Thursday, April 02, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 25, 2020

This foreign born A-/B+ list actress has been fuming to her people that her big franchise movie is not filming. She refers to it as her big franchise movie even though she is one of many supporting players in it. She wants to film and doesn't understand why they can't.

Priyanka Chopra/The Matrix 4


  1. The original Matrix is so bad ass. If someone hasn't watched it in a while it definitely won't disappoint :)

  2. Because people are dying, you dumb bitch.

  3. She will be the new Monica Belucci type eye candy cameo character. She can't otherwise act her way out of a paper bag but can bat her eye lashes, pout, sashay in a rubber dress etc.

  4. Just imagine how fat her neck will look on the big screen.

  5. Has anyone noticed that Priyanka's lip filler game is so effed that she can't fully close her mouth? You always see one of her teeth when she tries to close her lips. Looks really weird!!

  6. Of course she's disappointed!! Any actor would be. Getting ANY part in a Matrix film is still huge. They plan the opening months ahead. I'd be crushed.

  7. Hope she gets railed by the Merovingian
