Friday, February 05, 2021

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

When this B+ list actor joined the cast of this late night show, his hair was thinning and he had a bald spot in the back of his head, so he started wearing a toupee in the back. The one and only time he didn't wear it was when he played a now deceased movie critic. 

Our actor likes to play basketball and was part of the permanent group that played with this deceased A list comic actor. One time, our actor was wearing a ball cap. Someone misses their shot, and the actor goes up for a rebound. When he comes down, everybody screams. While going for the ball his baseball cap came off and with it his toupee, which by this point covered most of his head. He simply shrugged his shoulders, put the toupee and cap back on and left the gym.

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