Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 25, 2020

This permanent A list model/host has very little of her real hair left after some really bad chemical reactions to her hair over the past year.

Tyra Banks


  1. She can go bald and do the Grace Jones NG

    1. What about Star Jones.... anyone fancy her?!

  2. That must be traumatic for a woman.... especially from Showbizz!
    Poor girl...has great eyes though!

  3. I saw her with Andy Cohen. I thought her hair looked ragged. She didn't look as put together that night. I say, she should let it go free without wigs. She'd definitely get huge support. Wigs/weaves is hard on the scalp.

  4. This is un-be-weave-ably sad.

  5. Thought she's been bald for a while.

  6. As a bald man I feel the pain. At least for men it’s a accepted possibility couldn’t imagine what it’s like for a woman.

  7. @Badsaw: I worked on a project about hair loss a few years ago. Spoke to both men and women, and you’re right...men accept it as a possibility, but women are absolutely devastated as they never expect that it could possibly happen to them. Plus they think it’s ‘not fair’ because women go through so many other things that men don’t.

    As for Tyra, way too many chemicals etc. throughout the years has led to this.

  8. An awful feeling, but at least she grew up in an industry where playing with wigs and manipulating your appearance were routine, as she'll master the options til she finds something that works for her. she'll know how to play up her stunning face to where most might never notice. Still, as shocking as it had to be, hopefully it is just a temporary condition.

    HOWEVER, as much as I can sympathize with the situation above, have you read the details on that Model World thing she's opening? I can't fathom a world where it will be successful, yet Im sure Im wrong. To me it sounds like a $1500/day GlamourShots immersion experience. I dont see how it can work for crowds, or to me, be much fun. However, I'm a long way from my tweens, and the only selfies Ive ever taken were by necessity.

  9. Chinese herb, Fo Ti, brings hair back. The Chinese do beat us on medicine that works.

  10. Wear Hermes scarves or cute real hair wigs. She has the face for it.

  11. The hair takes serious punishment over the decades.

  12. fionafab said...
    This is un-be-weave-ably sad. LMAO!!!

  13. Where's that wig guy when you need him? LOL, love ya Garafolic.
