Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Today's Blind Items - Confessions

This former pro athlete/entertainer got into a spot of self caused trouble this past summer, by confessing to a crime. A serious crime. Later, he said he was joking. Then he gave an interview where he appeared to confess to it again and that everyone should be grateful he committed the crime. In the past, he confessed to wanting to have sex with the woman he raised as a daughter. He then said he had been hacked, but then later admitted he did want to have sex with her and indicated they had done everything but had sex up to that point. A person who knows this former athlete/entertainer says not only did they have sex, but there is at least one recording of it. This friend also says the confessed to crime did actually occur and it was someone that molested the athlete/entertainer and was related to him.

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