Monday, April 06, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 29, 2020

This A- list actor who has a couple of franchise and loves strippers and coke parties is trying to make up for the bad publicity he took last week which made him look like a deadbeat dad. So, he thought what the world needed was more of his crap music.

Jeremy Renner


  1. And he also encouraged Lilo to release some crap music when he released his crap music. So there's that too.

  2. So male or female strippers ? Lol

  3. Renner is seriously ugly, like a stubbly Jabba the Hutt kind of ugly.
    I tried to watch the 1st MV, solely because I knew it'd suck and I wanted a good laugh but I just... I can't. I wanted to bleach my eyes!

  4. He use too be actually decent-looking years ago. But the booze and coke have did him in. And really don't need his crappy music right now. He's really hurting a once promising career.

  5. Didn't you reveal this a couple of days ago? Not that it was so unclear it needed to be revealed anyway.

  6. I think he is attractive in a weird way. But the stories are frightening.

  7. How is Jeremy Renner both a closet case, and a drug addled whore chasing horndog?

  8. Thank you Moose. Perhaps he had conversion therapy?

  9. Hasn't Enty insisted for years that Renner is in the closet?

  10. Entry, please make up your f’ing mind. You’re all over the board with Renner.

  11. Enty needs to hire a continuity consultant to keep track of who is what.

  12. Leave Renner alone...LOL! I enjoy his movies and music.
