Friday, March 27, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 20, 2020

In court filings today, this A list mostly movie actor confirmed what I have been telling you for over a year. The A- list actress gave the celebrity CEO sexual favors and in return he paid her legal fees.

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard/Elon Musk


  1. Just like she did to Depp, giving him sexual favors and drugs to further her career.

  2. Picture of her in the lift with Musk reminded me of the film The Stud lol 😂

  3. Who would pay for that foul crotch?

  4. She should be so lucky she's a skinny, attractive woman or her career would've sank faster than the Titanic just like Jussie Smollet's... except in his case he actually DID get beaten up.

  5. God, people are so stupid

  6. I wonder if she had to do Nic Cage for the Drive Angry movie

  7. What’s a good BC worth?

  8. Juicey Smooleeay, the French guy?!? How's he doing these days? Forgot about him.

  9. The only one who beat up Jussie was Jussie. He owes Chicago $130,00 plus in overtime investigating his FRAUD to get paid more by the makers of "Empire."

  10. And Johnny DID beat her, thing confirmed by POS Depp in his own texts

  11. Who would pay? girl would have threesomes with Musk.

  12. @ B626
    The sex those 2 totally insane people would engage in would probably shock a pornstar.

  13. I, like a lot of people, equate a pretty face with good intentions. That is NOT the case. She found out very early that if she's "down," people will give her things. PS I need to stop thinking that way.

  14. Amber will do anything, sexually speaking. She was known as Musk’s back-door girl, and she’s also known for three-somes.

  15. @sandy Please. Johnny already had his own drugs when she got there.

  16. This whole situation is messier than when Amber took a shit in Johnny’s bed. She's vile. People like her make it harder for real victims of abuse to be taken seriously. She's the female Jussie Smollett & should have to suffer legal consequences for her abhorrent actions.

  17. Talk about a succubus. Evil, disgusting witch.

  18. So Elon Musk isn't disgusting for taking advantage of the situation? What a depraved lowlife he is and Johnny Depp is a drunk and abusive. She got what she needed from both of them and they got what they wanted from her so f you to everyone here continually blaming the female for everything.

    1. Lol what a ass backward comment
