Friday, April 03, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 25, 2020

The alliterate A list mostly movie actor did a whole bunch of do you know who I am things directed towards staffers at a hospital. Hopefully they said you are an idiot who makes car commercials. Anyway, the actor wanted tests for himself and his family. They all tested negative.

Matthew McConaughey


  1. That is so wrong. Get over yourself Matthew. You should bow before these heroes.

    A lot of tests are also false negatives, 1 in 3, according to the Wall Street Journal, adding to the catastrophe that is unfolding every day in 151 countries.

  2. What a damn drama queen. Hopefully, they didn't contract CCP virus from going to the hospital.

  3. They didnt say "you are an idiot who makes car commercials", they gave him the tests as you yourself say in the last sentence.

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  4. It's been interesting watching some of these celebs trying to remain relevant during this time. Hopefully, more people will come to their senses.

  5. Nothing new about that; he's always been an asshole.

  6. Is he going to drag the whole clan in every time one of them gets a symptom? This is going to be a very loooong isolation period in that house...that level of hyped up paranoia will drive everyone crazy.
    Prayers and praise for the medical/care professionals busting their tails for all of us, daily!💓

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  8. Macho don't prove Mucho....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. did a whole bunch of do you know who I am things directed towards staffers at a hospital.....
      You missed this line fangirl!

      Iam empathetic towards the hospital staff who had to put up with his starry tantrums even in this time of medical emergency!

  10. TeeHee, everyone else was worried too. No excuse for "do you know who I am?"

    1. Irony is that when he insisted on being tested, they probably still used the WHO test, some of which were contaminated with coronavirus

  11. Aging asshole who cheats. Hope u go bald Matty.

  12. Most of the people here see Hollywood types as assholes anyway, but the world now know who to look up to and admire...first responders, medical frontliners all the way to janitorial, funeral homes and crematoriums, grave diggers and grocery store workers and on and on

  13. The only people who should be getting tested are medical staff and hospital staff and anyone with direct contact with the vulnerable. Everyone else should stop wasting funds and everyone's time.

  14. Um. No. I detest Reeses Pieces, Streep and Kidman alike. I will NEVER shill for shit or watch it.

    But, ALWAYS think about someone from THEIR perspective. As I dare everyone who reads this.

  15. This dope has done too much dope.

  16. this happened in an austin tax hospital. true story

  17. He is currently a professor at a university of Texas in Austin so had a good reason to be worried being surrounded by hundreds of students daily.

  18. I don’t blame him. If I had the pull and money I would want my family and myself tested too. He’s worried and loves his family. Did he go about it the wrong way? Most likely. Did he hurt anyone else by doing it? No. Being a born and bred Texan who lives in a place he and his family are well known, and are seen and socialized with I will always love and defend Matthew. If him and this is what y’all are worried about you definitely need to pull your heads out of the sand.
