Monday, March 23, 2020

Your Turn

How many days in a row have you stayed home without going out?


  1. Zero. But our governor just posted a stay-at-home order so unless I need food, gasoline, or medicine, I have to stay put.

  2. I am at work right now. Thank god!

  3. this self-isolation doesn't bother me at all. i usually only go out a few times a week, which is what i'm still doing; but now it's strictly grocery store runs.

  4. Went to next door neighbor’s Saturday to play darts.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 7 days no big deal

  7. It's situation normal for me, only usually go out 1 in 7-14 days anyway, am disabled. Only problem is husband is working from home !

  8. I went out on Friday to get a few things I needed. I have the luxury of being able to work from home.

  9. I'm in Lombardy. Last time I went out was when lockdown started around the 11th of March. Went out today to get some groceries.

    1. Wow, Gauloise. Lombardy has been one of the places hit the hardest. All of the best wishes. I've been listening to communications everyday since early January, particularly from those living in Italy and Spain. Bless you and all those you love. Please keep communicating. I have no doubt that you could say a whole lot more. The U.S.A. is three weeks to a month behind you all, in terms of viral effects. ( I have read here since the beginning of Enty's work but rarely comment. Still, I feel distinct acquaintanceship with many who comment here.)

  10. We’re on week 3 or 4 of staying at home in Seattle. But I still go outside everyday to run the dog

  11. 0 and I'm at work now.

  12. 8 days, if you don't count the two times I went to the shop 3 doors down from me to stock up on wine

  13. Zero, but I limit where I go and do not stay long. Just long enough to get what I went for, no window shopping or small talk with anyone.

  14. 6 days, but one evening my neighbors and I had a little gabfest in someone’s front yard, all of us standing six feet apart. LOL A few had been walking their dogs, so the the dogs were socializing by sniffing butts.

  15. My side gig became my full time gig. Back in January I began delivering pizzas for new leads in neighborhoods for my sales job. Thank GOD he put me in this position. I’m thankful that I can still pay my bills each month from delivering pizzas. And yes, some people still don’t tip the delivery guy/gal.

    1. I hope those non-tippers get the Kung Flu. You’re risking your ass to bring them hot, delicious food! How dare they leave you empty handed.

  16. Went to work with 6 other people. It was nice and quiet.Stayed in for 4 days until yesterday to walk 5 miles. Telecommute all week and wear gloves mask and goggles at store .

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Seven days.

  18. 0....
    Even now Iam stepping out to buy milk and essentials!
    Although I would like to spend at least a year away from everyone!
    That would be sooo cool!

  19. This is day 2, I think, but I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm very lucky that I have a job to go to.

  20. Bought a Stephen King book, Dr. Sleep, which is pretty good so far, and pre-ordered the Woody Allen memoir just now, which should be highly interesting and entertaining reading.

  21. I go out to walk the dogs, but am otherwise on day 11.

  22. I'm on day 11, too. Trying to make it to 14.

  23. 11 days. But I have a garden, so that helps

  24. Gauloise... Hearing about the hard hit you have taken in Lombardy is so distressing. I keep a good thought for Italy every day. The news this morning said new cases may have peaked. Everyone I speak with mentions Italy and the dreadful numbers.

    You are on our minds and in our hearts.

  25. Zero days mostly because I'm still going to work part-time. No shopping trips since last Monday. I do go for long drives in my car - in between rainstorms the blue skies, puffy clouds and sunshine are gorgeous (I live in So California). Its heartbreaking to see all the shuttered storefronts.

  26. None. I have dogs. And multiple acres of land. And live in Florida.

    1. Yeah rub it in my face..... you're living my ultimate dream!
      Acres of land and living all alone!
      Dying of Jealousy here!

  27. 7 days but went to market twice

  28. 16 days. This shit is not a joke and I am not about to try to get anyone I love sick.

  29. Was out today to get ear mite treatment and teething toy for my kitten. Went to church Sunday to help provide music for the live stream. Will go to the senior happy hour at Publix and Aldi early tomorrow morning looking for eggs and yeast.
    My music lessons, and workshops are cancelled. Dinners out with friends are off. Shopping trips with my friend are off. Live in Florida.

    Thinking of you Gauloise.

  30. About seven days, plan on doing quite a few more before my next grocery run.

  31. zero, no pun intended.
    I have to make sure things are in place so others can work from home.

  32. ZERO

    I'm keeping my distance and washing so much my hands I think they will fall. But I went for a run on the beach and for a swim everyday

  33. I've been sick for 3 months now, have left my house 4 times. The last time was March 2nd.

  34. This is Day 9 for me, but my husband is still working in our state, as he is deemed an 'essential warehouse staffer.' I keep telling myself that, without him and so many others, stores wouldn't receive stock and society would collapse, but I'm extremely worried about him. :(

  35. Got a job at a grocery store and am on Day 9 of uninterrupted work..wish I had some quarantine time but the overtime is nice.

  36. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I'm not really sure since I work from home anyway. I have been limiting my going out to the grocery store, Walmart and of course, Chick-fil-A. I think our city is about to go "shelter in place" as the county next to us just did this morning. I always wear gloves now when I go out.

    Do you think Starbucks will be deemed "essential" and stay open??

  37. Gaulouis, we are all thinking of you guys and hope you know that. So glad the Cubans sent doctors to Italy! It's been 2 weeks for me since I went shopping. I went in to the Lidl this morning, to find 3 store workers wearing masks and gloves, saying that all shoppers had to do the same. I was already wearing gloves and a mask. I have real surgical masks, not ones with gaps. The mask is so hot that as soon as I got back into my car, I took it off. I'm really trying not to become sick with anything. The Belgians are calmly keeping the social distance, no panicked shoppers running like we see on television. Everything was stocked up. Perhaps the panic buying is also leveling out. We have some pretty intense numbers right now, for such a small country although not like Italy or Spain. I used to live in Spain and to think that health care workers literally abandoned the elderly in residential care centers, and the Army has been finding them dead or dying, is terrible. In Brasil, in the favelas (slums) the criminal organizations have set up a curfew and entrance/exit locations, rules, etc. They said that if the Brasilian government wouldn't take the necessary steps, then criminal organizations would do it.

    I have a question for you guys Stateside. What do they mean by "shelter in place?" Does this mean, you are out at the grocery store or at work, and you have to stay there for the next 14 days? I don't believe it can mean that. At the base, we used "shelter in place" for active shooter/threats and we would hide wherever we were.



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