Thursday, March 05, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 24, 2020

The foreign born former A+ list tweener was so hopped up on his prescription meds yesterday, that everyone was shocked he was able to perform for a crowd. He sucked, but he did perform.

Justin Bieber/Kanye West Sunday Service


  1. Is this the plan for the tour, too?

    The SNL performances got good reviews, I hadnt heard about Sunday Service

  2. The blind also sounds like a sex show in Amsterdam.

  3. Comments in the original blind were that the performance was fine. I don't lie Bieber, but some of these posts are gaslighting. Especially when there's video out there we can check for ourselves.

  4. I still want to know what his ‘prescription meds’ are. Is this referring to his vitamin drip?

  5. Probably his coke drip...of course I mean the soda.

  6. I just watched it and he seems normal to me

  7. Ex pillhead here,=opiates or benzos, are the things that are popular with younger set, or weed. I can't see his eyes, which would tell a lot. I didn't get coke vibes from him on his SNL appearance, this one just tells me jack shit. I hope it is just weed, and if it is pills, that he's not drinking on it. That's when people fuck up, mixing booze and pills. I am not a fan of the guy, but I'd hate to see that Jesus christ, I just looked he's 26, I hope he doesn't join the 27 club.

  8. Justin and Britney must have the same doctor....they both have that vacant look in their eyes.

  9. Is he still snorting that Lymes Disease?

  10. He sucked. What did he suck? Kanye's cock.

  11. @Habibti it's called Lithium – Kanye was on it on it too (I think Demi Lovato also).
