Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 24, 2020

This celebrity offspring is barely a celebrity. She was more so back in the day. Other family members are higher on the list. Anyway, showing her true blue bloodness, she has informed the staff working for her that they are needed 24/7 now because of the quarantine and if they want to go see their families, they will be fired.

Nicky Rothschild


  1. At least she's not murdering dogs like her sister :/

    1. No, but she's done plenty of jenky things of her own. Just not so much to teensy dogs, like her sex shave sister.
      Rothschild's, dontcha know . Gotta be up on their SRA!

  2. I hope they’re getting paid by the hour.

  3. Useless tramp.

  4. I think buzzfeed laid off almost everyone yesterday.

    1. Perhaps they should #LearntoCode

  5. not quite but this last week.

  6. As much as I despise racist homophobe Paris, Nicky always came across as the bitchier one.

    1. They're Satanists. They hate everyone. I mean, especially blacks, but yeah... If you're not part of their club you are less than nothing to them. Rather like a bug.

    2. Agree with you me about nicky treating people like shit.

  7. Of course she needs them, doubt she can boil a kettle. And what meaning would her life have, without people to look down on, and order about?

  8. I hope they left to spend this time with their family.

  9. They might get more from the stimulus check and the extended weekly unemployment than they get working

  10. Nicky is one empty, rigid, dull, white, concrete yet hollow wall... literally and figuratively.
    The way these unworthy privelleged morons treat others is the same way they personally feel on the inside.

  11. Working for her is the bottom of the barrel.....I'd choose Walmart/Target etc over her any given day!

  12. I can’t even imagine what her life is like. First to have your marriage arranged then somehow have 2 kids she never sees I hope all that cold hard cash keeps you warm at night.

  13. I see Nicky took that infamous last name. Are the Hilton’s related to the Rothschilds or is this another case of money marries money?

  14. Billeye4-- I really dont know anything about her since marriage...why doesn't she see her kids? They're still quite young, no?

    This ultimatum is hideous, and what a beautiful thing it would have been if every single one of them left in mass Exodus. I can understand having a rationale that you dont know what other members of families have been exposed to, etc, but offer incentives or time off, not threats. Super compassionate gal.

  15. The Hilton and Rothschild families all birth heirs with curiously unformed features. Their abject inability to do anything useful, even for their own selves, is apparently causing their faces to evolve into a flat, smooth, white expanse of flesh. I wonder if any of them still have their little toes? Or have those evolved away into vestigial nubs.

    Where's that pitchfork? It was just here. Hmmm.

  16. very very rich and still cant buy a better face, yikes. her dudes got 20 sidepieces of speed dial. hope she tests herself for stds!

  17. @monkeyweather

    lol @ satanism being an obsession. satanism is less evil than catholicism. just another random scapegoats for crazies that are too distracted to notice the real evil never outs it self...

  18. @notthis. Im catholic. Catholicism is satanism, at least the institutional church.

  19. @Monkeyweather I'm betting you've never even been in a room with a Satanic bible. Which, BTW, says NOTHING about human sacrifices, rape, etc.

    No, I'm not a Satanist. But I do have the good sense to research the things I don't understand, and keep my mouth shut until I do.

  20. she looks like a bond villain

  21. They are Luciferians...

  22. MyDogSmiles according to tila tequila she sacrificed her ex's dog

  23. @MyDogSmiles according to tila teuila nicky sacrificed her ex-wifes dogs
