Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Your Turn

Do you think every country will go into quarantine mode where you have to stay home?


  1. maybe...........if it's the only way to slow it down/stop it

  2. police state through fake disease. NWO production

  3. I hope so...what a shitfest that will be for the entire world and the economies.

  4. At least for people who test positive, otherwise it'll be voluntary for most.

  5. No. We aren't buying this panic. It's fear mongering folks. 26 dead in the US while surely hundreds died of the flu during that span. Not to mention that more than half of the deaths in the US was in one old folks home in Washington. Fake news is the enemy of the people...

    1. Agreed. More die in Chicago (gangs) on any given weekend. In fact more die from just about anything else. Something else is going on. We are in a hidden war right now.

  6. No, because the head of our government doesn't believe scientists. Every other country on the planet could be locked down and we'd still be over here licking door handles.

    1. Haha omg this made me laugh thanku
      It's so true

  7. Holy sh!t, grounding, that's what it was all about, parents really were trying to prepare children for the real world. ;)

  8. I think people should be more concerned about TDS then Coronavirus :)

  9. Not everyone is a TV addicted brainwashed sheeple

  10. @MyDog, Then who is buying all the ammo and why? ;)

  11. @ZebraSeasoning: You are so right!

  12. @Brayson I don't own a gun but I can speculate that the stockpiling is in case one of the loony left candidates wins. They are openly preaching gun confiscation.

  13. We are literally living in parallel universes right now...

  14. Meanwhile no one that hysterical about the number flu deaths. We live in a strange world

  15. Gotta say, Trump is handling this in an unbelievably inept way. Braggadocio doesn't work against disease.

  16. WAHHHHHHH it's Trumps fault :/ Terribly uninspired...

    1. Quick question: did you like ALL of the presidents before 45 came into office? If not does that mean u have/had derangement syndrome too? Just cuz someone doesn't like this fool in office doesn't mean we have TDS. I'm so sick of yall right wing conservatwats completely disrespecting anyone who doesn't share your opinion. But hey, according to you, I suffer from "TDS" so wtf do I know?

    2. Right on Jazzy!

  17. it's a bunch of bullshit. go live your lives. bring hand sanitizer.

  18. I think the virus is being used as an excuse to unleash TOTAL CONTROL over all of us. They already can hear and see us anytime they want, now they get to say STAY HOME OR ELSE? History shows us that once that kind of power is used, they don't go back to the "old days" - We have been in big trouble since the Patriot Act, so called... I am very concerned for everyone at this point. New Orleans cancelled all the events this week re: St. Patrick's day. One of them was an outdoor free concert. Now the two bands are playing tonight at the same time as the event, for $10 a head at the Maple Leaf. lol Everyone would have been better off gathering at Lafayette Square. WHATEVER

    And for anyone who wants to know who THEY are... it's The Hierarchy Enslaving You.

    1. We have been in trouble since 1871 (and actually long before that). Change is coming, though. You know this. Don’t be concerned but be vigilant, and keep preaching the truth. Nothing can stop what is coming. : )

    2. Tehbird. ..we are calm and aware ;-)

  19. How did Hussein handle H1N1? He waited 6 months to declare an emergency and thousands died. You like that truth pill :)

  20. I’m already retired and I’m not doing or buying anything extra..

  21. No because 45 is the most incompetent world leader. He would have to admit he was wrong. He would rather watch countless deaths on his watch than to do the right thing.

  22. Not every country or even nearly every country. I can see major cities in the U.S. eventually doing this if it doesn't slow down soon.

    However, China announced yesterday that by April, they will have a vaccine to this disease that apparently started in one of their labs.

  23. Trump handling it in a very inept way sure sounds like Trump's fault :/

  24. That would be so cool..... like Hollywood Movie!!!

  25. @tehbird Indeed we are! God wins :)

    1. I’m grateful you and many on this site are wide awake. : )

  26. No, I dont think so...partial quarantine and perhaps public transport, maybe? I'm not sure I understand what it even would imply...wouldn't they have to literally freeze worldwide rent, no bills, no trading, bc everyone's ability to "carry on from home" would be in wildly different positions? Food needs?

  27. @tehbird I don't know what you're talking about but it sounds good to me :)

  28. @tehbird I'm grateful for you and others as well :)

  29. My family is from a small country in Europe. Before they even had the first case, they started discouraging people from going to crowded places, large events, etc. They had the first case last Friday, and there were 7 by Monday, but so far they’ve already tested 600 people (the rest were negative.) They’ve closed Universities, and are recommending self-quarantine for everyone. They’re so much further ahead of this than us that it’s scary. Our leadership is so incompetent!

  30. there is no fucking epidemic. a few flu deaths being peddled as the big bad coronavirus, which has a far weaker mortality rate. now you get a sense of how deep the deep state is. it stretches across the goddamn world. the Rothschild/Payseur/Vatican dirty money is spread far and wide. live your fucking lives and stop believing the MSM.

  31. It's hard to imagine because we have never seen anything like this, but yes, I think it may come to quarantine. Some say it will peter out, but I am preparing, just in case. I was in the bus yesterday, and two obnoxious people were coughing without covering their mouths, so I started wearing a mask today. Not because of corona virus, but against assholes.

  32. Amen PhillyWilly. How come no one says a word about that crap they spray in the sky?

  33. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Maybe! Hence the toilet paper shortage. Who wants to run out of that?

  34. I had no idea there were so many conspiracy theorists here. Keep your heads in the sand until you watch your parents and grandparents die within a short time of each other, and even then you will still call it a coincidence. It's called denial.

  35. Anonymous11:59 AM

    If we don't "flatten the curve" (slow the infection rate) there won't be enough hospital beds and ventilators to care for the ill. What's imperative right now is to reduce your chances of picking up the disease which also helps to protect your elderly and immunosuppressed family members. Better to be prepared than stick your head in the sand until it's too late.

    1. +100000@ anne. The young folks continue during break with no thought about parents, grandparents and neighbors. Just terrible.

  36. Calling unbridled government control a "conspiracy theory" just shows that you indeed have your head in the sand.

  37. They are shutting down schools, they've shut down E3, they're cancelling EVERYTHING! In the US there are less than 100 deaths. The dead are not littering the street, the cities are not aflame.


    In a month this will all be over and we'll move on to the next thing that is going to kill us.

  38. In a month this will be worse. One theory as to why Italy had so many deaths so quickly is because vulnerable seniors there tend to live with their families while in the US they tend to be in nursing homes.

  39. I'm outside of DC and things are already being cancelled - job fairs and conventions, for example. Monday is a "student holiday" while teachers figure out if they can remotely teach students. It's going to be a show. That said, I think this is so overblown. I went to the market to get chicken at 1:30 today. The store was jammed and there were literally 4 bottles of hand soap left. So ridiculous.

    And yes, I think a lot of countries are going to partially quarantine people in different ways.

  40. your god has forsaken you
    virgin sacrifice is your only hope
    fortunately, there's a bumper crop of those right here
    its NOT coming...

  41. My doctor who is a professor at the university said the hospitals in Lombardy are like a war zone. They are almost out of ICU beds, when that happens it will be a real disaster.

    We have become so accustomed to a life of no problems except those controlled by man, that when an actual epidemic appears it is a "conspiracy"

    @Brayson also about 25% of the country are elderly.

    @Vita That is what they have done in Italy, payment of utilities is suspended for a few months, there is money for landlords whose tenants can't pay rent, etc.

  42. Everything is going according to plan.

  43. @gauloise, That will do it too. I wonder about Japan, I think they're about 26%.

    I wonder what he will say:

    BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump will address the nation tonight and FINALLY promises 'to use the full power of the federal government' to tackle coronavirus as WHO declares a pandemic and markets plunge

  44. Not the US. Sick employees won't even be allowed to take a sick day in most places.

  45. Every Winter anywhere from 45,000 to 60,000 men, women and children die of the Flu in this country.

    And, as one of our astute posters mentioned, Chicago has been a graveyard of promising, creative young Black men and women for decades.

    Am I concerned? Yes. But I have been carrying alcohol wipes for years and years.

    Something is going on in the World and some of us read the Memo a while back. This is yesterday's news.

    That said, everyone on CDAN stay safe and well.

  46. Well said Ann and I’m buying the ammo. I don’t trust any of you muhfuckers.

  47. I think people are driving this pnademic with their crazyness and the media. Common sense is all but lost

  48. @MyDog. Hey, how ya doin?! Just stopped in to say you and the rest of the like minded people are correct. And for those worried about toilet paper... it may be inconvenient if you run out, but if you have a wash cloth and water you can still wash your dumb ass. Also, W.H.O. is an arm of the U.N., enough said.

  49. DRUDGE REPORT HEADLINE: Top Doc Says 10 Times More Powerful Thank Flu Virus. If NYC is canceling the St. Paddy's Day Parade for the first time in 258 years, they must know something we don't and I doubt if they will ever tell us just how bad this stuff is.

  50. I’m with you Lauren Maye, MDS,Philly Whilly,telf,alleycat,weekittylass,homerdomer and others. I just refrain from slot of this because I’m obviously lacking in controversy here😂😏
    Just know that. Truth is truth. It’s always inevitable,and thank GOD,always on time.

  51. @Tricia, I hear ya!!

  52. This has been super entertaining and I can't wait to hear what your President Trump and the MSM have to say this evening about this "hoax" of a virus. But my curiosity is totally piqued- what happened in 1871 and what event are some of you alluding to that's on the horizon? Zombie Jesus? The end of days? The coming of the Antichrist? I want to know what outfit I should pack...

  53. We’re in hurricane country so we stay prepared. I’ll stabilize 20 gallons of gas and make sure both grill tanks are full. Fire up the generator. I have a large chest freezer, a beerator and a huge house fridge. Order in more batteries from Amazon. The camping box stays ready to go. I have cold meds, steroids, antibiotics and pain killers on hand. We fill scripts, we just never seem to need to take them. It’s just early hurricane prep for us.

    1. It's a fucking virus not a tornado, hillbilly

  54. @Kathy: nobody, Not one person ,least if all POTUS said this was a Hoax. He said the MSMa potrayal of their repose was. And it was(considering he slowed off travel to/from China within a week of the outbreak and was called a “xenophobic racist” by mental
    Giants like Chuck Schumer .
    The more ya know....🤞🤘

    1. People are literally calling it a hoax.
      Like, several here have said it..

  55. @Tricia, even if President Trump walked on water they would still rant and scream. I suppose I should clarify that I'm not saying he is Jesus :)

    1. I know y'all think this is Noah's Ark type shit, laurenMaye, and only
      yOuKnOwTHEEtRuTh¡! and gonna get out of this disastrous path on a fuckin raft w Alf and tricia but let's just hold up on the analogies between president trump and Jesus.

  56. Yikes- this tweet hasn't aged well:

    Donald J. Trump
    Feb 24
    The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

  57. They'll probably overreact like everyone else. The flu kills more people annually, and nobody bats an eyelash over it.

  58. Love it! All the Jerry Springer wanna be contestants are weighing in with their astute intellectually researched opinions.

  59. Tom Hanks and wife have the coronavirus in Australia!

  60. Ohmigosh, the dumb is strong with the majority of you, social distancing and the cancellation of events is happening to slow the spread of the virus, not to alarm or enslave people. Do any of you actually read the articles or just flip out over headlines?

    CV attacks the lungs. People with serious cases require respiration assistance. Intensive Care Units quickly fill up leaving no room for people who become otherwise seriously ill (heart attacks, cancer etc) or are involved in serious accidents.

    There is an expected infection rate of 60 to 70%, far higher than the flu and with a kill rate of between 2 and 6%.

    The response to this crisis has generally been slow, both by governments and in being picked up by the media, it’s only been the last week or so that we are beginning to see actual responses and for some countries such as Italy, that came too late.

    Grateful I live in Australia right now where our government acted immediately against WHO advice and stopped entry from China and other highly infected countries, our most recent cases have arrived from the US.

  61. Gauloise-- Thank you for the valuable,(unfortunately) firsthand experience. I hope you and your family are remaining safe and well.

    Chicago also "postponed" the Southside Irish parade and the dying of the Chicago River and downtown parade.

    Prayers and best wishes for the health of all.

  62. The NBA has suspended their season

  63. How the Movie “Contagion” Laid the Blueprint for the Coronavirus Outbreak

  64. Coronavirus Was Eerily Predicted in a 1981 Novel

  65. yeah, bc god knows that since this president has been elected , we haven't had one "chicken little" scenario after another, all drummed up in collaboration with the corrupt MSM - Emoluments, 25th amendment, Russia Russia Russia, Ukraine, Iran, NK, kavanaugh, Stormy - the list is practically endless. So with that track record, we all should just buy into one more giant pile of bullshit. these are fucking flu deaths being dressed up to create world wide hysteria. we are to believe, oh its just coincidence that something like this would happen during trumps presidency, and in the run-up to our presidential election. yeah, ok, pull the other fucking one.

  66. Belgium is currently debating the total quarantine solution. It's already hit NATO HQ, SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe), government (such as it is) and a bunch of other people. I don't know why they don't announce the number of people who are now over it and released from quarantine. I already work from home, as it is generally my clients who come to me. Now I am working online. I only leave to go to the grocery store. My husband hasn't left at all over the past week. We aren't in quarantine, per se, it's that I have a genetic mutation which puts me at great risk. A-1 Antitrypsine Deficiency. It's something that affects the liver, and it makes a person unable to break up the mucus in their lungs. So this is something I have to take precautions against getting it. And yes, I think every nation will do some sort of quarantining at some point.

  67. Absolutely correct!

  68. Well, there's no toilet paper to buy so I guess we'll all be quarantined wiping our behinds on???? Well, the NBA is suspended.

  69. Kansa - Stay safe. Thank you for your unique perspective. Tricia, Willy, et al, I am also wide awake, have been for some time. Cheers, and be safe. We may all need each other some day. The world is rife with the power hungry blind who refuse to see.

  70. MyDogSmiles said...
    We are literally living in parallel universes right now...????? Stopping Shopping has been mentioned as a way to bring down the evils....Insert whatever name you are comfortable with.......but "they" have the power . WE don't.So maybe there are some positives in this latest go around of fear fear fear fear from our govt. Do they protect US from dirty skies, food, water, medicines etc. ? No. So , it the federal reserve goes belly up and WE declare be it. Google Rev. Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir on you tube.

  71. 😂Maybe this is just a BIGGER diversion to distract us all from the Jeffrey Epstein case😉

  72. Anonymous7:14 AM

    For those who still believe this is a hoax watch Italy closely because America is about 12 days behind Italy in the pandemic. You have a front row seat of what is about to descend upon us. The UK is even less (6-7 days) so we can all sit back and watch what happens to both countries. Currently in Italy if you are over 65 you will not be given ICU care if you become critically ill. They have already started triaging people based on age. There are not enough hospital beds and Italy has prioritized their younger members of society. One of Italy's physicians in the clinic setting caught the coronavirus last weekend. He died on Wednesday.

    For those who can put aside politics and conspiracy theories aside the most important thing you can do is not catch the virus. Stay at least six feet away from other people when you must go out on errands or at work. Wash your hands frequently. Keep your hands away from your face. Make your own hand sanitizer if you can't buy it. Use it when traveling or while at work. Work from home if you are given that option. We have got to slow the transmission of the virus down so that hospital beds are available to those who become severely ill. That's the most important thing you can do for friends/family and other Americans.

  73. Thank you Ann. It took 90 comments to hear a voice of reason.

  74. @LaurenMaye Hey! I'm doing great and getting a good laugh at at all the panic LOL Have a great March Madness :)

  75. Anonymous7:52 AM

    @Shaddup stay safe, stay healthy.

  76. Thank you, Sugar of Lead. Yesterday we had 367 cases, today we have 399. That's nothing compared to how the virus will take off in the US, but it's something here. There's a quarantined family not 3 minutes away from us. Seriously. I know that people are saying not to stock up, but we did that. I cannot afford to get the C-virus. (This is a really good reason to know what you face by dna testing. I had no idea that I had this mutation. All I knew was that I would get asthmatic bronchitis and pneumonia like someone else snapping their fingers. I understand all the concerns about medical privacy, but this is something that is important for me to know, especially in this situation. There's free, confidential testing and you don't need a doctor's referral. ) Lastly, I wish everyone good luck with this. We are so lucky to have lovely people calling us and checking in on how we are doing, and we are doing the same for others. The military community is so wonderful, I can't say enough great things about it!

  77. Someone BIG going down after Weinstein . Hanks=BIG
    "They people are sick"
    Trump "We are all in this together" =WWG1WGA



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