Thursday, December 24, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Collared

Back in the day this actress who would go on to win multiple Emmy awards, was brand new and landed a part in a movie opposite this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor. He was A list back then, but not the huge star he is today. The pair hit it off and our actor discovered that the actress had some major Daddy issues and he played with that and by the end of the movie she was totally devoted to our actor and considered herself owned by the actor. Well, our actor was ready to move on to someone else, so he gave the actress to one half of this sibling team who had their own television show. The actress went with him without question. The sibling who was in between marriages at the time got our actress a collar that said Hollywood and she had to wear it everywhere she went. She also had to wear a necklace that said her heart belonged to Daddy. In return, he gave her a role on the show which then launched her career.

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