Friday, March 06, 2020

Four For Friday - Bad Drug Behavior

#1 - This A list musician in a permanent A list band has always been known for his abhorrent treatment of women. Proudly last week he told a story about how he made a groupie who was in her teens lick up the coke he had spilled on the floor of a bar. He then told her she had to orally service every guy at the table. The girl was way underage.

#2 - It had a huge name cast and was a movie that came out in the mid 1980's. It got destroyed at the box office, but the producer of the movie made a fortune because he stole most of the money from the budget. This is not about him, but this A-/B+ list actress all of you know who was given $100K when she found out about the stealing and ended up spending that much on coke during the movie.

#3 - This permanent A list mostly movie actress all of you know has been sharing a lot as of late. She hasn't shared that she used to have a huge drug problem. Back in the day when she was first starting out, she was known as the threesome queen. If you brought the coke and some cash, she was open to anything.

#4 - There was another actor who was in the film describe in #2 who was just becoming really famous when he was shooting #2. He used to do his lines of coke in front of people and was known for not sharing and being an a-hole about reminding people he was rich now and famous and just being a tool.


  1. And here it is slightly behind BI reveal #5 but here anyhow

  2. 2 ) sounds like Molly Ringeals-Andre Mcarthy-Fresh Horses?

  3. 2) Darryl Hannah and Clan of the Cave bear?

  4. 3) Meryl Streep because she slept around?

  5. 4)Andrew Mcarthy(Fresh Horse)

  6. I'm going out on a limb for #2 and guessing the movie is "Dune", the produ er was one of the female deLaurentiis'es but you know the main guy was the money behind it, and the female star Sean Young, who was that rating at that time. And we all know what happened to her

  7. 2) Cotton Club. Robert Evans thief, Diane Lane took the bribe.
    4) Nicholas Cage.

  8. 2) changing to 8 million ways to die and Rosanna Arquette which would make....
    4) Andy garcia?

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Jeff bridges bombed his way through the 80s so this one or heavens gate was my guess except the actress doesn’t fit heavens gate. The coke use on heavens gate is legendary.

  9. If it was " Dune", that would beg the question, what did Picard know?

  10. The next time Hollywood wants to do a biopic on an actress, I think it should be all about the threesome queen. That's how you sell a movie.

  11. #2 Film is Heaven's Gate. Budget was 44 Mil. Made less than 4 Mil at box office. IMDB trivia explained how director/writer Michael Cimino skimmed all that money.

  12. 1. Tommy Lee. Lonnng history of abusing women

    2. Breakfast Club. Ally Sheedy or Molly Rinwald

    3. no idea

    4. 100% is Judd Nelson. Ran into him on Worth Ave in Palm Beach about 6 months after the movie. He was a major douchebag. But he was also a bit funny to be honest. He had a V&T in hand as he strolled down the avenue.

  13. Andrew McCarthy aged into the face he deserves

  14. Ishtar. Warren Beatty produced. Carol Kane for the actress. Hoffman for the blow asshole in #4

  15. So if #2 is heaven's gate...then #4 is Mickey Rourke.

  16. #1 Gene Simmons of Kiss

  17. Heavens gate doesnt fit the timeline of mid-80s. Ishtar fits the time line somewhat but not the actress "we all know"

  18. Lol@notthisagain. Yeah,he isn’t known for being pleasant to people,also suffers from a crippling shyness (no excuse) but NYC service industry folks were not his fans for sure. He’s also quite twitchy.
    @Clark-love the JN anecdote. I love Worth Ave and the image of him strutting with a Cocktail I. Front of blue bloods is funny. Now he looks like a homeless dude tho. Breakfast Club did quite good BO I think tho

  19. Since when did Meryl Streep sleep around?

    1. Since that dingo ate her baby.

  20. +1 Swinfa, ishtar was one of the most expensive movie bombs of all time, 1987.

    It was produced by Beatty, he was dating Daryl Hannah and Isabel Adjani (who also starred) in those years so maybe one of them.

  21. Change the actress to Isabelle Adjani... she co-starred in the movie and was Beatty’s girlfriend at the time. Apparently famous French actress with two Oscar noms.

  22. Since she was young starting out.

  23. To everyone saying 'Heaven's Gate' it isn't. That film came out in 1980 and the blind says mid '80s.

  24. These are good ones!

    1) I like the Tommy Lee guess, as I think Gene Simmons is a no drug guy

    2) Not sure! 80s bombs I think of are Ishtar and Howard the Duck, but I don't think either works

    3) Demi Moore? She had the autobiography out recently


  25. Breakfast club mad $50mil at BO - on a $1mil budget

    Cotton club was $26mil BO and $58mil cost- known for being over budget and took 5 years to make....
    directed by FF Coppola, produced by Robert Evans - who was tangentially involved in a murder during the financing period....and was convicted of cocaine trafficking....

  26. 2. St Elmos fire? actress we all know=Demi Moore?

  27. No - St Elmo's fire budget $10mil BO $38mil

    I believe answer is
    #2 Cotton Club - Diane Lane
    #4 Nicolas Cage

    #1 could be a whole bunch of jackasses
    #3 - yes to Demi Moore

  28. 4) The Pick-Up Artist? RDJ (who was just getting big), Molly R, Dennis Hopper, Harvey Keitel, Danny Aiello, Vanessa Williams

    Produced by Beatty and pretty much bombed

  29. #3 Demi, she was sharing recently about Ashton and how he made her do threesomes and then used it as an excuse to cheat

  30. 1. Tommy Lee
    2. Cotton Club / Robert Evans / Diane Lane
    3. Demi
    4. Nic Cage

  31. 1. Tommy Lee

    2. Ally Sheedy St Elmos fire

    3. Demi Moore

    4. Judd Nelson, st elmos fire.

  32. Dustin Hoffman was not "just becoming really famous" when he was shooting Ishtar. He'd been famous for 20 years. So it's not him.

    As noted above, St. Elmo's Fire did not get "destroyed at the box office."

    Cotton Club is a really good guess.

  33. #1 only AxL Rose came to my mind.
    #2 100k on Coke in 80s ?!!!!! And she survived?! How's that possible?!

    1. because, unlike #4, she wasn't selfish

  34. Bonfire of the Vanities. Melanie Griffiths. Tom Hanks.

  35. #1 How did he make her? By threatening that if she didn't do it she wouldn't get to be with him? Really? Is that a threat? A whore is a whore is a whore.

  36. #3 isn’t Demi. She had a well known drug problem and has admitted as much.

  37. St elmos fire was made fir 10 mil and only made 27.5 mil. Much less than other brat pack films. They predicted it to make 50 mil

  38. St elmos fire made 37.8 mllion. That is not bad for 80s money and in line with other Hughes teen films, which tended to bring in around 40 mil. Not Top Gun, but not a flop

  39. Was Bonfire of the Vanities out int he 80's? I can't remember, I am too lazy to figure it out. If it was, Melanie Griffith?

  40. Movie was St. Elmo’s Fire. Estevez, Lowe, McCarthy, Sheedy, Nelson, and Moore-Rat Pack of the 80’s. Demi Moore took the bribe. Ally Sheedy was never a B+ actress.

  41. This is how rumors get started ...

  42. I live Clan of the Cave Bear can't find on streaming. Also live these kind of blinds.

  43. I want number 2 to be Ishtar but don't remember a female in cast.

    I think 1 is Vince Niel not Tommy.

    Andrew McCarthy? He always looks abused to me just bound and battered.

  44. Anonymous9:34 AM

    1. Tommy Lee always fits for these types of blinds...but maybe Steven Tyler.
    2. Cotton Club/Diane Lane which makes # 4 Nick Cage.
    3. Demi Moore but could be dozens of them.
    4. Cage. If it didn't say mid-80s I would go with Heaven's Gate/Isabel Huppert and Mickey Roarke.

  45. Axl Rose and Anthony Michael Hall for the coke jerk

  46. 1. Tommy Lee or Vince Neil;
    2. St. Elmo's Fire which would make #4 Rob Lowe or Estevez;
    3. Demi Moore;
    4. Rob Lowe or Emilio Estevez

  47. #1 Isabel Huppert Heavens gate Michael Cimino

  48. 1. Steven Tyler?

  49. I agree with others above who guessed Bonfire of the Vanities for the mid-80's bomb. Don't know who produced it, but it was disaster of a movie (detailed in the terrific book "The Devi's Candy"). Melanie Griffith definitely fits as the coke-head actress, and Bruce Willis had a supporting role - just becoming really famous with the TV show Moonlighting. He fits for the the asshole newcomer.

    The Cotton Club also works for this blind.

  50. 1. Nikki Sixx
    2. Less Than Zero/ Jamie Gertz
    3. Demi Moore
    4. Robert Downey Jr.

  51. #1, good whore, knows her place.
