Friday, April 10, 2020

Blind Item #1

I have already told you how this A list singer/bad actor and his significant other are treating their assistants during this quarantine. As it turns out though, even though with a team in place, it was still too much for them to not fly another nanny up to their location to help out even more.


  1. and Jessica Biel wherever they are lol

  2. JT and Jessica Biel... they are in Montana, I think!

  3. They have 1 kid !! Too much for them?

    1. For the sake of the kid I really
      wish the child isn't left alone with them!

  4. was thinking same thing

  5. They have been going on about how terribly hard full-time parenting is ! lol

    1. But how many nannies do you need for one kid?

  6. One good thing to come out of this is the fact that we realize or at least many of us realize how we dont need to hear from anyone them!

  7. I totally agree, @Redhead66. I think people are waking up to celebs being nothing but sham.

  8. How MANY people do you need for 1 kid? I assumed 'treating their assistants' meant paying them for not having to come to work? You mean they are paying them to work? What can an assistant be doing during these times? I mean, maybe manning twitter, reading scripts, running errands etc. so I guess they can't watch a kid too? I mean I guess logistically it kind of makes sense. Still..... you'd think you'd want a small group during the quarantines

    1. No, it means treating them badly.

  9. Doesn't this relate to another blind, that said someone was threatening to fire any staff who wanted any time away during the lockdown?

  10. Parenting is hideously difficult. People who think not are either not parents or lazy

  11. Good grief. They only have one kid. My daughter has four kids aged 2 thru 10. Is a teacher so teaching remotely, helping her 7 and 10 year old while they learn remotely and take care of a 4 and 2 year old. Then cleans, cooks, plays and still squeezes in a trip to grocery store once a week for me and also her brother who is immune compromised. Grow up.

  12. Sad these people can’t take care of one damn child, they are a bunch of lazy fuckers.
    Don’t have kids so that they make a good photo taken like loving parents. GTFOOH

  13. The new nanny is for Justin, because he has always seemed like a whiny little toddler to me.

  14. What if this new nanny brought the coronavirus with her?

  15. Soap dish, it sounds like you raised a fantastic mother and daughter. Kudos to you and to your hardworking daughter. Timberlake child is 5y. That’s not a hard age, and with both parents in lockdown at home with him, it’s just plains sad they need outside help.

  16. If parenting is hideously difficult for you, then maybe you weren’t meant to be a parent. There may be some difficult times but , overall, I found it a joyous, rewarding and fulfilling experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I am so glad I get to experience some of it again through my grandchildren.

  17. they dont believe in vaccines either....theyre anti-vaxx...

  18. Is she pregnant Enty?

  19. One kid and not working?? JT needs his ME Me ME time a little too much. Some people should not have kids especially self centered egotistical lazy people.

  20. If I'm not mistaken I thought the word is that their son is autistic. That's not an easy thing to deal with, depending on how far on the spectrum the child is.
