Sunday, July 04, 2021

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 26, 2021

#1 - If I gave you this actor's name and asked you if he was ever nominated for an Oscar, you would say of course because of this movie or that movie. Nope. It all goes back to the film most people think should have got him an Oscar. It won some. When the stories got out about what he did to his female lead co-star, he had no shot and she reminded people over the years, so he never even made a short list.

#2 - This actress who seems to have become even more popular in the last few years, than she was as a movie actress in the latter part of the 80's. There was a movie made in the late 80's that was very forward and very sexual and had the early 80's villain in a big role. Anyway, our actress was up for the role that went to a model/actress, but wouldn't sleep with the producer. The other two female leads did.

#3 - This early 80's movie is a classic. It starred at least three current A+ listers. It was also the first movie where this A list actor who peaked around that time and is an Oscar winner/nominee is such an a-hole. He hooked up with his co-star who I refer to here sometimes as Susan Lucci. When he had too much to drink and couldn't perform he verbally abused her and trashed her and didn't stop doing so, even in public.

#4 - This mid-90's classic movie got off to a rough start. The back story has always been that this current A+/A lister was recast, because she looked too young. Well, she was super young, so yeah. The truth is, she quit because there were too many scenes where she was forced to do love scenes and sex scenes and she was way way underage. Oh, and get this. The A+ list mostly movie actor who was A+ list then and now, blamed the underage actress and said she wanted him to do the things that were done to her.

#1 - Richard Gere/An Officer And A Gentleman/Debra Winger

#2 - Elizabeth McGovern/Sex Lies & Videotape/James Spader

#3 - The Big Chill/William Hurt/Glenn Close

#4 - "Romeo + Juliet"/Natalie Portman/Leonardo DiCaprio

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