Thursday, March 05, 2020

Your Turn

Are you stockpiling/prepping?


  1. Not a chance. They're trying to fear monger and it's not working :)

  2. Just normal things we've always done in case of an emergency.

  3. Come on.. Not at all.

  4. @MDS I’m glad you said that. Was thinking what you said.. but a few cases here this week(remember told u I was concerned because of all the tourism here...:(

  5. I went to order the alcohol wipes I keep in my office for my glasses and Iphone - always available on Amazon, today the soonest I can expect them to ship is next Thursday.

    Someone is stockpiling.

  6. Not now but had to help others track down things. You could see this shit coming in January if you paid attention to certain youtube channels.

  7. No, but I'm an obsessive handwasher on a good day, so that aspect of things has my attention

  8. for what? Corona? not really

  9. @Tricia Tourism is concerning but it's under control. Funny how the MSM conveniently leaving out the fact that the majority of these 11 deaths were in an old folks home in Washington. Isn't it fairly common for old people to die from the flu ???

  10. Seriously? Why would entys core audience need prepping? The have trump&jesus.

  11. Manufactured panic Tricia :)

  12. laowhy86 is one of the good ones

    China's Coronavirus is Much Worse Than You Think
    •Jan 22, 2020

  13. Oh for goodness sake. If people are stockpiling, they need to get a grip. Over 100,000 people have died in the US this flu season ALONE. So why is this virus suddenly causing such concern with people? Yes, I get it, it can be high risk for the elderly, or people with some pre-existing conditions, but unless you stockpile every time flu season comes around, then there is no reason to start now. It's really p*ssing me off that the global media are fuelling this fire

    1. That's the M.O. Fortunately, more people see through it than in times past, but unfortunately, many more do not. And the rest of us have to suffer because of it.

  14. More like Bait/Switch shiny objects and scandals ,tank the economy , and impeach by Coronavirus 😂

  15. I think the overrreaction is pretty laugable - the Arnold Weekend in Columbus, which draws 25,000 + , and Ultra in Miami, which draws 20,000 have both been cancelled. And I'm waiting to hear what's next, becuase you know someone is not done shutting down events.

  16. There is no STEP FIVE.

  17. Nope. My husband wants to, and I told him he's crazy. The flu kills more people in a week than coronavirus has since it showed up a couple months ago.

    Everyone is overreacting.

  18. I think it's good that a lot of people realized that they were not prepared for an emergency, whatever form it may take. Weather events, geological events, biological, etc. It's always good to have a stock of food and water and other necessities in case they can't get to a store.

  19. No--just the usual, making sure we have enough all

    The one thing our home never runs out of! 🍻🍹🍸🍾🥂🥂

  20. And in this tempest in a teapot, the only winning move is not to play

  21. Anonymous10:36 AM

    nope, just a few extra things in case I don't want to go out. Nothing out of the ordinary.

  22. Anonymous10:37 AM

    We were told that people are swiping the hand sanitizers from work though!

  23. Oh please.... nothing's gonna happen!!!
    Same thing happened 10yrs ago, H1N1 anyone?!

  24. We sell janitorial products in Toronto. We cannot get hand sanitizer in from any of our suppliers, they are saying two weeks out for the first shipments. They stopped shipping us masks a month ago, they are all being sent to health care facilities only (we’re fine with that). Yesterday, one of our manufacturers said they have the sanitizer made, but they’re out of the jugs to put it in. That will be two more weeks too. Our customers are calling in by the hour to stock up on both, which we think is great for business, but we aren’t stocking up ourselves at home. I will admit I asked my husband to bring home a few masks and an extra bottle of sanitizer, just to give my parents who are in their 80s and in good health. As everyone has said, it seems a bit of an overreaction. And it’s tanked our investments.

  25. No, and I’m realizing that even if I did stockpile, I’d probably stockpile the wrong things (with the exception of water.) I always have extra food in case of snow, blackouts, etc., but I woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat & headache, and I feel like shit. But I don’t want anything that I have here. I want 12 liters of ginger ale (which I don’t usually drink). Luckily I can order in. 🥵

  26. No I'm not. Nothing is going to happen. There are 329,227,746 people in the US. 10 people having the virus is no big deal. I am old enough to remember the swine flu, bird flu, and SARS. Nothing ever happened there either. The virus does not kill you, pneumonia does, which you can contract in any various ways. Seniors and those with compromised immune systems are more likely to contract both than people who do not fall into those categories. It's just the media making a mountain out of a molehill.

  27. I went to Target yesterday afternoon (I had the day off) and it was WIPED OUT. I mean there was one package of toilet paper in the entire aisle-long three-or-four-tier toilet paper row. (Again, this was a Wednesday afternoon at about 2 pm. Workers were stocking items but I mean this wasn't a busy time for customers; this was aftermath, and I'm not sure if it was aftermath from the weekend or what.) Pet food: WIPED OUT. People aren't telling the truth; many must be stockpiling.

  28. I am in Northern Italy so already have done. It's easy to downplay it until it comes to your area, then it gets real. The amount of elderly people out and about coughing and sneezing and barely covering their mouths is insane. I am trying to stay in as much as possible.

    It is mostly dangerous for 65+ though, so those people really should stock up and stay inside if they can.

    I have no idea how the USA is going to handle this with a private healthcare system. I can't even imagine the chaos here if people had to worry about paying for hospital stays and deductibles. even things like the government paying for childcare while the schools are closed, I can't see those types of measures being implemented easily in the USA.

  29. @gauloise The USA will be just fine because nothing is going to happen.

  30. My immune system is fine. If i have to go a couple days w/o food and water, there is always meth.

  31. Nope, and not going to.

  32. Having lots of extra food and water, flashlights, etc. around is a good idea for everyone always.

  33. gauloise has a point, just try getting a straight answer on how much a coronvirus test will cost you. In the US the answer is, "it depends."

  34. gauloise...people who are paying, get attended to. socialized medicine means substandard care and long wait times.

  35. Yes but only with stuff I should have had all along - including food - bought a Berkey water filter, extra basic medical supplies... Adding to it since late January as you could see this coming since then.

  36. @Count - are you sure your meth dealer will be stocked up when you need it?
    Because if you buy it early...well, you know what happens to it.

  37. I am, but just as a cover to go on a crazy shopping spree!

  38. @ Phil I've lived in both systems, and have known people suffering from serious illness in both systems, what you say is not the case. You have long waits for things of little urgency, like if you want to remove a bunion. (and even then you may wait 6 or 8 weeks, not years), If you have cancer, treatment starts immediately.

    Private insurance is also an option here, but no one really buys it.

  39. Is this not the Presidential burden? Damned if you do and damed if you don't. Trump brings a new meaning to it.

    Trump was called a "xenophobe" for halting Immigration from China (and the entirety of his campaign/ Presendicy term) , when, in reality, the Coronavirus (or any other Black Plague-like virus) is the result of Globalism.

    EVERY country should have control of its own borders for reasons just like this : health safeguard. To control what is coming in and out.

    If the Medieval Lords and ladies had the chance to do over the Black Plague, wouldn't they?

    The hypocrisy from the world to the US is outstanding. After Trump won, Canada REFUSED visas for those who just did not want live in the US because "Orange Man Bad."

    Goodness I hate Hollywood. The so called "woke" celebrities calling for more services/ healthcare/ social services while domiciling their asses in Florida/ Tennessee/ Texas where their are zero property taxes while preaching and having their 2nd home in California (US Tax code) is just disgusting.

    You would think after all the hypocrisy of #MeToo/ child rape I would no longer be surprised by Hollywood.

    The US LEFT: Hypocrisy and projection both morally and financially.

    There I said my piece. So, now to anyone who reads this: I hope you have peace.

  40. I am stockpiling things I need anyway like toilet paper, female care items, cleaning supplies, extra filters for my air purifier. It’s not a waste of money because I use these things regularly.

  41. No. I may get a fishing license just in case TSHTF.

  42. Nope. A couple in my same neighborhood have the coronavirus (from the Princess Cruise) and are supposedly quarintined in their house. But it doesn't look like any of the locals are stockpiling. The grocery store close by is still fully stocked.

  43. 24 people killed in Nashville tornado, hardly in the news.

  44. Work in healthcare and yes I am. But have not stockpiled yet

  45. No they're whipping everyone into hysterics as usual. Happens every few months.gotta keep the masses distracted.

  46. California just declared a state of emergency, due to the CoronaVirus.

  47. I ordered the larger bags of pet food primarily to get free delivery, but apart from that no. We already have an emergency evacuation kit at home because my other half lived in an an earthquake zone and deems it essential. One of the worst things is realising people I know haven’t been washing their hands, or not washing them properly until now. I’ve always been a scrupulous hand washer, partly because of my job, but also because it such as easy thing to do to keep infections at bay for myself and others.

  48. Stockpiling? I just would have liked to buy a packet of toilet paper in my regular grocery shopping but unfortunately these stupid idiots in Australia have bought them all! It’s now being rationed by supermarkets here. Unbelievable. The weirdest part is that the majority of toilet paper here is made in Australia! They’re now running the factories 24/7 to keep up with demand! Crazy.

  49. Yes and no....just getting extra of the things I normally use, especially if they are manufactured overseas, or require raw materials that come from overseas like tea and coffee, you never know if that supply chain will go down. Plenty of food in the house to last for a month if I'm stuck in lockdown. Some other daily essentials (not food) would last for six months. I always have two of everything in store anyway just adding an extra one or two. I'm in boy scout mode "Be prepared". If it all fizzles out no problem ,the extra items will be used eventually.

  50. We always have a stockpile in case we are flooded in so it's kind of the same ole, same ole for us. I had a bad case of swine flu when it came through the University I worked at. Had to take off work 6 weeks and left me with whooping cough for another 8 weeks after that. It was pure hell that I never want to repeat. If folks get nervous and want to prep, they should.

    My 75 year old Mom and her sister are touring Ireland right now and I can't deny I'm not nervous for them.

    @TeeHee@U: I live in Texas and we pay property taxes to the tune of $5600 for an 1800 square foot home. What we don't pay are state income taxes.

  51. I took the plunge and washed my hands.

  52. I bought some saline nose spray, and am kinda in a hurricane prep mode. We already have lots of stuff in case of quarantine.

    BTW, did you read that the original Rosie the Riveter died today?

  53. All kinds of travel for conferences, etc. are being cancelled.
    The death rate from the regular flu is 1 percent. From Coronavirus it averaged at 2 percent, double that of the regular flu, but it has risen. Currently in the US it is almost 7 percent death rate, most likely because it's a low number of cases reported, and not enough kits to test, as Pence admitted today.

    MERS and SARS had a 10-30 percent death rate, but it was much harder to get. Coronavirus is very contagious, thus the panic. Yes, in my area also, people are making a run on hand sanitizers, Clorox wipes, bottled water, dry food, peanut butter, etc.

  54. @Em: Yes, shocking how many people think of hand-washing as ‘a new thing.’ 🙄

  55. @Studio: Actually regular flu is .1%, not 1%, so this is much higher.

  56. Stockpiling wine is a good idea.

    And, Target shelves are always empty.

  57. Not this time- don't have to because past health scares, ebola, SARS, swine flu, etc., had me scrambling for supplies. We have N95 and N100 masks, a generator, tons of Vit.C, and a month's worth of food for 10 people.

  58. Yep. Hubby works for a company where there is a lot of travel, so I am stockpiling as though if one day he comes home from work and is told to self quarantine for two weeks due to contact with a coworker, which would mean I would be in quarantine also. So I have stockpiled food and just basic cold/cough medicine. I have added water as well, but we live in the desert so it's always nice to have extra water anyways. There is a young adult book series called "Life as we Knew It" which I highly recommend about fictional natural disaster and how to live through it.

  59. Here is Seattle there is a bit of a panic—downtown is a literal ghost town as most companies are having employees work from home, Costco has been more of a nightmare than usual and has nitrate gloves and sanitizer as the first items to purchase as you enter. Schools are closed and those lucky parents get to now homeschool their children. With all that being said, I think the stance is more on “better safe than sorry” and not having some idiot come into the office and infect others.

  60. No I was told we should not panic until they start closing American embassy or bringing them home.

  61. I do but Corona has nothing to do with it.

  62. I do stockpile/prep, have for years. I'm also a couponer, they go hand in hand. I try to keep a 6 month supply of everything we use daily plus basic medical and disaster preps. For coronavirus all we needed was a little extra hand sanitizer as hubby is a diabetic so we're being extra careful.

    Life is too full of uncertainties and unwanted surprises ... tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, sicknesses, out of work from an accident, injury, or a surgery, financial ups and downs, health issues, car accidents, death in the family, and of course situations like the current one ... to not have yourself covered.

    My husband blew a disc, had to have an expensive surgery and was out of work for three months ... our preps were a lifesaver.

    It's much easier to prepare for these situations when you're not in the worst of it, stressed, or in pain, or physically/financially unable. You'll find it's a huge burden lifted when you don't have to worry about these things during the bad times. Take care of yourselves.

  63. Of course not. Manufactured election year crisis nonsense. Like all this climate change nonsense. There's been a climate "crisis" every few years as long as I've been alive. We're all still here.

  64. parents bought literally 2 carloads of toilet paper because they're fking sheep who watch too much tv. Now no one else can get any.

    They're 88 so I figure my prep plan is to wait until the virus kills them or puts them in hospital, then just take their tp stash.

    Does that count as prepping?

  65. Oh, I forgot! I did stockpile one thing. I bought a box of masks months ago.

    Yesterday I noticed people were going nuts over rice & lentils so I went & bought a bunch of stuff with artesian in the title. I figure if I'm going to die of plague I'm not subsisting on tinned soup in my final hours.

    Self-isolation is all about charcuterie & bullshit handcrafted soda while watching Grand Designs as far as I'm concerned.

  66. Coronavirus patient was twice denied testing by Trump CDC — and only got it after ‘adamant urging’ from doctor

  67. And someone woke up with TDS again today. Doesn't this shit get old for you ???

  68. Chaos at hospitals due to shortage of coronavirus tests

  69. @Studio54 Hospitals in chaos as media hypes corona virus non emergency. Self fulfilling prophecy.
    Media: We will run out of corona testing
    Media: The is a run on corona tests
    Media: Hospitals run out of tests

    Media:Show picture of people wearing masks on TV while talking about corona virus
    Media:Report the possibility of mask shortage
    Media:Consumers flock to purchase masks
    Media:Mask shortage
    Medical Community: Masks don't work. Please do not buy them
    Media: Continue to talk about shortage and show people in masks

    This is all made up to drive/sell news. Its not a real threat. Its like ebola, swine flu, SARS, H1N1, bird flu, etc. Stop feeding and buying into the bullshit

  70. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I grew up in the Midwest where weather related events were just a fact of life. My mother always kept extra food and supplies because you never knew when a tornado or blizzard would hit. That was called common sense and neighbors and relatives did the same. So yes I admit I added some food and supplies to our already preparedness stocks but did so weeks ago. So no I'm not out shopping now nor did I hoard 500 rolls of toilet paper. I padded the items we use and eat on a regular basis.

  71. The media has cried wolf so many times it's hard to know what to believe. We're stocking up a bit. Deaths from seasonal flu are about .1%. Deaths from the H1N1 pandemic in '09 were much lower than that but the panic was pretty high due to media hype. Now we have something that actually does have a higher mortality rate (WHO is now saying 3.4%) so I guess it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

  72. I always have a Go Bag and some emergency supplies in my home, but more so for the aftermath of a major quake or something like that. That includes a Mossberg 12 Gauge and ammunition.

  73. CDC recommends every household to keep 2 weeks worth of food and water in case of supply disruptions. I've done so for years and it was a lifesaver for my only personal natural disaster experience.
    Doesn't matter if it is Corona, earthquake, or whatever. Get something for the days when the stores can't open/are empty.

  74. I have stock piled and I continue to add to the pile when I can or when I hear of new tips on what to add. As they say “Better safe than sorry”. At the end of the day, if this turns out to be nothing, I will just return the stuff to the store for my money. As others have said, when they had a stock pile during times of trouble, it was extremely valuable. Stock piling is also about being proactive due to the supply chain. Many things are manufactured in China and with the country on lock down, the supply chain will be effected and some reports are saying it will be palpable to US residents in April or May. I’m not taking a chance and I’m stocking up on personal hygiene items and anything else that I use daily that’s manufactured in China. For those looking for wipes, I was able to find hospital grade wipes that do kill corona on Amazon. Fortunately they were in stock. Personally, I take a large amount of concern because I live in a home with someone over the age of 65 and I don’t want to be a vessel for the disease and harm them. I’m also avoiding crowds. People that attended the law conference in NY that had one person with Corona now have about 10 people that have contracted the disease because of him. That is proof that the disease is exceptionally easy to catch. I had the flu and that was hell. I don’t wish Corona, SARS, H1N1 or any other disease on anyone else.



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