Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood Quickies

#1 - The first time this back in the day A++ list celebrity had sex with this permanent A++ list actress, was not the first time that day the actress had sex. The owner of the house, an A+ list singer said the sex was a rental fee.

#2 - This A list mostly movie actress was married to a permanent A list mostly movie actor. When the actor became terminally ill, his actress wife started having an affair with this permanent A+ list singer/sometime actor.

#3 - This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor is someone all of you know even though he died so many decades ago. He never dated anyone over the age of 16, and used his fame to have sex with as many teens as he could. When they would get pregnant, he would force them to have abortions. One wife had to wait two years until she turned sixteen to marry him.


  1. 1--Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe

  2. 1. Dimagio and Monroe for actress

  3. 1. JFK and Marilyn Monroe and Sinatra?

  4. 1--Sinatra for the singer

  5. 2) Lauren Bacall/ Humphrey Bogart/ Sinatra again?

  6. #3 - Jerry Lee Lewis?

  7. # is def Chaplin, Montana - the woman who waited to marry was Oona O'Neill.

  8. +1 on Chaplin Montana

  9. Oh I thought the woman who waited was Lita Grey? His second wife was 16 and pregnant at time of their marriage.

  10. #1 actress Liz Taylor

  11. +1 Montana, I like DiMaggio for the "back in the day A++ list celebrity," actor or singer would have been mentioned so probably an athlete, politician or royal. JFK is definitely permanent A++ list, he was bigger than popes.

  12. Yea, it was Lita Gray - Oona was much older (18) when they married.

  13. Jerry married his 14yr old cousin

  14. #1 is definitely not Marilyn Monroe. It’s pretty well known that she was married and divorced long before she ever became famous.

  15. Last one Chaplin.....

  16. #1 sounds like the beginning of all the porn videos I watch - I mean - have heard of.

    1. Yeah bro...I've heard that too!
      I've heard that Alot!!!

  17. #2 Patrick Swayze and his wife?

  18. @Buddytesla, I made the same mistake but the blind is saying the first time she had sex that day, not ever, like the other guy literally got the landlord's sloppy seconds.

    "not the first time that day the actress had sex"

  19. #1 definitely IS Marilyn Monroe, JFK and Frank Sinatra who owned the Farallone estate and is rumored to be the location of the "tryst" betwixt Monroe and Kennedy. So the first time she had sex with JFK - she had already had sex with Sinatra that day. Sloppy seconds indeed.

    1. Thank you for using "betwixt" 👌🏼

  20. Always happy to see Old Hollywood blinds, even though I usually don't have a clue!😍

    1) not sure
    2) I was also thinking Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart, Sinatra
    3) Errol Flynn?

  21. Ok, #3 does seem to Chaplin

  22. Anonymous11:08 AM

    2 is definitely Bogart/Bacall and Sinatra. That's pretty common knowledge.

    3 is Charlie Chaplin nut Errol Flynn could maybe fit.

    1 MM probably just blew Sinatra while JFK was on his way over.

  23. #1 is NOT Marilyn Moore. She owned the house at the time of her death there.

    #2 Could be Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall!

    #3 I think this was Errol Flynn. Enty has had plenty of Blinds about Errol dating teen girls and using his star power over them.

  24. 1. JFK, Monroe, Sinatra
    2. Bogart, Bacall, Sinatra
    3. No clue

  25. Thanks, folks. I love old Hollywood blinds.

  26. David is correct - Marilyn owned her home at the time she was allegedly having an affair with JFK.

  27. Monroe, sinatra, DiMaggiot
    Errol Flynn is definitely #3

  28. How can Chaplin only be A+? This is what is throwing me for #3. I mean come on, he was responsible for some of the most famous movies ever. Chaplin should be A+++.

  29. Uh, Marilyn might have owned her own home at the time, but I doubt she wanted to have the President of the United States drop in. It would have been too conspicuous. They would want to meet at a neutral place, and it wouldn't have been out of place for JFK to appear to visit with a member of the Rat Pack - his brother-in-law was a peripheral member (Peter Lawford)

  30. #1. A+ list singer was Bing Crosby's house.
    I take issue with that description: Bing was definitely A+++ Singer/Actor, for two decades the most popular singer and actor in the US.
    MM wouldn't have had to be "forced" to have sex with anybody, but def not Sinatra, they were on and off lovers for years.

  31. Thank you Enty & Mr. X for the Ild Hollywood blinds. I wonder if the Summer Olympics will be postponed or canceled?

  32. @TW: Idk but several weeks ago they were already talking about making changes to the ‘passing the torch’ ceremony because of CV so perhaps.

  33. #2 Harpo Marx, Barbara Marx, Frank Sinatra

  34. Errol Flynn for sure for #3. He was also a spy for the Third Reich during WW2. Or was he a spy for us against them? Can't remember. It is one of the two, though. He was quite the charmer in his day. And incredibly photogenic. Those days are so over. All the top actors of today look like they just left a flop house and haven't shaven or bathed since Halloween last year.

  35. #2 was definitely Lauren Bacall and Bogart- She was sleeping with Sinatra

  36. Yep, Errol Flynn was a handsome guy, but defo had a taste for the very young ladies.

    1. Errol used to watch all the high school girls in his car. He would arrested if he tried that today. He really let himself go at the end.

  37. #2 is def Lauren Bacall. She wrote about it in her autobiography.

    Marilyn rumored to have stayed at Sinatra's guest house. As tenant or guest ... not sure.

  39. Bing Crosby is NOT A+++. Elvis is only A++, and Bingy Boy ain't above him.
