Saturday, March 21, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 13, 2020

I should emphasize that she did not say this directly to the person, but the former alliterate actress turned celebrity said to someone to tell this royal higher on the hierarchy to "f**k off". Apparently the one higher on the hierarchy was upset at something the former actress had done and promised not to do, but did anyway.

Meghan Markle/Camilla Parker Bowles


Anonymous said...

Finally kicked your twink out enty?

Goddess said... Shrewd, cunning, and so very narcissistic. A triple threat of her very own kind.

Trapped said...

Okay they’re all worthless people living off their country for centuries..
Fuck off to all of them

Do Tell said...

Hey look, Markle, the whole world is being victimized by this virus. Nobody has time for you or your pretend issues anymore! What a fantastic time for Harry's support system to be reduced to one narcissistic whiner.

Freed Weave said...

Royal trashwife Meghan is more abhorent than the cornavirus

J said...

Fat Markle and her cretin husband are offering tips on how to survive isolation.

I'd rather get Archie's advice. He's got long experience with it.

Sunkist said...

Continues to dig her own grave with relish. For sure a narcissist. They cannot detect real feelings and sentiments, but when they happen they ignore and double down

sandybrook said...

The whole British Empire wishes they would both fuck off. Camilla should be happy though, they hate someone more than they hate her.

Hotbox said...

Her need for attention knows no bounds! Markle can't stand that she's been knocked out of the headlines. Even in plague times, her desperate PR machine chugs on. They have to be the most tone-deaf people on the planet.

MichiganMama59 said...

@ Do Tell - exactly.

Now he is isoldated, literally and figuratively.

Sd Auntie said...

Cant stand Camilla but man that broad is really crazy like her sister.i do think Harry hates CPB and blames her for his mother's demise.

Sd Auntie said...

Sparkles is the crazy one.

Hotbox said...

They also posted about an abusive partner helpline. Harry needs to call it ASAP!

Monkeyweather said...

Another evidence that Ginger and Markle didn't leave because they wanted to, but because they were summarily removed from "family" and country. Markle is pissed.

BMDS said...

Sparkles was my late cat's name...You've just insulted the dead.

Lucky Dog said...

If this is true, then why is Charles picking up their tab?! I don’t get it. They have insulted his mother, his father, his other son, his daughter in law and his wife. How come Charles doesn’t just nix the gravy train. They won’t have the money for their PR onslaught, private jets and her absurdly expensive wardrobe.

fionafab said...
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J said...

Why shouldn't Charles pay for young Mr. Hewitt? He's got plenty of money and doesn't have to work for it.

Girl with a Hat said...

fionafab, if it looks like Meghan Markle will get anywhere near the throne, the British Parliament will change the law rather than allow that vile excuse for a human being anywhere near it. I doubt she will ever be allowed into the UK again.

And as for your scenario, luckily, there are some very young and immune princes and princesses between disgusting POS Harry and the crown. Thank God for that.

gauloise said...

Meghan Markle's Insta has inspired me. As I am stuck inside due to Corona, I am going to enroll in an online course to become a therapist so I can help people deal with the mental issues of corona virus.

Does she realize its takes years to become a licensed therapist?

Sd Auntie said...

Sorry about your cat! @bmds. Sparkles Markle..

molly said...

If the real royals were not responsible for the split then why the photo of Charles , William and I think William's son. Harry was noticeably absent. This is a planned event by people who are just not human.......according to Princess Di. Hope William didn't get the genes but so far it does not look promising.Prior to the Harry and Meghan show it was the same old royal hate mongering.

Blue Haired Witch said...

Camilla was making an appearance and a speech for a domestic abuse initiative, something very important to her. Along comes JustHarry abuser Meghan and snags the tabloids attention away from it. I would be pissed at the Beyoncé too. Meghan is a faux-gold painted turd.

Blue Haired Witch said...

Oh, shoot. I meant bitch and autocorrect changed it. A Freudian slip on Autocorrect’s part or just coincidence?

incrediblegecko said...

Wow! Sparkle is a real piece of work. A self-absorbed coke snorting wh0r3. It is so funny how the public can see right through her shenanigans. Never thought I would dislike anyone more than Camilla Parker Bowles.

fionafab said...
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Aquagirl said...

Here’s my theory: given that HM & PP are quarantined @ Windsor, Harry will be called back to help his family (minus her.) I’ve already seen many articles that Beatrice may be called up to help as well. When you look at the line of succession, everybody except PW & PH are either over 70 or they are children. (I’m not including PA here for obvious reasons.) I think that Harry will return, followed by a divorce (or better yet, an annulment.) He is clearly miserable with her, but they can say that he wanted to serve his family & country, she didn’t like living in the UK, etc. Basically irreconcilable differences. As per Archie, they do not have custody of a baby. IF he exists, either the surrogate has him or someone else is caring for him.

I think Harry is totally losing it and will either be institutionalized or dead if he doesn’t get away from her. And now that the Invictus Games are canceled, he really has nothing to do.

Indy said...

The picture was just those in line for the throne. It wasn't personal against M&H and it's not unusual. Besides it would've been difficult to have a current picture with Harry as they bailed out if the annual dinner Royal family retreat at Balmoral and they bailed out of Christmas at Sandringham and nine if the family has been allowed to see Archie for awhile now.Just when were they supposed to take a picture anyway?? They're never around the family and that is their choice.

fionafab said...
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JBW said...

"Markle, the whole world is being victimized by this virus. Nobody has time for you or your pretend issues anymore!" LOL! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.....You just knoooooooooooooow she is a VIRUS! BWahahahhhhahahahhaha "Why, you! You, you, you.....virulent virus, you!!!!!!!" Harry was my hero decades ago, lightly speaking. Wartime dude, an ILC* *inveterate labia-chaser....bachelor with bucks....Harry, Harry, Harry....whhhhy oh whhhhy DIDN'T you CONTINUE your BAD-ASS lifestyle knucklehead????!!! Sad, sad, sad....Harry? Dude? Megsters woulda GLADLY REPEATEDLY swallowed and you coulda ghosted??! j/s

Fifi LaRue said...

I think Harry is quite satisfied with that trollop Meghan who takes every opportunity to show off her underwear, like that's sexy. Well, maybe for a budding porn star.

There you go Meghan. You can be a porn star!

Meghan isn't shrewd, she's just slightly more intelligent than dimwit Harry.

fionafab said...
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Studio54 said...

Good for Meghan! Forget the soon to be Queen Rotweiller. I wouldn't listen to a thing she said either. She's worse than Princess Perfect Kate, both of who would put up with anything just to be Queen.

luckygirl said...

didnt call her royal, just celebrity....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Harry, Prince of Simps should be his new royal title. I would imagine one does not disrespect Camilla. She didn't suck Charles' dick for decades for nothing.

Unknown said...

"Trashwife." I laughed out loud. So funny. Also, agree with Harry being prince of simps.

Aquagirl said...

@JBW: He did ghost her. In December 2016. She just kept stalking him and putting herself in places where she knew he’d be. And photoshopping pictures for Hello magazine to make it look as though they were in a relationship. (There are actually pics online of PW having her removed from the Polo, her crashing his friend’s wedding in Jamaica, her crashing the Toronto Invictus Games, etc.) Some type of blackmail was involved (I have ideas on what it was, but don’t know for sure.) And next thing you know she moved to
London & they were engaged. They barely even knew each other. She was just his booty call.

fionafab said...
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Aquagirl said...

@Studio 54: Are you at all aware as to how the BRF works? A notice was given to the Royal Rota to only focus on Camilla’s event/speech in the press that day. So Meagain, being the attention whore that she is, went to an alternate newspaper (not part of the Royal Rota) to leak her photos and her story to deliberately compete. So you saying ‘Good for Meghan’, just makes you sound like an idiot. She disrespected the entire Monarchy by going against their wishes. Yet the Royal Rota managed to do what they asked. As far as ‘Queen Rottweiler’ as you choose to call her, her husband is the one supporting Harry (besides the interest that he gets from his Trust Fund) so having his wife piss her off is probably not the best idea, hmmm?

Superfly said...

I have never witnessed anyone scorching bridges faster. She is going to entertain us for a long time.

As for Camilla: she is not so hated anymore. She got horrendous press, she was insulted for years and years in public (Kate also), and yet she never complained. not once. Instead she did her thing, showed up at work, walked behind Charles, supporting him at every turn, following protocol, and being respectful.

Same with Kate.

Because these are woman of a certain class. Like them or not, they have it.

Then you have LA suitcase girl who squeezes out tears complaining that nobody asks her whether she is ok, to the background of starving Africans.

She's a detestable piece of putrid trailer trash, mental ill, as likeable as a cold sore on prom night, and the only people who still defend her must be mentally ill also.

Blaise said...

These comments are quite enlightening. I have these visions of the couple ending in a bad way and I think it's sad. It's like Diana and her sons have been cursed. She didn't bargain for that, we know they set her up with PC and she seemed such a helpless teen. Eventually, the Queen and PC will pass away, but a healthy relationship between the brothers could have helped a future without the two seniors. It looks like PW will go at it alone when with PH's help they were hoping for a strong future. MM is not in Harry's future, so maybe the brothers will reconcile eventually.

Blaise said...

It seems like Meghan will not be in Harry's future. Hopefully, PH will reconcile with his brother but that too is iffy. I read the two are still worlds apart but worse than before. When the Queen and PC pass on, it will be PW who will be sending in the checks. How long is this going to last, unless they get millions in inheritance and PW cuts them off for good. I just think the whole thing is sad.

Goodau said...

In October 2018 the alliterate actress threw a pot of tea at an Admiralty House staffer while in Sydney on the Pacific Tour. The wife of the Governor General asked her not to abuse the staff, explaining that in Australia we are respectful to all. The answer that came back to her from Harry's wife was "F*** O**, don't you know who I am"?
There appears to be a theme.

Unknown said...

I think the Royal Family allowed harry to marry her because they regarded it as good PR- a chance to prove their are enlightened and not racist.
She thought this was her big opportunity to crawl her way into teh A list which is why she invited a lot of celebrities she barely knew instead of Harry's old friends or her family.
So she got slapped down, hard.

Aquagirl said...

Today is Mother’s Day in the UK. Is there a picture of Meagain & ‘Archie’ on Sussex Royal? No there is not. Can’t post something that you don’t have.

TwinStar said...
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sam said...

@J - you can certainly hate her if you want to, but to refer to MM as “fat Markle” is f-ing absurd, demented, and frankly, just plain sad. Meghan Markle is the furthest thing from fat and clearly you have body image issues. Do you consider Kate Middleton fat too? Shameful.

Anonymous said...

I know this is late, but does anyone know Markle being abusive to staff and being a "yacht girl" is true?

Anonymous said...

I think people who greatly dislike her, do so because they know a narcissistic abuser when they see one. Also, anyone know anyone who worked w her who has stories of her being abusive? Apparently shes not only a yacht girl, but an abusive one at that.


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