Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 30, 2020

Apparently this B+ list actress who is only that famous for who she married thought she was going on a date a few weeks ago, but it was a reporter who was trying to get information from her.

Katie Holmes


  1. That will never end. Cruise is the defacto face of the cult.

  2. Leave her alone Enty....let her be!

  3. The nicest people are usually the boringest people. She should focus on helping her daughter because Suri's got the worst of both worlds in the looks department.

    1. Suri is beautiful.....
      And don't judge kids by their looks!

    2. “Boringest?” It’s “most boring.” 🤦🏼‍♀️

  4. Why can't she find a decent man.

    1. Fear of Scientology backlash?

    2. Friends say nothing but gay men in Manhattan. But yeah Scio will stalk her till Suri is 18 but they're gonna implode before that.

  5. I don't believe Katie Holmes was duped.

    She probably set up the interview as a date so she could deny any negative story line that came from it.

    Katie is smarter than she appears.

  6. lol

    Not very bright now is she?

  7. Good blind. If true it is a sad statement of how things are out there.

  8. I find it funny the $cios pick the most mental one of the bims interviewed to be lil Tommy's beard, and they still couldnt control her.

  9. I like Katie Holmes and feel bad for her - Jamie Foxx using her and wasting her time for 6 years 0- claiming he was going to "marry" her. Sad.

  10. Katie did the right thing by leaving Cruise and making sure she had Suri with her. It cost her her career to marry Cruise when she was a rising star. Once she left him, it was too late to get her career back, but she had Suri. How did Nicole Kidman leave those children with Cruise and the cult? You can't marry a cult member without the cult coming with them. That's how Travolta and Kelly Preston can stay together, they are both in the same cult.

  11. She always seems like she's lost in space. I hope she's getting some help. I can't believe that reporter, that is heartless
