Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Blind Item #11

This Housewife is going to need yet another trip to rehab after all of this is over. 


  1. Good God, aren't we all? Worried about the pandemic. Teaching kids at home. Stuck inside with nowhere to go or be. Working in our PJs. Overeating, anxiety, uncertain times. You can get BOOZE delivered with your food now. We are ALL going to need AA after this!

  2. Think a lot of people will need rehab after this!!💊🍷🥃

    1. I was about to say the same thing.

  3. Any blind about a housewife doing dishes and laundry?

  4. not many indie lol. But I bet Lisa Rinna does her own..justa feeling

  5. Here's a thought for you - in England, stealing is no longer a Criminal Offence (It's a Civil matter), but sunbathing is.

  6. Lu. Outside the FL incident she always handled her booze. I am not one to stick up for sloppy drunks, nothing worse really, but that husband situation was so humiliating. I give her a bit of a pass. Slurinda on the other hand desperately needs rehab. She is a sloppy mess on and off the show, more often than not.

  7. LuAnn, for sure...but does Ramona still have the wine brand? I could see her making it Turtle Time, All the time right now.

  8. Norster-- that's f'd

  9. @Vita Yep, the world is a bit strange these days! Mind you the supermarkets have a lot of security guards now !

  10. The one with the last name...

  11. @Mountain Mama- Yes, Dorinda is a partier who gets sloppy more times than Lu ever has on camera...
    I also think Dorinda is one of the housewives who along with her boyfriend parties very hard with other substances....

  12. Quitting? Rehab?

    My Mom'ma didn't raise any quitters!!

    Carry on you grand bastards!!

  13. ‘Uncertain times’ - what does that mean? Seems certain to me. Stay home. Social distance. Keep working from home if you r lucky. Take care of your neighbors. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Send good energy to those who are not as fortunate. Thats not uncertain.
