Thursday, April 02, 2020

Blind Item #10

This foreign born B+ list singer who has a thing for sticks is waiting for the right time, but she is going to trash the hell out of this A/A- list mostly movie actor/fighter/probable racist/woman beater for what he did to the singer.


  1. Replies
    1. She dated Pattinson. Could be him??

  2. Good, Shia's an asshole.

  3. So she will only call him out on his behaviour, if it's to her advantage?

  4. She chose to spend time with him.

    Not like his jagoffery was a secret.

  5. He is an asshole, but she's far from likable herself.

  6. And she didn't catch it on camera? Odd, I thought she was one of those that made sure she was ALWAYS being filmed

  7. Is he really a/a-? I’d say C. What’s the last notable movie he was in?

  8. B+ is generous. She'll do anything for publicity.

  9. Anonymous9:46 PM

    You know this is kind of a hard one.

    Because while Shia Labeouf is absolutely 100% a Dick.

    At the same time you can't tell Me that FKA Twigs didn't know this when She entered into a Relationship with Him in 2018.

    I mean if this was 2007 to 2009 then yes I could see Her being naïve since during that a lot of Us didn't know just how much of a an Asshole He really was.

    But by 2018 all of Us New what He was and no doubt She knew too.

    But She probably felt so desperate after Robert Pattinson Dumped in Her in Late 2017.

    That by the time Shia came around even though She most likely knew what He was all about.

    At the same time She because She still got an Extension of Fame along with a Movie Role curtesy of Him.

    But yeah this is a weird one where as much you want to take Her side and make Her into a victim - The truth is you really can't.

  10. Ech, I'm siding with Honey Boy on this one. How's everyone liking his new tattoo?

  11. Shia is a good actor - very method, like Brando. More than likely he has an untreated mental disorder, which is coloring the public's perception of him. Give him a break. He got his start on Disney. Who knows what horror he has seen?
