Monday, April 06, 2020

Blind Item #12

The Russian spy who likes to pretend she isn't so she can get a reality show, is doing as much self promotion aka thirsty social media posts as she can to sell her swimwear line. And to get a reality show. 


  1. Mrs. Papapdoppalousalous

  2. Right on Enty for this blind! Gee, no connections to RUSSIA George? What about your FSB wife!

  3. I immediately thought George Pap.

    Speaking of Foreign Nationals (for me): Boris Johnson is in ICU. Politics aside, to everyone reading this, I do hope the best health for everyone.

    1. Thank you, we're all very worried about him in GB 🙏🇬🇧 he's been in isolation, although still working, for 10 days. His high temperature & cough still there, that's worrying as it should be getting better by now or if not, ICU & ventillator (?)

    2. Right? I’m worried what happens if he’s lives too... would be tragic

  4. ooh a little red meat for the brain damaged old people that watch cable news all day!

  5. Don't you meme, "Ok, Boomer?"

  6. Speaking of 666 Putin, why did Russian media say YESTERDAY that Boris Johnson was on a ventilator, and today we find out he was put in the ICU?

  7. Nancy Pelosi 😂I cant even .... it’s too easy.

  8. The stupidest thing to do is to "argue facts" with a cult. Their Quackpot leader was WRONG again, Tom and Rita Hanks are just fine. They aren't under arrest. Neither is Oprah, Steven Spielberg, Bob Iger, et. al. Just like in "When Prophecy Fails", when the cult leader's "prophecy" was proven false, demonstrably a lie, they just doubled down and believed MORE. You put out the facts for those readers not goosestepping to a lying fraud.

  9. Studio54 Please show us where this Q entity made any representation to "arrests" of Oprah, Spielberg, Hanks or anyone recently?

    I'll wait...................

    Second hand gossip doesn't equal facts


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I never wanted to write this,but here goes. Did Hanks really have it? He and his wife were never forthcoming about their treatment,or where they may have contracted it. The people who are public were seen ill. Chris Cuomo is doing alternative medicine and parroting the party line against the malaria drugs. And getting sicker by the minute. Governors are putting restrictions on the medication being prescribed. They would rather people die than for Trump to be right. It was a big part of the control of the disease in Asia. Check out the"anecdotal " evidence regarding its use in the Oregon Veteran's nursing home,where patients recovered ,mostly in their 90's,one even104 years old! Look up actor Daniel Dad Kim,who credits this drug for his recovery. And no he is by no means a Trump fan. Sorry for the rant,but it does seem people are all too pleased with this tragedy accurring. But I won't be one of them.

  12. Bingo Guesser.

  13. Occurring,sorry,covered comment,not autocorrect!

  14. Oh dear, this thread is hilarious. First your president denied there was a pandemic, then he denied that face masks, ventilators and other essential medical equipment was needed, then he said life would be back to normal by Easter and you’re STILL backing him?

    His lack of action has meant that the US has the highest number of cases in the world and it is increasing exponentially. You really are all whack 🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. @YoureAll: Yep! Thank you. I have 2 friends who are quite ill but can’t get tested because they’re not elderly. I’m really concerned, especially because one of them has asthma, and works in a hospital and was in close contact with a patient who tested +. Both are self-isolating at home now but are being told to only go to the hospital if they can’t breathe. Too late then, no?

      I’m sure that you know why Trump chose Easter.

  15. He stopped travel to China (where-yes- it originated) and was called xenophobic,racist ad nasaeum
    Weeeeks before any other country did anything. And now he’s keeping Americans measured and reassured(and working well
    With assholes like cuomo )and it’s still not good enough. You are literally,the problem. Never to be confused with a solution; but most certainly will be crying like that MSG room full of salty lib tears again in November:)

  16. Or maybe they’ll fill up the old “Studio 54” building with dem tears...😰

  17. God forbid, women who have had husbands/family members away having to protect the dispirit haters of freedom on this site.

    It is Holy Week. John 3:16. ( Or the bottom of your bag of In and Out or Cookout).

    Most importantly, Serenity Prayer. (what I hope Trisha prays. every time "someone" comes out for her.


    My Future Thesis

  18. My next door neighbor who is 73 years old got corona and has recovered. She did her own personal concoction in her kitchen - but this disease affects people differently - so it makes sense that lime/salt/honey/whatever my neighbor did worked for her but might not work for someone else.

    1. Would love to know the recipe, just in case! Is it possible to get details @Unknown? Thx. ❤️

  19. Thank you @TeeHee,much appreciated. I have a cache of angels on my side . Always have,always will.

  20. YoureAllWhack Dude there is so much wrong with your post , I won't even go point by point

    Let me just say that, you are wildly uninformed, wildly!

    CNN,MSNBC,NBC,CBS et al rots brains

  21. @Tricisia ...Your positivity is not unnoticed. God Bless.

  22. @TeeHee, @Scottish: Yes, very concerning. Last I heard he was in ICU & it didn’t sound great. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Guesser apparently, Tom and Rita contracted the virus while here in Australia filmimng on the Gold Coast in Queensland. 2 days before he announced they were positive, Hanx posted one of his stupid/coded pics of a child's sock at Bondi Beach which is in another state (New South Wales).

    A week later he posts on Instagram that they are recovering while in Quarantine in a Gold Coast hospital with his Corona typewriter.

    I doubt they actually contracted they virus. Quensland has one of Australia's lowest amount of cases at 921.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Aquagirl

    I hope your smart enough to know how much garbage you're saying here?

    POTUS did not "chose" Easter... he simply hoped we could begin restarting the economy by then, the horror!! The US has done almost 2 million tests now. The number of positives are going down,, way down. The number that pass from this is even lower. we are on the down slope now. ( this site was wayyyyy wayyyyy off) Not all the data, but enough to see how covid is falling off

  27. Aussie Thanks for that info.. but I'm still wrapping my head around Hank being in Australia to film a bio on Elvis???

  28. Liberals are so happy about this virus. When Trump won they were screeching that he was Hitler who was going to start a nuclear war and kill us all. But that didn't happen. Now we have a virus, and no matter what he does, he'll still kill us all. Nothing makes liberals happier than people dying, so they can blame Trump for it and push their flimsy agenda.

  29. This is something I do every winter and yes I absolutely believe it helps to keep you healthy. Put on a pot of REAL chicken broth, 3 or 4 cups. Add at least 5 large cloves of garlic, a quarter inch cut of ginger root, tbsp of raw honey and as much cayenne pepper as you can handle. Simmer until the garlic and ginger are soft. Garlic and ginger are a natural antibiotic and antibacterial, the honey and cayenne will clear the crud from your lungs,sometimes quickly, so be prepared. I drink this 2-3 times a week all winter. I've had the resp flu once in my life time and a cold is very rare. Not saying this is a cure, saying it helps keep you healthy in the 1st place. Tastes good too.

  30. LaurenMaye I’m so glad to hear that! While I don’t do chicken /meat or it’s by products .. will do with vegetables. I have been eating tons of garlic and pepper(per usual and can handle a lot!), but have also started back with daily ginger root incorporated onto my meals. Lucky I love it .. and yes-it’s absolutely so essential in preventative care. The wonder root:))💜

  31. Our troll having a verbal circle jerk complete with numerous congratulations of its various sockpuppets--it's all in a CDaN day!

  32. yeah I noticed it talking to itself lolol.

  33. How QAnon Fueled a Hoax About Oprah Being Arrested

  34. Far-right QAnon nutcases see Tom Hanks' coronavirus diagnosis as sure sign of looming mass arrests

  35. Studio54

    LOL the dailykos is about as accurate as any of the Qanon sites...

    Never follow nor trust 'True believers" of any stripe!

  36. Tom Hanks’ Son Roasts Bizarre Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

    Tom Hanks' son Chet has a warning for the coronavirus conspiracy theorists: "You're going to be the first people sent to the FEMA camps."

  37. studio54

    chet hanks = celeb offspring= expert on all the things


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