Friday, March 06, 2020

Your Turn

How many of your neighbors do you talk to?


  1. Direct neighbors 0 because they are fucking weirdos. I do talk to others in the neighborhood though.

  2. Four households in my immediate surroundings.

  3. All of them, except the pain-in-the-ass ones that no one talks to. When you have a cute pup you get to know everyone when you take him for his walkys

  4. None because they are all newbies.

  5. as few as possible

  6. We have our one neighbor from our previous house in the same neighborhood that we still talk to, and our neighbor on our right hand side is pretty cool. We talk to him.

    Other than that, our other neighbors aren't our kind of people, just sayin...

  7. I know about 20 families directly around me. I regularly interact with 4 of those families.

  8. My only close neighbors are family. Living in seclusion has its glorious perks. My only contact with the other neighbors is the wave as we pass each other on the road.

  9. On both sides 4 in total . On the left is a family from China and we talked them out of going back for the lunar New Years .

  10. Two out of seven
    the ones I do not talk to:
    passive aggressive lawn freaks, people who shot my dog, illegal hoard with pitbulls, drug runners masquerading as horse training facility, and a hermit

  11. All my neighbors exist online only.

  12. Two. Two new families are moving in next door and across the street in spring, so we'll see.

  13. Two. Two new families are moving in next door and across the street in spring, so we'll see.

  14. Neighbors on either side routinely, others as I encounter them. There is one jerk in the neighborhood who won't speak to anyone even when spoken to.

  15. I probably talk more to the homeless people in park near me more than most of my neighbors

  16. There are 2 people in my building who I know fairly well. But I say hi to everybody in the elevator even if I don’t know them.

  17. My next door neighbors moved in 12 years ago. We have had the good luck of becoming best friends. That rarely happens. We pretty much know all our neighbors on our street.

  18. I speak to both of my next door neighbors. One is a widow and the other is an ancient widower with a special needs step son. Never see the old guy, but speak to the son all the time.

  19. There's maybe a dozen houses on my little street. I talk to everybody. Believe it or not, J is considered a great neighbor.

    Helps that I don't drop date-rape drugs like some do.

  20. Anonymous11:33 AM

    We've lived here almost 20 years so we know and talk to all of them. I'll admit the European neighbors next door are best taken in small doses otherwise we enjoy socializing with everyone.

  21. I'm in a townhouse so I see all of my neighbors all of the time. I'm closer to some than others, but I talk to all of them, except the rando weird guy across the street. He apparently went through a really rough divorce and keeps to himself and doesn't speak to anyone.

  22. Almost all....a couple of them are newly moved in tenants. Rest all are owners and we know each other for more than a decade!

  23. my next door neighbor died last labor day. so now, zero... unless you count a nod hello.

  24. About a dozen or so different households that we regularly talk to and occasionally socialise with. Loads more when walking the dogs but I’m not sure if that counts. When we renovated our house we seemed to meet every neighbour within a half mile radius.

  25. I don't have neighbors I live on 20 acres of land..
    Don't see them often nor di I care..

  26. @E I know exactly what you mean about talking to people when you have a cute dog or in our case an old dog and various foster dogs prior to adoption Everyone wants to know about the dogs. That, the parking, aka the luck or lack of finding a parking space on the street, any houses with an estate agents for sale sign up and the weather makes up about 99% of the conversations.

  27. @Em the funniest thing is that I always remember the dog's name but never its owners'. We always laugh because we're constantly re-introducing ourselves in the spring when all the area dogs hit the neighborhood park

  28. One, and only when I have to... . MY neighborhood isnt the friendly kind

  29. I talk to all of them, but it's cordial/trivial neighbor talk with most.

  30. Got a whole gang of really great folks in my hood. We all watch out for each other and take an interest in each other's lives. Absolutely dig our situation. So, probably 7 solid relationships. Bunch of us hang out on the 4th and do the holiday and party thing together. Idiots or thieves enter at your own peril, my neighbors love their weapons. Two police officers, as well.

  31. Just the one. We're on a corner, with a field across the street.

  32. Zero. I live in an urban downtown area. If I ever met our next door or upstairs neighbors (I imagine what they look like but probably doesn't match) I am not sure I could contain my angry disdain for both cause they are loud AF and smoke too much weed that stinks my place up.

  33. Lots. Make friends because of walking our dogs. Except the nut across the street. She rings my doorbell and runs. She's 60. She drinks. She also steals my newspapers. She's a devout Catholic. Waiting for her to move.

  34. None now. I use to have small talk, hi, whatever with all in my close proximity. I taught one neighbor's kids how to throw and catch a ball when they came over to play with my small child. Anyway, I was really close to the one directly across from my home (were friends-neighbors for 16 years; went shopping together, etc.) until approx. 2 yrs ago around 3am when her alcoholic, handy-man/boyfriend/not her boyfriend/boyfriend/not her boyfriend, threatened to kill her(SHE own, a gun), moved into her house, called the police on her stating the home is his, she then called the police on him, she puts a restraining order on him, packed his personal belongings onto her driveway(where all can see), comes looking for her that late night, her car parked in her driveway, she doesn't answer the door. While peeling out of her driveway, he hit and run my car parked in MY driveway. She does nothing. Its too dark on the video to say conclusively its him. He doesn't pay. She's a bitch! She once stated before this incident "Oh, we should all look out for each other".

  35. None of them. I’ve lived on my street for 15 years but I am a reclusive misanthrope so I avoid everyone. If I’m forced into a quick hello I’ll be polite but other than that I just want to be left alone.

    I do say hello to the neighbor’s cats and dogs though.

  36. One neighbor I’m very friendly with, one I fight with because she always walks her dog over to shit on my side of the property line, and 4-5 I chat with when I see them.

  37. 0. Neighbors are best seen and not heard. Just nod and wave while at the end of the driveway or at the post office.
