Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Your Turn

The celebrity you would like to be forced into isolation with for a month.


  1. None. I couldn’t stand all the whining.

  2. not a "celebrity" but actress kesenia solo looks perfect in her role as suzy on project bluebook. tiniest waist ever. yeah i could go into lock down with her.

  3. Pierce Brosnan OR Andy Garcia....Pierce I just LOVE, I thought he was especially enthusiastic in MM2 dancing on the pier as the boats came in, and I loved how he sang to Meryl Streep in MM1 in the chapel -- such gusto as he sang his proposal to her!!, plus he's just adorable in general....and Andy Garcia as I've always adored men with beards, as he had in MM2 AND even when he's playing a hit man he comes across as a gentleman -- I wouldn't mind being killed with sex by him....

  4. Ricky Gervais.I likely would not stop laughing.

  5. Edward Norton seems like he would be interesting to talk to

  6. Michele Yeager

  7. Tom Brady, without Giselle :)

  8. Ed Norton is interesting to talk to you@gauloise.Supremely intelligent and interesting.

  9. Just one? I refuse to choose.

    Daniel Day-Lewis
    Olivia Colman
    Tilda Swinton

  10. Fiona Apple
    Steve Carell

    Either one, I'd be thrilled.

  11. Is Clive Owen single? If not, I'll slum it with Chris Evans 💑😘😷

  12. If her mask is also a gag, then Sophia Vergara. If not, Salma Hayak.

  13. Giselle, without Tom Brady to be different :)

  14. @Dane If you read BG, you might remember a recent blind about CD on a flight. I was the source of that blind. The flight was to Reno, and he was so incredibly nice to everyone on the flight, talking to everyone who walked by his seat and signing autographs. Very sweet man with a big heart.

  15. Barack Obama And he can bring Michelle with him! Imagine the stories they could tell in a whole month!!

  16. Robert Downey Jr. Oh the stories he could tell....

  17. Whichever one is the biggest slut. Take your pick.

  18. The gay man actor that can cook and make a nice cocktail or six and has a great weed hook-up. I don't have a name but certainly he exists. We could watch all the trash TV and dish on everything.

  19. Emilia Clarke in a beach-side hut in the tropics. I may have misunderstood the question.

  20. Not a Hollywood celebrity, but Beto O'Rourke. He's a down-to-earth type; Hollywood types are just too narcissistic.

    BTW, don't any of you feel bad for not mentioning Donald Trump? Shame!

  21. Ina Garten Barefoot Contessa
    She can cook makes a mean Cosmo and seems really funny

  22. Keanu Reeves. He is pretty much the perfect package of excitement and sensitivity. And very easy on the eyes.

  23. Dave Grohl. For a month, just me and him? Ohhh yeah.

  24. Not much of a celebrity beyond being an IG model, but Sofia Bevarly.

  25. Smerkle- so I can hear her feelings about the fact that her grifting site,, redirects to Gold Digger on YouTube... Not sure for how much longer, but as of Apr 8, it did. Would also ask what sort of sloppy 'team' she's working with, for something like this to happen... And what she thinks about corona blowing her ass outta the limelight ahem 'privacy' waters she didn't even get a chance to wade into. So many things to discuss.

  26. John Mayer. He smokes weed, is super talented, and he could tell me all sorts of stories about the Dead! He's such a talented musician, and even though he used to be a total douche, he now seems like he's stopped thinking so highly of himself and is cool!

  27. For a really fun isolation - Dan Levy

    For no pants isolation - Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs :D )

  28. +1 to that Thia. On the list. Schitts Creek finale last night was utterly -beautiful. The after show even better. That’s how it should be done,folks

  29. Unfortunately David Bowie died, or he would be my choice.

  30. @Tricia - I was so teary last night that I woke up with slightly puffy eyes this morning. Just amazing finale. I want to get a poster of the "new" sign to hang in my home office. I think the show has been added to a very short list of perfect TV shows that were perfect from start to finish.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thia-you are 💯 %correct. The almost impossible balance between profound humanity and contagious,side splitting humor. It is truly -untouchable

  33. David Bowie...mine too if he were still alive.

  34. Mike Rowe. He's got some stories to tell.

    1. Hell yeah! I miss Dirty Jobs.

  35. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Travis Fimmel. Thirty days would never be long enough. I understand he's a really nice guy too. His family keeps him down to earth.

  36. Paul Rudd. I could stay months and months with him.

  37. Bill Nighy, Paolo Roversi (celebrity photog I love), or Chris Isaak

  38. Joe Walsh from the Eagles. He could play for me, The man can wield an ax, for sure. I kinda dig his singing, and we can get karaoke tracks of Eagles songs for him to sing along with. Plus, he's funny as all get out, and tells great stories. Plus, I'll finally have the opportunity to show him my steering wheel-drumming skills when he plays Life's Been Good. 😜😜😜

  39. My answer, as anyone who has ever known me since 1987 will tell you, is and will always be: Brad Pitt

  40. Jon Hamm. He'd for sure get desperate enough to lower his standards to me before the month was up!

  41. Cary Elwes woohoo!

    Or our dear Britney, just so she has someone who'd listen <3

  42. DJT-with honor! It would be nice if he could at least talk to Melanie by phone so she would know we were just friends.

  43. Mark Hoppus from Blink 182

    @gator yours is my #2 pick.

  44. Can't think of one.

  45. One of the hot celebs, taken is fine as long as the significant other isn't around ;)

    I'm going to hell. Damn.

  46. Choice #1 Adam Baldwin from Chuck/Firefly/The Last Ship: He's smart, into great music and we share the same views on religion and politics. So he'd be fun to hang with and get sexy with (if he wasn't married.)

    Choice #2 James Hetfield from Metallica: He's smart, makes great music and we share similar views on religion and politics, so he too would be fun to hang out with and get sexy with (IF he wasn't married.)

    Choice#3: Norman Reedus from TWD: He's smart, into great music/art and we share some of the same views (from what I can tell) on certain things. So, he would be fun to hang out with and get sexy with (If he wasn't in a relationship and no booze was involved.)

  47. Dennis Quaid. And he would give me that sexy, dirty Dennis grin. And he would call me "Cherrrr" like in The Big Easy. And he would play music and scoot barefoot across the stage. And...
    30 days, huh? I'll take forever, thank you!

  48. I would hang out with Ben Affleck's drunk ass and bone him when his equipment was working. He seems very intelligent and a fun guy who likes to party.

    He also probably cries into his blankets and smells terrible from time to time, depending on the depths of his drunken despairs.

    But yeah, I'd take Batfleck for 1) his intelligence 2) his BDE and 3) the drunk celeb stories I would have him tell me.

    For example, I'd choose Jason Momoa but I suspect he is more like a potato between the ears, bless him.

  49. The Obamas or Ricky Gervais. There used to be a great show on PBS with Steve Allen inviting various guests from the past to a dinner party. It was called Meeting of Minds. I would love to see something like that on television again! I'd love to hear a great discussion of Western Civilization, rather than some of the stuff that passes for "entertainment" these days. (And this is why I have trouble finding something good to watch and don't know who some of the popular actors are these days. No blood, no big time violence, no car crashes, no shoot outs, no serial killers, no torture, etc.)

  50. Alex Trebek cuz I'd take all his money and make him cry.

  51. Betty White. I bet she has stories for days & dogs to pet. And I could keep her safe by doing the grocery shopping.



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