Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 1, 2020

A whole new press tour for a whole new movie with dozens upon dozens of interviews to give and somehow this A- list actress who also has a hit streaming show was once again not asked one question about the cult to which she belongs. Reporters were told in advance not to or they would lose their access to other press events for other movies.

Elisabeth Moss/Invisible Man


  1. These "reporters" are cowards. Being told not to ask something would embolden me to do so.

  2. Oh puhleez Enty.....Media is free/fair n fearless!!

  3. Haha, they're all knee pads media.

  4. She bugs the CRAP out of me.

  5. TBF I saw the movie and the weekend and it's really good.

  6. Their job is to suck up to celebrities so they can get access to them. They aren't what I would classify as a journalist digging deep to get juicy stories.

  7. It feels like the wrong actress was cast in this. They needed someone to bring in the audience. Noomi Rapace or Kate Beckinsale because Moss does absolutely nothing for me.

  8. Good. It's really inappropriate to badger them about their personal lives when they are contractually obligated to promote their film.

  9. Longtimereader-- thanks for the review! A friend and I were going to go later today, but she opted for Emma instead, fearing Invisible Man would be too violent.

  10. Do Tell-- I kind of agree, it's a time and place thing...when they have 45 5 minute interviews non-stop, to jar them on personal beliefs is pretty harsh. A longer, feature interview...much more fair game.

  11. Well, the comments are particularly stupid in that case. Of course, they wouldn't ask her questions about scientology, but this is the way promo works.

    You know how they do press tours for a film?

    Reporters have something like five minutes with a cast member for a one on one. In some cases, they have longer, but it's three journalists or more who ask questions in turn. The questions are always checked by the publicists, to prevent problematic issues, but mostly stuff that would eat up too much time for an answer and would put them behind schedule. That's the way press junkets have always worked, and they didn't change the system just to accommodate Elisabeth Moss' beliefs. That's also how red carpet interviews work. Short questions, nothing too hard, because there are dozens of reporters lined up who want to ask more or less the same questions.

    Then, there are in-depth interviews where bigger issues can be eventually approached, but nobody would use a press junket to try to grill Elisabeth Moss on scientology for 90 seconds at most.

    Also, remember when Johnny Depp was "fired" from The Invisible Man? When you see the actual film, it's obvious there was no part for him. Completely different project, with totally different priorities compared to what Universal was aiming three years ago.

  12. How is this even possible? Scio doesn't have any super high-profile Hollywood members in its ranks. Travolta isn't a star anymore. They've got that weird little midget Cruise, and that's it.

  13. Those interviews are so cringy. Why do they even do them? Most people know if they're going to see the movie or not. I get tired of seeing celebrities getting their ass kiss. And you know they hate doing them. I love universal monsters. But I can't stand Elisabeth Moss.

  14. If she has a Twitter account it doesn't matter ;)
    Ask her there
