't stop the human trafficking in his own family, it is interesting hearing him marketing himself as an expert on the subject.
Joaquin Phoenix
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This celebrity chef can't do a lot of talking because of a non disclosure agreement, but she has been doing these online improv workshops. Her way around the NDA is to suggest "topics" for the improv group which invariably are about her much higher on the list ex. One "topic" she recently suggested was her surprising her boyfriend at a hotel where he was staying for work, and not being allowed into the hotel until he finished having sex with the woman that was inside the hotel and her being secreted out of the hotel after.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This one named A/A- list actress took a foot out of the closet, but is being held back by teams of guys she has "dated." Those teams want to have a strategy in place or new women on their arms.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Our favorite foreign born closeted A- list actor is in the news for supposedly leading on a female celebrity. I don't think she quite knew that if things progressed, all she was going to be doing was being a beard. Better she got ghosted than go through all of that.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Let me get this straight. This foreign born permanent A list model who has been to countless parties where underage girls were forced into performing sex acts and has personally recruited many of those girls for that specific purpose, now runs an orphanage. Yeah, that seems legit. No one is even calling her out on this at all. She knows no one will, and, as a result, those kids will be trafficked to the highest bidders.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
That college student who was the personal assistant for someone who is in the public eye every day and does countless radio and television spots every day on a variety of networks, says that to prove her loyalty to her boss, she used to have to manually satisfy him every day for the first year. When she hit that one year anniversary, she didn't have to do it any longer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Usually Disney reserves its matchmaking PR nonsense for in house shows and movies. This time though, sensing there is no excitement for its water reboot, they have the two leads in a fake romance.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The child murderer told the producers of the documentary that she was not using social media and would continue to stay off it until after the release of the documentary. They don't want anything to interfere with the spin they are putting on the murderer. It is the same way they got Kneepads to write a glowing article about the murderer. The thing is though, out murderer can't help herself and has several pages, and sites and other places where she continues to post.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The authorities have intercepted correspondence between two people - A young foreign woman who has been in the news a lot the last few years for speaking her mind on a particular problem and an infamous individual whose time in the public eye was before she was born.
The infamous individual wrote something a long time ago that became public that the young woman agrees with. She has been discussing both theory and implementation with him in the letters.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
I have written about the offspring of this permanent A+/A list director a few times now. He continues to attract dozens of people each month to his cult. This is going to end horrifically. It is way worse than NXIVM.
Sean Stone/Oliver Stone
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Except for some light editing, I kept in the tipster's words.
Her fans always seem to notice the difference. Yet, they can’t quite put their finger on it, they really are quite the instasleuths. Ask her for a sign, she’ll send a message almost immediately and say she’s “totally fine”, while wearing color coded “not ok” clothing or color coded emojis.
Suddenly, again you see her dance and speak. She seems oddly nervous. She seems to speak, fast, almost, nervously, incessantly? She seems awkward ? What is it? She’s clearly not, herself.
That is no secret. But one must ask, "Why would her handlers let her post this bizarre behavior?”
She answers at random, and what seems like, fake fan questions from the equivalent of a TeenBeat interview/question format from the past. She is dressed in a way, a bit of a 90”s or well, just bizarre kind of way. It’s almost as if she’s been trapped in some sort of twisted time warp from decades ago. We all know who this is. That is NOT the purpose of this blind.
The concern, is, “Is it right to take all of a woman’s rights away simply because she has bipolar/mental disorder?"
Many people are able to take lithium, antidepressants, psychotropics and lead a happy, healthy, procreative, and productive life. SHE has/or should certainly have THE best medical mental health staff/ access any human being could ever afford. Yet all she’s cried and yearned for years -is for another “baby”. Her eggs are aging. She is acutely aware of this.
She has been on a mission and is convinced that her boyfriend has been trying desperately to help her. Though he plays his part so handsomely well, he follows his orders, gets paid handsomely and knows what they know.
News of her brief, celebrity pal from the past being PREGNANT, who is not 100% responsible, yet, definitely introduced her to the worst of the worst, most manipulative, evil, drug, con artists, paparazzi's, dark Hollywood world, which thrust her into her (and at least one more) into the most tumultuous and hellacious life ever after.
No, she is simply not having it. The pregnant “frenemy” has sent her into overdrive with the already obsessive baby “fever." Unbeknownst to her, every three months for almost a full decade, when she’s not getting her bipolar medication which they have yet to balance, they keep her on “the shot”.
She is told “the shot” is B-12. It is not.
It is THE Shot that keeps her from getting pregnant ever again. Even the father of her children knows about this. (His $upport would be cut significantly if he broke his role, ever again) She doesn’t know.
They complete her “B-12” dose with uppers, and she gets suddenly significantly more energetic/ anxious, feisty, fidgety, and becomes that bizarre star we all can’t help but watch and wonder like a sweet, southern, tea/sippin’, shod den fried train wreck.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
This former B list singer who, as a part of a group, opened for the alliterate rapist rocker and got someone fired from the group for raping her, is now herself being accused of raping a 13 year old boy and 14 year old boy after a show where she got them drunk and then raped them.
Jessicka Addams/"Jack Off Jill"/Marilyn Manson/Twiggy Ramirez
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Apparently it is not just our actor throwing money around in this troubled nation, this very wealthy retired tech CEO is also doing it. He threw so much money around that one of his donations ended up being enough for a politician from the country to buy an escape home north of our border, just in case he needs it.
Sean Penn/Bill Gates/Haiti/Senator Rony Celéstin
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Yes, because the paps just happened to randomly show up at the same exact time you (A- list actress/director) decide to move a few boxes from the home of your actor ex to the home of the former boy bander.
Olivia Wilde/Jason Sudeikis/Harry Styles
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Speaking of A list mostly movie actresses, this one used to be A+ list and is permanently A list. She takes much fewer roles than she used to. She is the largest investor in a company that uses stem cells to make hand and face cream and she was the money behind the study published last month about using the blood of the young to slow the process of aging. The first study that has shown any clinical benefits.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
When this A list mostly movie actress adopted a child, the father found out about the actress and wanted a pay day. He got his payday and within 24 hours was dead of an overdose and no money was found on his body.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Of course this singing reality star is going to support her celebrity friend. The singing reality star has done way worse with her friend back in the day and would hate for that to come out.
Kandi Burruss/"Real Housewives of Atlanta"/Tameka "Tiny" Harris
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A- genre actor will freely tell this story at paid-for fan dinners. He has mother issues due to his childhood experiences with a hyper-religious mom. Whilst working on the cult show that launched him, he had an affair with the show’s much loved maternal figure. He also had to fend off the advances of an underage costar on a daily basis, ultimately writing a song about the experience.
He reported that the showrunner who’s having a bad year has a coffee-table book at home with pages upon pages of gory images of burn victims. An unhealthy mindset to say the least.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list actress is a good actress. For some reason though, when it comes to this showmance she is having with the athlete, she can't figure out how to do it and is doing an awful job.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
No surprise that once again, this serial fraudster/Ponzi schemer/former child actor has been found to have engaged in illegal activity with one of the companies he founded. He will have to find another fraud to find enough money to pay the massive fine.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
In order to make money, the former A- list teen singer is selling himself to men again.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This A-/B+ list actress starred on a vampire show. She says she was talked out of suing her bosses for racial discrimination and harassment because no one would hire her again they said. The abuse she took was extensive.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The number one choice to replace this outgoing cable network head/predator enabler has a long history of allegations about them in the workplace too.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Congrats to the former A+ list celebrity/reality star who has opened up about some of her past during this past year. She is expecting a baby. Hopefully the baby will not suffer the same fate as all of the dogs of years gone by.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The child murderer finally admitted she killed her child, but that isn't going to be in the documentary. Instead, the current plan is to trick her dad into hooking up to a lie detector and then having an "expert" come on and say the dad is lying about whether he killed the child. Oh, and they are going to tag him for child molesting his daughter and granddaughter.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This creator/host of this very very popular competition show has a budget for costumes for the contestants. He makes them bring their own though and keeps the money for himself.
RuPaul/Drag Race
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This singer was A+ list in a group and solo. She then disappeared from recording. Oh, she was still around and performing and things like that, but not recording. Why? Her debut sold 20M records. It garnered her a handful of Grammy Awards. Why would she stop recording? This album is on best ever lists. It all comes down to this. There were two singers, both solo acts who went on to release solo records shortly after this record debuted. Both of those singers (A & B) were on the same record label while our A+ lister was on a different one. The label head of A & B had information that would ruin the career and life of the A+ lister. He let it be known he would release it if she released a record within the next five years. The head of the record label wanted no competition out there for his singers. The A+ lister agreed to wait the five years. The thing is, five years passed and she was on to other things and her debut, is still today, her only studio album.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
If you could live your life as a character in a show, would you choose Friends or Brady Bunch?
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
The foreign born actress who famously slept with a cartel leader for an interview is hooking up with another cartel leader.
Kate Del Castillo
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Of course the fix was in for the alliterate celebrity offspring to move on to the next stage in this reality competition.
Claudia Conway/American Idol
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The rocker's wife who has been in this space frequently as of late, has no free flowing cash, so if you wanted some flowers delivered today, you need to wait two weeks until the ones she ordered with the money you gave her, are sent to her and she can send your flowers out.
Courtney Sixx
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This taciturn individual held an A++ position in the earlier parts of the last century. He came into this position not in the normal way but did earn it on his own. As serious and stiff as he was, his wife was the exact opposite. She was a free spirit and was very sexual having many lovers before her marriage and many lovers during. One of the most famous stories was her being "lost" with a handsome young man who was supposed to watch over her. In fact they had sneaked off into a nature area to make love in the bushes.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The biggest unwritten rule of the limo business is to speak to clients only when spoken to. One Shakespearean actor/limo driver didn’t follow that rule when the vertically challenged A+ director got into his car. The limo driving actor peppered the director with praise for his prior films, offered him several pointers on how he could do better, and produced a headshot to give him. The director instructed the driver to pull over. The director then rolled the partition up and called the limo company and had another car dispatched to the location to rescue him. The driver was told to “gas it up and bring it in” and then fired.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The celebrity CEO asked his drug dealer if the dealer sold PCP. The dealer said no. Take from that what you will.
Elon Musk
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Should it bother anyone that this former child actor turned pedophile supporter/enabler/participator turned fraudster/political candidate has been trying to set up a way to speak to young kids at various organizations that are housing them for online schools and other activities.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Until she went to Vancouver to shoot a few weeks ago, this B list actor was hooking up with his former co-star on the almost network show. As soon as she went bye be he started hooking up with someone who was on the same almost network. There is buzz that he also hooked up with a different co-star which is how he knew her relationship with yet another co-star was over.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The widow has spent nearly seven figures on legal bills and had zero results. No one can figure out where the money is coming from to keep paying that much.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:30 AM
Labels: blind item
It took a long time for someone to want to partner with the momager on her new line. In fact, she got the same deal any of us would get. She has to pay upfront. She is under the impression that people her age, know who she is and want to buy her products.
Posted by
ent lawyer
7:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The pump and dump celebrity CEO is just pumping his favorite crypto right now. At a party this weekend he said that if he could get the coin to bitcoin levels, he would be the first trillionaire. He said he wants that on his gravestone. Oh, in other news, he got another woman pregnant.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born permanent A list model who is seemingly always involved with those on the wrong side of the law is being investigated because of her intimate knowledge and also payments she received from this foreign born scammer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Considering the one named A list singer/part-time director arranged for the way underage celebrity to have a love scene with the serial assaulting A list actor, are we all that surprised the one named singer and the underage celebrity have sleepovers together.
Sia/Maddie Ziegler/Shia Labeouf
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This real life wrongfully convicted person who was one of the inspirations for the tv show and the movie about him was briefly a professional wrestler, going by the ring name The Killer, and invented one of the most memorable submission holds of all time, the mandible claw.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This well-known publicist to the stars is dying, and he is quite talkative when he is on his painkillers:
"Of course it wasn't planned, we had never heard of (famous assassin). I'm just saying, plans were in place for this (famous widow) to live without (A++ famous musician) anyway. They BOTH were sick of each other and had each secretly hired divorce lawyers. He blamed her for the lackluster response to his latest release, she blamed him for, well, everything. (Famous killer) just fixed it so that she could move (boy-toy) in that much easier.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently all that kissing butt for the past several years has finally paid off for this Housewife. She has always been desperate to have her own show on the channel and soon will. She is so desperate for attention, much like one of her offspring.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:15 AM
Labels: blind item
There won't be any moving forward on the investigation into the murder of this civil rights leader any time in the near future. For well over two decades, since a 2000 interview, everyone knew this controversial religious leader arranged the murder. No one will do anything until he dies. Then, they will say, he is dead, so the point is moot.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Labels: blind item
One of the things not mentioned about this now deceased former A list teen actor is a situation when he was well underage and was living with a former couple who are today A+ listers.
Corey Haim/Sarah Jessica Parker/Robert Downey Jr.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Using a new wig and a new look, this permanent A list female athlete has been hitting up and underground club in this foreign city which is under a hard lockdown right now.
Venus Williams/Melbourne
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
It appears the disgraced former A+ list singer is passing out money like candy to his former accusers. He really wants out of jail.
R. Kelly
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This flash in the pan foreign born reality star who used to be a Housewife is getting together with her snake oil selling friend to sell a product guaranteed to rid yourself of the disease the Housewife claims almost took her life, but has never provided proof she ever even had the disease. Her ex thinks she was lying.
Yolanda Hadid/Lyme Disease/David Foster
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
It all started decades ago when an A+ singer in an A+ band grew burnt out and tired of his life. He was doing drugs and drinking heavily and not healthy. He knew he needed a change but a very radical one. At the time, he was in a foreign country so he bribed a few people and his death was announced but this was fake.
The singer in a phony identity adopted a gypsy lifestyle traveling around the USA. Not long after he befriended a well to do family in a midwestern state. This family had a problem. Despite the prominence and success of many members, one of the current generation was a n'er do well and one day under the pressure of succeeding he committed suicide .
The patriarch of the family made a deal with the former singer. Having a loser son who committed suicide was not in the cards so even though the singer was a little older and a couple inches shorter, the patriarch asked him to assume the role of the son which he did. He and the son did have very similar facial features, slightly different accents but similar tones to their voices as well.
After this, the singer in the role of the son got interested in a career the son was pursuing in. For a number of years he slogged in partial anonymity until he achieved A+ level success under his new identity. This was not a serious expression of who he was but an identity that hordes of people could relate to.
His recent death may expose all of this. Look at the singer's face and who he became and listen to their voices - Granted it has deepened over age,
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former one year wonder who got to be a one year wonder multiple times has previously hooked up with this A- list actor. Prior to him, the word was she was legal, albeit barely when she dated this foreign born renovation star. She is now saying, she wasn't really legal when they started.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A- list actress who did have a big hit on television and all of you know, wants to start hosting wellness retreats in her new home. Basically the wellness consists of Ayahuasca and weekend long orgies where she charges big fees.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:15 AM
Labels: blind item
In the past few weeks, I told you about the one named singer/actress who paid her way out of Scientology. She got off for a relatively minor amount because she had not been in for very long. The former A+ list mostly movie actor is having to fork over about ten times that amount for his exit fee. It is something he had been unable to do until a life event finally allowed him to do so.
Posted by
ent lawyer
8:00 AM
Labels: blind item