Thursday, March 19, 2020

Your Turn

Are you in quarantine/self-isolation?


  1. Not yet, but since I live in Boston it's only a matter of time. Or not. Walsh is too greedy to tell people to stay home.

  2. No but where I live may force me to do it unvoluntarily. Slowly they are shutting everything down

  3. Working from home, it's... eh. Miss my desk.

  4. NO, but where is Oprah? She hasn't been heard from since that tweet she didn't send herself

  5. I only leave when I need to go grocery shopping. Everything is closed anyway.

  6. Yes. Responsible for an elderly person with many health issues. It would break my heart if he died because I didn't follow the recommendations. I'm an introvert though so it's not so bad. Plenty of things to stream and I checked out like ten library books before everything shut down. Would really love a milkshake right now though tbh.

  7. Yes. Work decree and general aging concerns are keeping me housebound

  8. Im still working.

  9. Nope.Extremely mindful and avoiding a potential crowd or tourist place, but thankfully there has not been an issue here, as yet. Isolated beaches are fine with us....

  10. As an introvert, I have to force myself not to self isolate.

  11. Yep, in my mountain fortress.

  12. Yes, we have no choice in France. We must down load a permit which allows us to buy food, get healthcare, go to work, exercise no more than 1km from your home. No permit or no appropriate reason to be out you are fined starting at 38€.

  13. Somewhat. Work has slowed a bit but I work by myself . I go out only when necessary, carry my own wipes and change clothes upon returning home. The DH is still working but he is a crane operator so doesn’t really interact with anyone. He is not a fair weather rider, so unless there is a monsoon or blizzard (very unlikely),he rides in the fresh air. I still wash his cloth jackets every other day. No leathers for now. There have only been five cases in our area. All infected either overseas or out of state. These people had the presence of mind to self-quarantine immediately. Stay well everyone.

  14. I haven't left my house since January. That's been by choice. I go outside on my back porch, but other than that I haven't been anywhere. We haven't seen the sun in a while (middle TN) and when it is sunny it has been FREEZING out, so there is no incentive. Luckily my boyfriend likes to go to the store, so I haven't had to go anywhere. We are in a very nice rural area where there is nothing but a NAPA, Dollar General and gas station, for the most part. OH and the rodeo, but it's not the season yet. I go out for that. It's free and adorable.

    I've done this before in the French Quarter, actually. I didn't leave the house for months. We had a balcony and courtyard. Sometimes I just don't want to be around anyone. Only child thing, I guess.

  15. Yup. I've been sick this week and I already have lung problems as it is.

  16. Yes, mostly. I'm working from home and have only gone out to get groceries. I have plenty and will be home until at least a week from tomorrow.

  17. No still going to work (construction industry is still working.) Living in Florida, spring break has brought a lot of college students in town and the casino is still open.

  18. No quarantines up here in Maine. Already had the virus due to advanced age and being a chain smoker. Managed to live. BUT resent the few who are saying that only old people who were going to die anyway are getting it.The people who really have to worry are , like I was, addicted to cigs and sugar. The virus love love loves sugar.Only Yoichi Shimatsu, a journalist out of Japan is addressing that issue.And since this virus attacks lungs , cigarette addiction just makes sense as precursor. Beware of the drug they are talking about using as preventative. Quinine ....Used to be used for malaria prevention.Now used in an arthritis drug Pacquinal (sp?) as well.....Doctors don't tell you that it destroys your kidneys. Friend who took pacquinil for years is in stage III kidney disease.

    1. PLAQUENIL. I stopped taking it for my lupus when my eye sight went to absolute shit and I was nauseous every single day.

  19. Mandatory shut down in the state
    Doesn’t bother me the least, I only go out 3-4 days a week period..

  20. Yes. I have low lung capacity. I dont get colds i get pleurisy. Been hospitalised at least three times a year for lung related issues after having cancer. It would be reckless of me to go out now knowing I would either die if I caught it or need a ventilator pretty swift. Am fully quarantined and will have to be until this is over. London is so quiet now. I’ve never known it this quiet.

  21. Nope even though they've closed down all but essential services (which apparently covers more than you'd think).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Nope. Still working and going to hang out at my friends pool this Saturday.

  24. I’m an antisocial germaphobe, so it’s business as usual here! I was practicing self-isolating before it became all the rage.

  25. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Yes. Hubby is telecommuting to work to reduce the risk.

  26. Semi-Isolation and holed at home!
    Not complaining.... loving it!

  27. Not officially, but honestly, with movie theaters, bowling alleys, restaurants, casinos etc etc effectively closed down, what is there to do?

    In December or January, I had booked a three night stay in Atlantic City for this last week. Then all this happened. The day of the trip, things were still not closed down, so I packed got up early and got on a bus on AC. While I was sleeping on the bus, they came down with that tristate mandate. We got to Atlantic City and before we even got off the bus they told us everything was closing down at 8pm. I parked my bag with the desk, went to play off my free slots bonus, got my bag and got on another bus back to NY.

    Watching movies, catching up on some reading and surfing the net right now. This is my week off. I go back to work next week.


  29. Nope, still working. I'm very clean anyway, but I'm self isolating from co-workers because I think this will blow over, and we are freaking out over a very contagious but not very dangerous virus. Way less scary than H1N1, but hey, let's destroy the economy over the deaths of a few thousand on a planet of 8 billion. This is nothing to freak out about. It will all blow over before the start of summer.

  30. awww, Momo, I tend to self-isolate too. I sometimes think I should never have gotten a dog. when I compare her to people?? no contest.
    you can come visit me in philly. our police chief and mayor are planning on letting most crimes slide until this is over. fun, fun fun. and people still vote D...unbelievable.

  31. NYC - we're all under house arrest

  32. Day 7. NYC. Haven’t gone further than the foyer downstairs to meet a delivery person and get mail. Twice. I’m a bit of an introvert, though, have been WFH FT for the last 7 months, and have practiced intermittent fasting ever since (mostly so I’m forced to go out to get food, and I end up eating 3-4 days a week.) I also rarely drink alcohol anymore (if it’s here, I drink it, and we all know go through life drunk, stupid, and fat is no way to live), so this is only slightly less social than my normal behavior. Though I hate knowing that if I did want some company I can’t go to the neighborhood bar, grab some grub and beers and read a book. Such is the world we live. I do need to do laundry, but not enough to risk it.

  33. Yes. My allergies are so severe that I need a respirator mask.

    People who don’t need them snatched them up.

    I also have to delay surgery & other medical appointments.

  34. Self isolate and I don't have any friends is different and some u need to hear that

  35. Corporate office is closed and we're all working from home until further notice. Crazy!!

  36. For the Fakeavirus? No way!

  37. Only going out to shop, once last week, once this week. We sell janitorial supplies, so husband has had to go out every day to customers, trying to reduce it to every other day this week. Our son’s hockey season got cancelled so he is home, staying in the house for the 14 days as our government is requesting all Canadians returning from the US or elsewhere do. I’m using lots of hand sanitizer around him. I hope it’s all overkill but having had H1N1 (son and I) and having one of his young friends die of that in 2009, we are of the “better safe than sorry” mentality.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I don't need a lot of social activity so staying in is my preference anyway. People should learn that being alone is not the same thing as being lonely. No, not at all.

  40. Social distancing but we are getting set up for family isolation at home. I am a key worker, and although any elective and non-urgent surgery has been cancelled I am on call, and will also be doing shifts to cover whatever is needed. We have set up the dining room for when I need to be in self isolation at home, as I can leave and enter through the French doors and to the outside world via a side gate. My lovely Hubby is so proud of what he has achieved with the room, he says it will be his man cave when life returns to normal. The kids have also been eyeing it up and calling first dibs. It’s like a mini flat with everything except washer/dryer but he’ll probably have one installed by Monday. It’s going to be a tough ride for Londoners over the next couple of months. Stay well and keep a safe distance everyone.

  41. You bet. State of Emergency declared here.

  42. Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné »
    Ask Angela,”He knows”....🇫🇷

  43. Pretty much. I work from home anyway so that didn't change. My kids are home schooling now (eLearning) now that the schools are closed. I only go out to Chickfila and the grocery store (and that is down to once a week). Got my cable turned back on (we weren't watching it) and the kids are still riding their bikes outside (no gatherings of their friends).

  44. I live in Spain, been in lockdown since the weekend

  45. I work in healthcare. I'm working more, not less.

    And I gotta' admit, I'd love nothing more than to be handed a couple months (or more) of stay at home time.

    I'm incredibly thankful for my paycheck, but when this is over everyone is going to be recharged and ready to go, and I'm going to be burned out.

    Thankful for the money and my health, but a little bitter, truthfully.

  46. I am in Canada, we are all working from home, I am an educator/counselor in a NFP organization, so we continue seeing client by phone or zoom.

  47. Last time I left my apt. was on Monday to go to CVS. Need to go out again tomorrow, but then I’ll stay in after that until...who knows? I can work from home and nothing is open besides drugstores and grocery stores. I’m lucky in that I love going out, but I’m equally content staying home.

  48. I'm in Belgium, socially isolating. Here, the special times for the elderly are the first opening hour of the day, so for the Carrefour stores, it's 0800-0900. They are also letting health-compromised people to come in at the same time as the elderly. However, the shelves might be empty because the trucks didn't arrive on time, and the police are only allowing a certain number of people in the store at any given time. The police will actually go into the store and count the number of customers. If they find more than the limit, they will fine the store. We don't have to download any forms to have permission to go somewhere, yet. So, my husband and I are socially isolating, and only go shopping once a week. The difference this week, is that the Carrefour didn't have any bottled water at all today. Lest anyone think that is a luxury, we have the hardest water in the entire country here in our little village. It is treated, but then tastes very salty. And, in any event, the water treatment does not take care of any parasites. And to think, there are still people who think that they should be able to go out hiking or to the park or have playdates for their kids. (Excuse me while I go beat my head against the wall.)

  49. Everything here is closed: bars, restaurants, schools, nail salons, spas, hair salons, massage parlors, barber shops, Goodwill, Mall of America, all YMCAs. Take out food is available for curb pick up. Grocery store shelves are not looking good- out of most items.

    Those not isolating: stay away from the rest of us. No one wants to be on a ventilator, if a ventilator is even available.

  50. Nope. My profession is prepared for the estimated deaths, but honestly we would all like to see the curve flatten and there be no corona deaths. Y'all stay safe! 💗

  51. DeBlasio is now saying that NYC will run out of medical supplies in two weeks.

  52. I haven't intentionally self isolated, but my husband is flying home tomorrow. On the first leg of his trip, on Monday, he said the number of people openly coughing without covering their mouths was ridiculous, some even had masks hanging from their ears but didn't bother to cover their face. So, we may end up isolating after he gets home because of those people.

  53. Yes and no. I work at a private college here in So Cal in admin. No students on campus as classes were suspended from 3/12 to this coming Monday. However I am going into the office a few hours each afternoon, on a split shift with my front-desk work partner who is doing the morning hours. Rest of the staff is telecommuting. Classes resume Monday but will be done mostly online.
    I live alone so self-isolating is easy. I talk to family/friends on the phone or with texts, go out only to get groceries or to go to work. After work I drive around a while or go to a nearby park to sit and enjoy fresh air for awhile. It's been rainy and cold but between storms the puffy clouds and blue sky are gorgeous. Air is so sweet and clean! I finished my second cataract surgery on 3/4 before everything shut down, am so grateful for the timing and my super clear vision! I focus on gratitude and staying open to opportunities to help others. When I get anxious about the future I remember that my grandparents (both sets)survived two world wars, the Depression, and the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1920 - as did millions of others. We will get through this.

  54. Yes and no. I work at a private college here in So Cal in admin. No students on campus as classes were suspended from 3/12 to this coming Monday. However I am going into the office a few hours each afternoon, on a split shift with my front-desk work partner who is doing the morning hours. Rest of the staff is telecommuting. Classes resume Monday but will be done mostly online.
    I live alone so self-isolating is easy. I talk to family/friends on the phone or with texts, go out only to get groceries or to go to work. After work I drive around a while or go to a nearby park to sit and enjoy fresh air for awhile. It's been rainy and cold but between storms the puffy clouds and blue sky are gorgeous. Air is so sweet and clean! I finished my second cataract surgery on 3/4 before everything shut down, am so grateful for the timing and my super clear vision! I focus on gratitude and staying open to opportunities to help others. When I get anxious about the future I remember that my grandparents (both sets)survived two world wars, the Depression, and the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1920 - as did millions of others. We will get through this.

  55. Wow. With the virus in every state, I can't help but think those of you who aren't isolating soon will have to, whether because the state tells you to or because your health fails. This virus knows no boundaries or political affiliations.

  56. Been working in the office with skeleton crew. Gonna grab a weeks worth of work and telecommute for the rest of next week. Gonna be so busy after June.

  57. Self isolation. I am very medically fragile and TERRIFIED!1. I live in the Bay Area, CA

  58. Yes, I'm hiding from that awful video of Slebs singing "Imagine" with their dead-eyes.

  59. Working from home. Unless I self isolate out on the boat while my husband bass fishes. :)

  60. i went shopping Tuesday

    I've left the house as rarely as i can

  61. I work in a mall, we'll close down next Friday for 3 months. So bye bye paycheck as well!



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