Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Blind Item #10

The latest trend is for celebrities to go on social media and talk about how they are exhausted from home schooling their children. The thing is though, there are many who have hired tutors to come over to teach their kids or to go through the work schools have sent home or doing online. The latest examples are this back in the day A list tweener who is probably a B+ list actress as an adult. Another big offender is this A- list actress who has been A or A- list for a long time despite some fairly poor acting. She is the one who got her big break by sleeping with the permanent A++ list director.


  1. Megan Fox/James Cameron

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    3. hey Everyone Just ignore @LadyBaus maybe hopefully she’ll direct her jealousy elsewhere!! Troll!!

  2. 1) Hillary Duff
    20Sharon Stone? Does she have adopted young kids?

  3. Sharon has 2 kids around HS Freshman age....

  4. Jessica Alba?? And James Cameron

  5. I think Jessica is described as former or with a lucrative side business.

  6. In fifteen years we'll look back with wistful nostalgia on the Chet Haze years.

  7. Too bad for you you passed down your low IQ to your offsprings.

  8. I think Alba's big break was when she starred on TV in a remake of Flipper and usually only wore a bikini on the show and was pretty young? But maybe the Entern thinks diferently...

  9. Visiting tutors?
    Traveling is allowed? What if they are infected.... you're risking your kid's life!

  10. The whole Hollywood Mommy Brigade has the help staying with them during the pandemic. Famewhore Garner is quarantining with her social media manager and at least two nannies. I hope she's paying them time-and-a-half.

  11. I think Jessica alba’s big break was Dark Angel which was a James Cameron joint iirc.

  12. Miryam Balik / Blossom She posted a youtube video saying she had to take naps because she had to cook for her children cause all the take outs are closed.

  13. poor thing (eyeroll).Wonder if she still chews the food first, then gives it to her kids..(or was that just Alicia Silverstone?) That would definitely curb their appetites a bit (!!!)

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  14. @gauloise - Crazy because Mayim Bialik is supposed to be all "attachment parenting" which my sister espoused to the point where she basically wore her kid for 3 years...

    @Notagood - I would also say that Jessica Alba's break was Dark Angel but I don't know that she is A or A- list...?

    Sad that society drove women to the point to where actually taking care of your own kids is a shock to your system...

  15. Only thing i have had to do for my kid is to relay messages his teachers email me if he hasnt gotten assignments in. One of em was just a mess up in attaching files.

  16. didn't know you had a child Count..a junior Count or Countess?

    1. Jr Count. Just became a teen. 5 more yrs until i can start asking his women if they have any friends with daddy issues i should meet.

  17. LoL @Tricia.. I think that was Alicia Silverstone.. gross!!

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  19. I thought both @ aemish lol? Ones enough lol

  20. Anonymous12:13 PM

    LOL ewwww Count!

  21. Omg lol! Congrats on Jr:) I’m not ready for teen years. I have toddlers in teen training though I think😰😂

    1. The worst part is checking up on their social media accts. I am paranoid of something stupid being posted.

      One thing i did a few yrs ago was buy the urls of his name, so they cant be used to troll him and they will be parked if he ever wants them professionally.

  22. My mini-me just turned 13 and it's a fun age, @Tricia! Long as *you* were the wild child, I think it's skips a generation bc mines super mature like a perfect lil angel :p

  23. That sounds good @aemish. Not worried about girl. Boy /yes. Big Yes lol

  24. At least Derek doesn’t have kids *shudder*

  25. Former teacher, so I'm fascinated by this whole process. I bet there are parents that have paid tutors to hunker down with the family, or sneak over for homework.
    Of course, tv shows only show the tutor who sat on other side of the glass door with a dry erase board. My friend's daughter is having 4 hours of instruction/class via Zoom daily, and that seems to be going well. She's in a wonderfully small class, though.

  26. Homeschooling is THE WUURST
    Not gonna lie. I'm happy to have someone else do it. Teachers deserve hazard pay

  27. Charlize Theron, A++ list director, Woody Allen.

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  29. @LooLoo I know right?! I think Garner has a shed like Clooney's just for the permanent pap. Is her pictures even worth anything?

  30. proud of yourself? Running a gossip blog while the world is falling apart? What an important job you have.

  31. But yet you are....here.

  32. Count Jerkula said: "One thing i did a few yrs ago was buy the urls of his name, so they cant be used to troll him and they will be parked if he ever wants them professionally."

    Count, not ONLY are you the Vlad the Impaler of Snark, but you are a friggin' eeeeeviiiil genius as well...WELL DONE on the URLs!

  33. And yet here you are, @Alice. Here you are.



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