Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Blind Item #12

An alliterate actress who was the long time mistress of this married permanent A+ list mostly movie actor/producer prior to her getting married to another actor was set to talk about the A+ lister and what he did to her and several other young actresses. She was told she would no longer work and her husband would no longer work if she spoke out. The actress peaked at about A-/B+ list.


  1. Ginnefer Goodwin and Tom Hanks?

  2. Casting-couch life has its setbacks.

  3. Married Josh Dallas.

  4. Replies
    1. Area you watching their Twitter banners? Color codes....

  5. That’s it. Could not remember her husband name. They were both on once upon a time.

  6. Yep. Great call. I think they (Hanx/GG) net on the set of that 50s themed movie...” That thing you Do “ or something

  7. He also produced Big Love. I wonder how she got the job?? If you google pictures of them it’s pretty obvious something was going on.

  8. You got that right MD...

  9. They're posing like a couple

  10. So I guess I missed alot of the Tom Hanks stuff. What did he do to her?

  11. Hanx you dirty dawg! Just like marvels captain america buying a sex dungeon...

  12. When is Tom going to get his.

  13. And he will be exposed by the time Another Day in the Neighborhood is released! Great job, Enty...

  14. To be fair, goodwin was a striking beauty whe she was younger. Dont condone the industry blackballing to protect a holes though

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  16. But she *is* one of the aholes too. She was a mistress, not a victim

  17. I read this after my doctor’s appointment and was confused. I thought I was having a stroke so I asked my sister to read it. She said she was confused too.

    Anyway I am glad the blind got solved.

  18. If she had any dirt on Hanks that could be proved, she'd rake in the bucks with a book deal. Certainly enough to keep her and her husband set for life.

    I have no patience with people who know of crimes, in particular against children or the elderly, but who won't come forward.

    Either you do the right thing and can look at yourself in the mirror every morning, or you're just a different type of asshole than the person who did the wrong deed.

  19. Tom Hanks was a sleazedog back when he was on Bosom Buddies. Somehow, he was able to cultivate this "aw shucks" image over the years and a lot of people bought into it. And let's face it, a decent human being would never have raised a son like Chet Haze.

  20. ^^How do you know Hanks was a sleazedog? And.. what did Chet do?

  21. Goodwin was on that abc series for years and i could never figure out we know the rest of the story! Hope the residuals were good..shes prob saving the book for when the beauty fades and her career is really kaput

  22. wow. huge. I dont remember her from that Thing You do. Walk the line and Hes just not that Into you. I think hes probably a pedo...but I go back and forth. He is someone I hope is not, but his image may be all bullshit as many have suggested here. BUT there can be no denying that that instagram is fucking creepy for a grown man. Something going on there.

  23. Anybody who pushes the smarmy feelgood stuff this guy does has issues.

  24. Can't be Ginnifer Goodwin because the name isn't alliterate.

    Besides Tom Hanks looks uncomfortable in every photo with her.

  25. New moderators? Friends or Foes?

  26. Yep Philly Willy!*10000000 .

  27. I always forget the rumors about Hanks and Ginnifer! Creepy to think blackballing threats occurred.

  28. Unknown, yes it can be GG, as Enty constantly makes that error, he's been called on it many times...

  29. This is so disappointing.

  30. Hanks won't be around long enough to make good on this threat. Even his Twitter banner has gone grey.
    Him and several others.
    Jack Dorsey's is black. What could it all mean? ;)

  31. She "had to be told it wasn't a good idea'. Oh brother, give me a break.Ginnifer has been around since the 90's.
    My 10 yr old niece would know not to do it and chance blowing her career. It's not rocket science

  32. Totally agree@SlimKeith!

  33. They had to think of another smear on Tom Hanks. The Q cult was BUSTED when Hanks turned out to NOT be under arrest, getting better from COVID-19 with his wife, and back in the US. So they need a new smear. The track record of Q cult is 0 for 100's of lies.

    Then there were the blinds that said something was going to come up about him before the Oscars. Nada.

    1. Speaking of the Q's.
      Today was supposed to be the start of ten days of darkness.
      But they'll keep moving the goalposts instead of admitting they've been duped.

  34. Rita probably doesnt even mind. They've been married a long ass time by hollywood standards! This probably wouldn't even hurt him pr wise as long as she was over 18 when it started...

    1. Rita met him while he was still married to Chets mom. She probably knows and expects it. Very surprised that wholesome cutie Ginnifer would be the other woman. Yeah she is gonna have to wait till he kicks it

    2. They have an "understanding", so I hear.

    3. Yeah. All those shoes, parties and vacations. And she has had cancer...

  35. Re: Chet Hanks. It's almost impossible to raise normal kids in Hollywood. Look at Charlie Sheen, wonderful parents, Cameron Douglas, the K-trash, Paris and Nicky Hilton. And Martin Scorsese's adult daughter in NYC with all the animals in her apartment. It doesn't mean the parents are negligent.

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  38. cold someone please explain this q phenemon and anon and all of this someone please

  39. Ginnifer Goodwin was great on Big Love. It took me a while to appreciate how well she played the character and how much she brought to the show, but I was convinced by season 2.

  40. 100% Hanks, gennifer goodwin involved in projects with his Playtone thing

    I mean...Hanks left his wife for Rita Wilson...and I think it was when his first wife had begun having her 1st cancer appearance (remission but later it came back...and killed her)

    this doesnt surprise me. rita wilson looked better when they hooked up, aging has not been kind to her. shes not ugly, but she was never a great beauty

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  42. 'what he did to her AND SEVERAL OTHER YOUNG ACTRESSES'

    hmm...I wonder who the others are. apparently charlize theron's role in That Thing You Do (she was an unknown then) was much bigger originally, but they cut her screentime down to like 3 scenes in the beginning and that was it...and the 3 scenes totalled probably about 10 minutes...I thought that was super odd when I revisited the film years later. I really do like that film tho......its not some brilliant masterpiece, but its enjoyable enough...Im trying to think of other potential 'young actresses' also Catch Me If You Can had a young unknown amy adams & I think a few other midlevel actresses? he also producers a lot the last 5+ years & directed Larry Crowne, tho I doubt meryl streeps daughter dealt with him lol the thing is, he's too old now to pull in any young ass. maybe if he wasnt so average looking. Ive never met a 20something who even gave a crap about dicaprio, called him 'that ship movie guy'

    1. Jennifer garner in catch me if you can too..

  43. So, basically, there are no genuinely good celebrities?

  44. Ginnifer and her husband always looked so cute on Once Upon A Time.

  45. I thought so as well,@akward turtle/(
    Ya never know!

  46. A few of good links explaining Q anon, to the extent that you can, because as Rosie said, they keep moving the goalposts, like other cults, when their "predictions" are proven false:

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  48. Never much of a looker in my book. Must have some mad skills between the sheets.


  50. This is, once again, always the same story with the Tom Hanks blinds, which took a different turn here around 2017-2018. There are always promises about the stuff he's done to other people, but Enty always keeps it vague compared to other blind item fixtures (like Johnny Depp, Oprah, or George Clooney).

    It's pretty obvious that Enty posts these to delight a few right-wing readers whose opinion matters a lot to him. I'd even say that he's actually conning them, most likely by taking their money for "research" or paying "moles" in the industry. Given their particularly aggressive messages every time there's the slightest implication of this (that many blind items are just fictions validating what these people think about a few celebrities), they're definitely not comfortable with that issue. Enty has never been above exploiting mentally-ill people, he certainly has even fewer issues with dimwits.

  51. @Angela, the rumors about Hanks came about because an actress accused him. It is not due to Enty, rather he expanded the story. On one hand, we are told believe all victims. Obviously we are influenced by public persona. It took at least 10 years of public accusation to get anyone to believe victims of Bill Cosby ditto Wienstein. Hanks clearly baits his accusers. Explain his Instagram please. And as per your usual, when you don't have an answer, you stoop to insults. That means you don't have an answer. Most of us don't want this to be true. But we have to have an answer of some type.

  52. Replies
    1. For the record
      My fave euphemism is FAKE NEWS!
      No. Maybe it's DRAIN THE SWAMP!
      one of those.

  53. As we all know, sexual abuse is the mechanism that runs Hollywood's clock. Tick... tock... time's running out for those who abuse their power. Me, I dream of a world where no one is exploited.

    1. I agree Leslie. Trump has been exploiting bored housewives and authoritarian men for years now.

  54. Trump's still your president :)

  55. Rosie, I come here to escape politics.

    1. Oh my. How's that working out for u?

  56. Has anyone here actually worked or spent time with Tom Hanks? I just ask because he must have the best pr ever and he genuinely seems like a nice guy except when he shoots his mouth off about politics or spends so much time with Oprah and her cronies. In full disclosure tho, I was totally fooled by Bill Cosby.

  57. Why does everyone attack Tricia... sure she does get on and guess early most blinds but she isn't offensive like some a-holers here who go off on raging tangents in threads. She just chimes in and is a regular long time poster. I find others on here way more offensive and rude and accusatory and nasty.

  58. Speaking of 🎶Cherifs🎶, for any of you younger folk that have never heard the Clash's "Combat Rock" (except for the radio hits), it is well worth your time to listen. One of the best albums of that era or any other

  59. @PhillyWilly and @Guesser +1000

  60. Anyone who needs to know what a fucktard Hanx is need not look further than Sara Ann Ashcroft...look it up

  61. Anyone who needs to know what a nice guy Hanks is need not look further than Sara Ann Ashcroft...look it up

  62. Dimwit Euphemism would make a great garage band name!

  63. Actually-“Dimwitted Cherif Euphemism✌️🎼

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  65. Sara Ashcroft claims Tom Hanks bought her as a child:

    Issac Kappy also called out Hanks,who then posted some weird stuff when Kappy was found dead.

    Btw Q is a larp. Some truth dropped to keep people hooked but it’s pure hope porn at this point. A distraction.

  66. Advice to everyone here who wants to follow a thread here, have comments sent to your email. Gmail lets you send to social media without having the alerts go off. The moderation makes the comments pointless. I thought I was being careful,leaving out certain names,accusations etc. @Tricia13,those of us in the know call it "DCE"!

  67. Longtime mistress, so i guess the stuff he did to her and the other bims was pretty good. Probably lots of box munchin and reach arounds for clit diddling.
