Friday, May 14, 2021

Four For Friday - 80's Backstage Horrors

 #1 - This foreign born A list legend and his A list legend in most countries girlfriend never wanted anyone to see the girlfriend doing coke because it was not the image she presented to the world. So, a guy with a camera taking photos got beat up by security. I often wonder if the girlfriend knew her boyfriend was also having sex with her sister.

#2 - This foreign born A list singer in a group had multiple number one songs. She was beaten and raped after a festival concert and always pointed to that as the reason she was severely ill for the last two decades of her life.

#3 - From the same country as #2, this group reached A list status and they were more than a one hit wonder, but just barely. On the tour supporting their biggest hit which all of you know, they would take permanent marker or paint and mark them women they had sex with or humiliated. It took weeks for the marks to come off and they would always leave the marks on the breasts or lower groin so if the women had a significant other, they would know the woman cheated.

#4 - This A list comic actor who started off in late night and is still going strong broke up the marriage of this former A+ list singer in a group and solo by doing coke and having sex with his then wife. Apparently all was forgiven though because the singer and actor remained friends.

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