Friday, March 20, 2020

Your Turn

Have you ever been to a drive in movie theatre?


  1. All the time. There's one very close to my house

  2. Yes when I was a little boy when they were more common.

  3. Yeah! Loved them - first movie memory I have is of seeing 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' from the folded-down back seat of my folks' Chevy station wagon

  4. No, but they've never really caught on in Britain - it rains too much, you'd never be able to see the screen !

  5. Yes !! I spent my childhood at drive ins with my family ! Loved the concession stand and the crackly speakers .

  6. Yes. We still have 2 here in San Diego County. I will always have great memories of going to the drive in. Sneaking in our popcorn, pizza and drinks. My favorite one was the one in National City. I remember watching Love At First Bite as my first movie there and my last one was Pirates of the Caribbean with Depp.

  7. Yep. Used to love them!

  8. Yes, My dad took me to see Children of the Corn when I was 8. The next time I went we saw Nightmare on Elm Street . SCARRED FOR LIFE!

  9. oh yeah, and with a trunk full of friends.

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yes, they were rather fun for low priced entertainment.

  11. seriously we use to sneak our friends in that way all the time.

  12. Yes, back in the day. We used to sneak one person in the trunk, so they got in free. It was wonderful, you could take wine, etc. to the drive-in.

  13. Yep! I am a lady of a certain age.

  14.'s a conspiracy, lol. (thats for you, studio, LOL)

    But ive always wanted to open a full service old school movie house, with modern conveniences but with old school touches like a balcony, ushers, etc.

  15. Of course. They're fun. Plus they're a much better environment than the theater for fooling around, if that's something you like during your movies.

  16. When I was 3 I saw Gone With the Wind and Sword in the Stone... first movies. GWTW is still one of my Top 3.

  17. Yes at the Swap Shop in Ft. Lauderdale.

  18. When I was really little there was one that was still open that my parents took me to a few times. I found it really uncomfortable and confining and you could barely hear anything through the speaker

    But I can imagine that if you were teen and hanging out at the snack bar and meeting people it would be tons of fun

  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'm old enough that we went to the drive-in constantly as a child through my teen years. After about 25 driveins became rare and I don't think I've been to one in 30 years.

  20. yes! I am that old! lolololol

  21. Last two years of High School, most every weekend. Mid 70's.
    We had a blast, huge parties. I believe they're all closed now.

  22. My parents went almost every weekend. I remember sometimes there was something with nudity on the screen behind us, and of course the smell of the mosquito coil! Later I saw Close Encounters with my friend when we were about 12 I guess. Her mom and boyfriend had a groovy van and they smoked weed. We had a major contact high and had really good snacks that night. Same couple took us to Rocky Horror every weekend but not at the drive in.

    Last movie I saw at a drive in was in Memphis - Valley GIrl in 83 I guess. That place operated for a lot longer than most.

  23. Yes, my parents would load us up along with snacks, we had a huge Oldsmobile station wagon. The only movie that sticks in my mind was, "The house that dripped blood."

  24. Way back in the day (yes I'm old) there was a drive-in in my town that showed hard-core (for those times) porn. No close-ups but stiffys and penetration from a non-close up distance.

    Needless to say, there were high full trees all around it--UNLESS you were in a group of highly enterprising teens that figured out there was one place you could park outside the lot and sit on top of the car and see everything. Porn on a giant outdoor screen is something to behold, to say the least...

  25. Sadly, no. I’ve always wanted to though! The only one that was near me shut down before I was born.

  26. No....
    But I've been to a tent theatre(touring talkies) !

  27. Yes, when I was really young. My parents took us to the local one, near a shopping center on Route 59, but I can't remember what we saw. It was back in the 70's. Probably a Disney liveaction that probably had Dean Jones in it.

  28. Yes, when I was younger. Great memories, and the pizza even tasted good.

  29. @E.. that was the funniest thing I’ve read all day !! Thank you for taking my mind off of Coronađź‘‘

  30. yes, there's one in the area. People go with their kids because it's a family adventure and kids can fall asleep. So much fun

  31. Yes it was the best family outing one could have

  32. Yes, when I was a teenager. Saw The Way We Were at the drive in.

  33. Maybe drive-ins will make a comeback since regular theaters will be closed for the foreseeable future. You can watch your regular marvel garbage with your family while people in cars next to you are clam baking or f*cking.

  34. My parents took my brother and me to the drive in regularly. Many times the movies were completely inappropriate for children. (Valley of the Dolls, Easy Rider, etc.). We didn't really understand the movies, and we would hide our heads under the blanket when topless women came on screen, but we we were there for the popcorn and snacks at intermission. I remember really enjoying the "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" scene from Butch Cassidy. It involved a bicycle and children love bicycles! I remember the big metal speakers we would hang in the window. The sound was so bad! Ah, memories....

  35. Yeah, the last time was about ten years ago and I WORKED to find it! But when I was younger, we used to go all the time.

  36. Yes. When I was a kid. We saw Motel Hell and Wolfen... what were my parents thinking!?!

  37. We lived at the drive in theater when I was in high school. They would have lots of dollar nights and it was a great place to smoke weed. I loved the drive in.

  38. Yup

  39. I went several times as a kid to the last one in my state in the 90s and early 2000s. It’s closed now I think.

    My favorite memory is over the course of a whole summer we went and saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean film like 5-6 times there. We loved it so much and it was so fun.

  40. Never been to a drive-in. I was always afraid the ax man would show up, very angry ax-man.

  41. I've been to the drive in a lot of times. We still have one in Atlanta.

  42. You can google drive-in theaters to see where there are some that are still open. I used to go every Memorial Day weekend to one in the Blue Ridge Mountains. My friends had a house there. We would cook a whole meal and bring it with us, along with wine. Lots of fun. Sadly they got divorced so no more drive-ins for me.

  43. The median age on this site is 65, so I think it's safe to assume most here have.

  44. Oh yes. I would arrive in the trunk and leave in the backseat

  45. Yes! There is one still open close to where I live.

  46. Yes, have gone to one in my area every summer since I can remember. It's been open since the late 1940s or early 50s. It's a summer tradition!

  47. Yes many times, we have one about 40 minutes away. There was one even closer when I was a kid. Absolutely love them.

  48. I worked at a drive in with my best friend when I was 15. Endless candy and popcorn were consumed. The cheeseburgers came frozen, bun and all, and were microwave heated and then put in the steamer for purchase. We would climb the ladder on the back of the giant screen to the top while movies were showing when we weren't working. The protectionists were 2 lesbians who would let us stay at their house sometimes. Because we were young, they played down their relationship, but we knew, and didn't care anyway! Good times.

  49. Yep, all the time back in the day. The sound quality of those metal brick things you clip on your window suck and the picture is substandard. But it is a blast to put some lawn chairs in the back of a pickup and drink beers while watching. Or other stuff. Haha
