Monday, March 30, 2020

Your Turn

Kurt Cobain's death. Suicide or murder?


  1. Murder without a doubt...

  2. Never managed to care either way.


    Everyone blames Courtney, but wouldn't be surprised if it was Geffen behind it all along.

  4. @dougal I was literally just thinking that.

  5. Was never a big Cobain fan, but as with all suspicious celebrity suicides and "accidents" I hope he's sitting on an island somewhere, living his best life out of the spotlight with Robin Williams, Princess Diana, and Anthony Bourdain.

  6. MyDogSmiles great minds... =)

    Perfect misdirection

  7. The more investigation and curiosities that are revealed, I've moved more toward murder.

  8. A friend of mine was at Exodus with him right before he died. He jumped over the wall to leave early and was dead within a couple of days. The Exodus rehab program at Daniel Freeman Marina del Rey Hospital (which is now a Cedars Sinai hospital) was a small ward in the hospital with a patio where guests could visit inside the ward. He jumped over the patio wall instead of walking out the door at the end of the hall that went directly outside of the hospital. Easy exit. My guess is that he was headed for "a run". He obviously went to get high. From there, anything could have happened. I do believe that some people in power kill off artists that are worth more to them dead than alive. Also a lot of evidence points to Courtney Love

  9. Murder. Everyone in the area, at the time, thought so. I always blamed Courtney, but after the latest opinion is flexible.

  10. Yeah it is a fake virus you brainless twit

  11. Seen any videos of Ellen lately? What’s that box strapped to her leg under her sweats?

  12. A little of both? If he hadn't paired with courtney, his very own Megan Markle, he would probably be alive today.

  13. Crawl back into your bubble wrap Rosie. The truth is too much for your feeble celebrity worshiping tv watching tiny brain

  14. OK poseurs: Let's clear up some shit. Anyone who promulgates the Courtney Killed Kurt narrative is a Weinsteinian Geffenian. Court might be a borderline former sex slave but that Aspergirl ain't never told a lie. She's had her eyes wide open longer than most of the grunge twits. Reveal the Blacklisted blind or reveal yourselves as the intelligence front you are. Either way, I've got my answer. Xeni Jardin knows, Bob Dylan knows, Leonard Cohen knew, Adam Parfrey knew, Anthony Bourdain knew.

  15. He faked his death. He is probably living on Elvis' South American ranch.

  16. I dunno.... let's ask the Rwandans!

  17. Murder suicide. Someone changed their mind.

  18. Suicide. Kurt Kabang.

  19. @RammedEarth what do all the people you name have in common with Kurt? I don't understand what they all knew...

  20. Follow the money. Kurt's daughter receives $95,000 a MONTH. And that's only 37% of the estate.

  21. === Also a lot of evidence points to Courtney Love

    Which is probably one reason she was tied to Pfaff's death as well to deal the deal. #insurance The jealous wife always makes for a slamdunk cui buono storyline.

    === Murder. Everyone in the area, at the time, thought so.

    Well that's weird because only Buzz Osborne actually gives that impression. I admire his grief's disgust and anger over losing a friend versus the angsty tripe about Suicide Awareness also trot out for Cornell.

    Unless of course "everyone in the area" is the same lockstep cowed chickenshit Love is, willing to go with the flow to keep THEir piece in the business of tapping star Potentials ... so long as the chosen never Change such they reject the more tacit terms of being Owned and dutifully preach the politics of Change, Choice and Potential Humans sans admission, if not recognition, of the deadly irony thereof.

  22. Suicide. And I hope it brought him the peace he so desperately needed.

  23. Courtney might as well be named Patsy. It's about creating fronts for trafficking and laundering. Fucking Co$ right in their damn house house. Synanon in the rehabs. Landmark in the meetings. Road managers, art dealers, hoteliers, heroin dealers and entertainment attorneys. Courtney used to pee in aquariums onstage for the yakuza. Her mother was a Weatherman's shrink. Her grandmother a Stella Adler cultist. Who knows what Buzz' ex-mother in law had to do, but I bet there's film of it somewhere. Sean and Charlotte know. Yoko knows. Justin Trudeau knows. Emmanuel Macron knows. Emmanuelle Seigneur knows. Anton Newcombe knows. Brian Jones knew. Anthony Bourdain knew. Everybody Knows. Nobody Speak, Nobody Get Choked.

  24. Courtney was the Yoko Ono of her day, and she had poor Kurt Cobain dangling on a string.

    I don't know if it was a murder or not. It wasn't investigated as it should have been.

  25. Junkies off themselves everyday.

  26. @Zebra, I love that image. So many of my favorites just kicking it anonymously on a beach together. :)

    For whatever it's worth, I think Kurt was murdered. I also feel no matter what happened in April '94, he likely would've killed himself sooner or later. Like the Rome "OD" in February(I think?)...
    But at that time, I'm not sure. He seemed so full of love for Frances.
    I was/am still a big Nirvana fan. Part of me feels like I don't want to know definitively what happened.
    If it came out yes, 100% he killed himself, I think it would make Nirvana so much sadder to listen to.
    If it came out yes, 100% he was killed, I'd feel anger toward whoever robbed the world of what else Kurt had to offer.
    Here in the "not sure" area, all I have are the great memories and music.
    I apologize if this was corny.

  27. So simple, so profitable to use women's envy and insecurity against themselves and each other. The profit in the suffering of women and children. The body is good business. When your authority points towards blame, who thinks to look in the opposite direction? Yoko is eve-ill, Courtney is eve-ill, these lying bitches all conniving whores. Who sells these stories? Who buys these stories? Makes me wonder what kind of parents you had. What kind of parents you are. As good as Joe Jackson? As good as Quincy Jones? As good as Stephen Spielberg? Hark! The Harvey's Angels Sing Meghan Markle's pinched our King! Somebody get Gloria Allred and Elizabeth Loftus on the horn.I believe Xeni Jardin.

  28. Definitely suicide.

    I think.

  29. Blood splatter does not add up for suicide. But, the blood analyst could have been a fan who hated Courtney Love. With someone as high profile as Kurt Cobain, especially, at the time, when social media did not exist, I do believe you can see (more importantly) LOOk for things that are not there to fit a theory.

    Kurt classically, gorgeous with a mysterious, bad-ass vibe.

    Gun to my head, though, all the drugs, depression and self isolation lead to suicide.

    Will we ever know for certain? Nope. least he did not shoot himself in the back of the head like Vince Forester character :p

  30. Anonymous4:10 PM

    They and everyone areond them were junkies. Junkies are bizarre. There is literally no telling what kind of convoluted plot any one or especially combination of them could have come up with. Junkies are almost superhuman in their weirdness. It could be either IMO but most likely a miscommunication between Love and some other addicts. It still makes me sad to this day.

  31. He was worth more dead than alive. Murdered by Geffen.

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  35. The only times I met C or K they both asked me for dope. Easy marks.

  36. Suicide. I sensed something "off" about him in his unplugged performance. His soul was already leaving his body. That itself doesn't rule out murder, but he looked like he had a feeling of dread the entire time. I was dealing with depression at the time and I saw the same signs in him...

  37. A clear case of murdercide.

  38. Ok well I probably owe someone an apology.

    When a plot is hatched the cover stories, screen memories and conspiratainment theories are also scripted. Reveal the Blacklisted blind. Please.

  39. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Murdered.. how does one shoot themselves after injecting that much heroin? I’ve had family members who have overcome addiction and those who lost their battle with opioids/heroin.. no way he shot himself.. He’d just OD- shotgun is overkill.

  40. Suicide. He was a very troubled human. Rip.

  41. It was MURDER!!!

    What's the blacklisted blind?

  42. He was worth more dead than alive.-So was David Bowie. That's why he bought the Bowie Bonds back at a bargain price

  43. Murdered. The heroin in his system coyld not have been injected without himself ODing first. Also shotgun angle was at odd angle. Questions sbout Courtney being cutout of the will. I knew she's flip her shit when Frances gave that acoustic guitar Kurt placed in Unplugged to settle her divorce. Courtney planned to steal it back- google for that info. She don't take shit!

  44. Murder for one specific reason: The coroner confirmed that the dose of heroin he injected would have killed him in seconds.

    I don't know if Courtney had a hand in it but the detective she hired to investigate his death concluded that it was murder and she was involved. There are several documentaries and books that present more facts that he didn't kill himself. RIP Kurt.

  45. Pushed into Suicide so murder. Multiple parties probably. Could have been done by those who knew about his drug problem, his mental/emotional problems, and his ability to handle the drug. Fill'em up, and then convince them what they need to do.

    Fucked up situation all around. At least thats my two cents on it.



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