Monday, March 09, 2020

Your Turn

Do you think you will get the coronavirus?


  1. Not a fucking chance.

  2. With all the cruise ships nearby and tourists all over the place you never know.

  3. Given what I do for a living and how much of the public I deal with five days a week, and that I use public transit all the time, and that I am in NYC, I think the chances are fair to good that I will. But I got the flu shot and I am trying to keep my hands clean.

  4. I think I already had it and recovered.

  5. I think I had it a month ago.

    1. I think I had it last week of September 2019 too. No fever but damn. Coughed for a month. I'm prepared because work in healthcare industry but have clothes, pens, special glasses and gloves.

  6. NO, It is a fake disease

    1. You are literally (and I can't state this enough) a fucking moron.

    2. In jolly ol UK you can be a human Guinea pig and get paid $4500. I'm sure your surly self would welcome the cash Alf

  7. Someone in my town has it... I just hope I can still find toilet paper at the grocery store.

  8. Most people will eventually. This is going to be around for a long time to come. But it's nothing to be concerned about unless your health is particularly vulnerable.

  9. No...but I did cancel my trip to the US next month because of it.

  10. Most people will eventually. This is going to be around for a long time to come. But it's nothing to be concerned about unless your health is particularly vulnerable.

  11. I don't know, bc I'm embarrassed to admit I wound up in the ER a couple of weeks ago with some sort of virus unworthy of a name or hysteria, but it dehydrated and depleted me. So, I need to boost my immune system before I feel too cocky about corona!

  12. fear porn will kill you before corona virus will. people going crazy to buy toilet paper and corona virus doesnt come with stomach upset. the media truly is the enemy of the people they need to stop this nonsense.

    1. Uh yeah explosive diarrhea is a symptom

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I don't know. I have an auto immune disease so I really hope I don't get it. My boys are healthy teens so even if they do, they'll recover. We are not going on a cruise this year due to the virus, but I'm still traveling to NYC next week for work.

  14. Even though I’m in Seattle, I’m under 65, have a healthy immune system, and take my vitamins so I’m hoping Corona skips ya boy Troy 🤞🏼

  15. ROFL 😂.....just like I'll be a $100Billionaire by doing a steady job!

  16. My immune system has never been the same from H1N1 over a decade ago so I am taking this seriously. Nothing fanatical, just making sure to keep my hands extra clean and not touch my face. Also not hanging out in Houston for awhile.

    @Do Tell: Wish you the best. I worked at a University until a few years ago and remember how difficult it was to stay well.

    @Vita: Hope you are feeling better!

  17. Don't Telle-- Thanks! Feeling great now!😊

    Good immunity and good health wishes for All!

  18. Well, this just in, the head of the NY Port Authority of NY & NJ (airports, train and bus terminals) has coronavirus.

  19. Thank you Don't Telle! Back at you.

  20. It's as contagious or more contagious than the flu, everyone will get it eventually until there is a vaccine. The trick is slowing down the rate of transmission, so hospitals don't get overwhelmed. Most of us will still be fine, but if you break your leg or get in a car accident or some other health emergency forget about health services.

  21. People have died from this so called fake disease, assclown.
    That being said, my chances of getting it are low, I think.

  22. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I hope not because I'm high risk. I just today cancelled my oncology followup because it's too many waiting rooms. The labs, CT scan plus the doctor's appt. So we will try again in six months. Otherwise I'm staying home for the next few months.

    1. Wishing you all the best. My immune system is compromised also. ❤️🤓

    2. I didn't mean that to be a smiley! Meant to be me and my nerdy glasses. 🤐

    3. I didn't mean that to be a smiley! Meant to be me and my nerdy glasses. 🤐

  23. I think I might have it now. It just feels like a drawn out cold though, nothing serious.

  24. @longtime: This isn’t the flu, so that won’t help you.

    @herbert: People are stocking up on TP in case they have to self-isolate at home.

  25. This isn't a hoax nor is it political. Many in my small conservative community do not believe it exists. I have tried to talk to a few older folks in the high risk cat but they won't have it. They think it's fake news against Trump.
    My 82 year old neighbor who just finished up chemo/radiation for stage 3 esophageal cancer is going gambling in Louisiana this weekend. His immune system is crap but he's going.

    @Fuchsia: Sending you well wishes!

  26. @Do Tell: Any chance you can remote into work for a week or so?

  27. Hey hey I am also in NYC, I live smack dab in midtown Manhattan but I also work from home but this means frequent trips to the store & around my neighborhood, streets & subway to get anywhere.

    Yes I think I may catch it and with a 3-4% fatality rate I think I will survive it because my medical odds have always been robust **knocks on wood.**

    I was planning to raise money in six months though (startup funding) and am worried about how this will collapse the opportunities if funds suddenly decide to hold all their money against losses, that would SUUUUUCKCKCKCK.

  28. I've been vigilant with my hand-washing and not touching my face, but I work at a university and take public transport to and from work every day. Also, my husband is a mover, so he's always going in and out of strangers' (sometimes filthy) homes every day. I think it's inevitable that we're going to get it, but I'm not worried about dying from it. I'm worried about the socio-economical ramifications and blind dumb panic of the masses.

  29. my cat and i are quarantined

  30. The best you can do is try to tell people, it's up to them to listen. It is ironic that people who are normally into self reliance and don't believe in help from the government are not preparing for potential self quarantine or other service disruption.

    Ammo sales are going through the roof though, maybe their plan is just to steal from other people in case they're wrong.

  31. There are viruses i worry about, but Wuhan Virus is not one. HIV & Ebola top the list.

    1. oh honey u gettin Ecoli before Ebola

    2. HIV is easily managed with cocktail of meds. Ebola remains in Africa due to poor folks eating bush meat. No need to worry about that count. Your cigarette habit is what you need to kick.

  32. I think there’s a possibility that I’ll get it. I mostly work from home, but when I don’t, I’m often in large meetings. I wish that people would stop with the needless handshaking. I’ve never liked shaking hands (I just think it’s stupid), but even more so, now. And what’s really scary is that people are suddenly discovering that washing your hands frequently is good person hygiene. So WTF have they been doing all these years?

    What really made me start to worry about the transmission was when the lawyer in Westchester got it. He was sick, but commuted into the city for 4 days on Metro North. Not only was he going to work, but he attended several large social events. His entire family & his neighbors (10 people) tested positive. 1000 people were asked to self-quarantine (his co-workers, kids’ classmates, and people from his synagogue where the events were held) and now 80 of them are positive. This isn’t even counting the people on the train (1000’s.) I take that train very often (not to mention the subway) so it’s pretty disturbing. If you’re sick, stay home people!!!

  33. Nope. I'm staying home for the next 24 months.

  34. I'm in Northern Italy...

    This is not a joke, it spreads extremely quickly, and worse than just the flu, a lot of people end up n intensive care, 35% of whom are under 65

    The problem is how many places there are in intensive care to treat pneumonia. Once those are filled...

    They also don't have places in the hospitals to treat people who are in accidents, had a heart attack, etc.

    In my neighborhood, only the supermarket and pharmacy are open, all cafes, bars, restaurants are shut at 6 pm, you have to have a meter distance between people. It's not made up.

  35. Probably, bc I work at juvenile dependency and delinquency courts and youth group homes. I worry more for my elderly parents and immunocompromised loved ones.

  36. Not likely but even if I do 80% of people that do have a mild case and fully recover; the ones that die are generally old or immune-compromised.. I think all the panic and hysteria the media is causing is insane and unecessary. Just wash your hands, sneeze into your elbow, and don't shake hands.

  37. I work a lot of big conventions that come through Vegas, so that puts me in contact with people from all over the world. It surprises me they haven’t cancelled these mass gatherings, but the almighty dollar reigns supreme in America. I’m in my thirties, healthy & a huge germaphobe. I fear my lack of natural immunity might come back to bite me in the ass if this plague keeps spreading.

  38. @Hotbox: They just canceled SXSW & most likely are going to cancel Coachella. I would imagine that conventions will be next. I used to go to a lot of them for a former job (including Vegas) and hated being there. I always had a headache by the end of the day (and then had to take clients out to dinner.) The carpeting and the displays off-gas VOC’s, making it an uncomfortable, unhealthy environment to begin with, never mind adding in sick people. I hope that you’ll stay healthy and be okay.

  39. I wish I could work from home, but with my job that is impossible.

  40. I am in a high risk profession, but I have always taken precautions to avoid catching flu and colds and so far I’ve been okay. I have always washed my hands properly and frequently. The cleaning and hygiene has been stepped up even more at work. I already wear protection pretty much head to toe a lot of the time when I work. Instead of wearing contact lenses I am wearing specs when I am out and about as they stop me touching my eyes, plus gloves which are washed after one wear. I am spraying/wiping everything I come to contact with at the gym and give cash machines (ATMs) etc a good wipe with an alcohol rub if they will only work with bare fingertips. It may seem like overkill but I cannot infect any of my colleagues or patients and my family and friends wouldn’t be too happy either. I have not done any panic buying.

  41. @Em: It doesn’t sound like over-kill to me. Lots of good suggestions & you deserve a 🥇 for being so conscientious!


  43. The fearmongers out there likened the coverage of this coronavirus to the Spanish Flu Pandemic of like 1918 / 1919 in that the only reason it was called the Spanish Flu is that only Spain would allow any reporting of it - other countries didn't want to create fear or panic so they tried to keep it quiet... The lifecycle of the virus should die out naturally later this spring, but - at least in the case of the Spanish Flu - it came back the next Fall with a vengeance, worse than the previous year. Hoping we remain focused through the summer, creating an antivirus or some treatment or vaccine and don't relax when it dies out in the Spring, thinking it's over/gone.....

  44. I have fly a lot for work so yeah I probably will. I think it is worse than they're letting on (at least 2 different strains of virus, one of them mild, the other bad). I always wanted to kick the bucket before the money ran out so maybe it is ok. not much I can do about it anyway

  45. I sanitize and/or wash my hands. I am vigilant about not touching my face. Target has trouble keeping their shelves stocked, but it was bad this past weekend. Toilet paper almost gone. All gone are OTC cold remedies. No rubbing alcohol. No alcohol wipes. No sanitizer. And there are only two cases in the state in rural areas.

  46. Good chance since I'm a letter carrier and no way in hell they'll suspend mail or package delivery. We touch everyone's mailboxes, railings climbing stairs, elevators, fences, etc. I'm surprised there hasn't been a case with either letter carriers or widow clerks. I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

  47. I have some kind of flu right now, don't know if it's this thing, don't really care. If my immune system was bad enough to kill me with the corona virus it's bad enough to kill me with the regular flu. The flu season has been bad here, an eighteen year old boy died of the regular flu before this new virus came about.

  48. I'd be very surprised if I did, but IF I did, even though I'm considered high-risk I think I'd be okay.

  49. Wash all of your canned goods when you get home from the market. Wash them with soap and water, leave to air dry. You never know who touched the cans, and what they were doing. I watched the clerk at Trader Joes grab all my canned goods on the top, full palm, rather than the side of the cans. Just sayin. Wash with soap the tops of your soft drink and alcohol cans. Same principle.

    Wipe down the drop down tray on the plane with alcohol wipes. Don't put stuff in the pocket. Use a wipe on the screen.

  50. It's a numbers game.

    Right now there are less than 1000 cases in the US. And less than 50 dead. At the worse case maybe 400,000 will get the infection and maybe 2000 dead.

    It will come and it will pass and then it's off to the next doomsday crisis.

  51. I have as much chance of getting corona virus as I do of getting blown by......Heidi Klum...

  52. Personally, I'm more concerned with the NRA virus. I too live in NYC and swim in public indoor pools quite often but being that this is the United States, I'm more worried about some gun nut running down the street with an automatic rifle taking folks out. It's a shame the powers that be aren't too concerned about keeping us safe from that epidemic.

  53. I'm very worried as I am high risk.

  54. I'm high risk but young, in my late 20's. I hope that would be enough to keep me alive.

  55. Highly unlikely. As of yesterday there were 80 coronavirus victims in Australia. The population of Australia is 25 million. So the percentage of infected Aussies is 0.000032. Stop panicking people.

  56. A lot of candles are being lit in Churches and Synagogues praying I DO! Did Tricia answer this question? Hmm. Strange.

  57. Absolutely. I don't have a seen, so my immune system is shit. Also, I have the worst luck of anyone I know. A few examples: Lyme disease, e. Coli, c-dif, bit multiple times by a black widow, awful experience with a brown recluse bite, stung by a Portuguese jellyfish...there's a lot more. If anyone's going to get it it will be me. Wish me good luck please.

  58. Sorry, that should say I don't have a spleen.

  59. Think I already got it. Closest that I have gotten to leaving the earth from a bug or virus. Have asthma symptoms now. Wheezing with exercise.

  60. Suzy and Molly, think happy, positive, tranquil thoughts! Hope you don't live in Westchester or Scarsdale, N.Y. Manhattan has a few new cases, but the epicenter of the contagion is in the areas I mentioned. Over 100. News here is that the very young are being spared. People with compromised immune systems and old people like me. I am retired so I don't have to go to work or ride the Subway. The head of the subway system has it! Went on one last week and not one single person was wearing a mask. They're talking about canceling the St. Patrick's Day at the moment. If they do, it will probably be the first time in history. I think it goes back to the mid-1700s. I live in a really poor, drug-ridden crime area that tourists don't visit. Not that this counts. We're holding our breath. Wish you both nothing but great health.

  61. Honestly, I don't know, quite possible. It is a serious flu virus, that being said, I believe that the media is spreading fear and panic, rather than honest information. The markets are in melt down and that will allow for massive insider trading. Buy energy stocks if you can. Its also a blessing in disguise, because remote gigs are popping up everywhere now \m/.

    P.S. Soap and water, vitamin C, warm (Himalayan)salt water gargle solution, lemon-ginger-peppermint tea. Lobelia, mullein and colt's foot tinctures (for respiratory)are your friend!

  62. what would I do without British newspapers!? I spoke too soon about NYC. In today's Daily Mail there is a story about prisoners on Riker's Island (our prison) who have been told they may be required to dig 51,000 graves! Not a good sign.

  63. There are people with it not 3 minutes away from me. Most people I know are self-isolating, and yet still, the number climb up there. I believe today we have 267 cases. Belgium is very concerned about the spread of the virus because Germany has really huge numbers, and Luxembourg is only 60 kilometers away. France is only 12 kilometers away from us, so we will just have to wait and see what happens. I was asked to go see a client in their home this afternoon, and the first thing that happened was that their small child, with a full fledged cold (or at least, cold symptoms) appeared at the door. Great. So if I become sick in 6 days, I'll know who to tell the authorities to quarantine.

  64. I hope not. I'm a decently healthy young-ish adult but even the normal flu really knocked me out in the past. I live in a major urban city but there haven't been too many cases here. I read today that Merkel says 65 - 70% of Germans are likely to get it?!

  65. They said most of us will eventually. Even after a vaccine is developed. By the then it might not be as aggressive.



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