Sunday, April 12, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 2, 2020

This foreign born B+ list singer who has a thing for sticks is waiting for the right time, but she is going to trash the hell out of this A/A- list mostly movie actor/fighter/probable racist/woman beater for what he did to the singer.

FKA Twigs/Shia LaBeouf


  1. True love finds it's way....
    Best Of Luck you two!

  2. Make is quick. She's already got one foot into has-been territory.

    1. Not in California can't wait.

  3. Shia's an easy target. You really think another article about him being a bad person is going to whet our appetite?

  4. For every new article about Shia being a bad person he just gets hotter to me somehow. I know he's a jerk. But now I want to saaaaaave him.

    No! Bad! Get ye to therapy gurl!

  5. @hunter @Postcards I know right? Shia is a victim first, perp waaaaaay second. This site smells like honey.

  6. What does 'racism' stand for these days? Last time I looked, every white person is apparently a racist....hard to define it.

  7. It's no secret that Shia is a woman beating racist little prick. Has anyone ever bothered to see what's going with his Slauson Rec stuff and where the money goes? It's great he found a way to give back to a community, but there was an anonymous reddit comment saying it's basically a cult and the money isn't being spent on the community or program.

    He campaigned pretty hard for an Oscar nom, most of what he says is probably bullshit.

    Everyone seems to have forgiven this little shit because he made a movie about his clown chicken daddy and garnered sympathy. Well, guess what? Plenty of other people have even worse childhoods and don't end up drugged out or liquored up and beating women and being racist and entitled and driving drunk or trying to fight cops.

    This guy needs serious help..there's no way he magically got cured in like 1-2 years. Show biz is probably the worst industry for someone like this's not healthy for his mental issues.
