Monday, March 09, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 28, 2020

Once again this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor took an opportunity which should have been a positive uplifting moment, to trash talk his late father. It has been and always will be just another way the actor shows what kind of tool he is.

Ryan Reynolds


  1. He can't act for shit.

    Don't come at me for spitting facts people, He's only getting by on his looks just like his wife is for marrying his dumb ass.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      The surgery made him look more feminine. I wonder what he was thinking. He’s a long way and several faces away from his two guys a girl and a pizza place days.

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    His Dad was an F'r.
    Why are folks expected to talk all nicey-nice, about their abusers, because they are dead?
    Nah, his Dad was a loser. . . Good job Ryan

  3. Who was his father -- Burt?

  4. So? you don't know the family drama. His dad was probably a douche.

  5. Judging by how he is still agrny at him, his father had to be at least verbally abusive, if not worse. It'd be interesting to know more.

  6. WHY talk at all about his father then? On one hand celebs demand privacy and yet they want to trump out personal business WHEN it suits them. Ryan IS a tool and not because of this (simply) but just because he is. I have NEVER gotten the appeal. Weak voice, great abs but almost cross eyed with facial features wonky and too close together. I do not get the appeal. He is one of those ones I wonder WHAT he did to get where he did because he doesn't deserve it on merit or skill alone.

    Blake may be getting by on marrying him but I think she is actually better in the things I have seen her in AND prettier to look at. Sadly I wish it were the other way around. HIM getting by on marrying her. And I say this as no huge Blake Lively fan perse.

  7. I don't care. Dead Pool is still a great movie.

  8. nooo he ruined a positive uplifting moment! you love those!

  9. +1 Chernobyl. He does quippy smartass in every movie.

  10. It is astonishing how some parents give life and then become deadset on destroying it.

    1. Or controlling and bullying it.
      I have one of those.
      He's 76 now but wouldn't pick up the phone unless there was something in it for him.
      Oh and the two periods when he was on steroids were the worst of my life.

  11. I ask again, if he hates his father so much, why did he name his first daughter (James) after him?

  12. @Aquagirl
    That's a very good question! He claimed he made things up with him before he died, yet again he still talk trash about him...

  13. @kiki71 I defintely agree! He wants privacy when it suits him and wants to foam at the mouth when its for his latest project! What a crappy double standard when a male star is deemed hard to work with almost nothing ever happens, but women's careers have been ended after the same accusations!

  14. Every son has a problem with their dad/father -- however you refer to him.

    I disliked my dad for years.
    But, I never trash talked about him. I would just say, 'My dad and I don't get along.'

    At his funeral in 1998, my mom asked me to give his eulogy.
    While putting the eulogy on paper, I could only remember the good things about him that made me who I am.

  15. Ryan Reynolds is funny, he has great comic timing and delivery. Seems to have a habit of getting Weinstein's sloppy seconds, but that could be half of Hollywood.

    Lots of parents are pieces of sh!t. Unconditional love is only supposed to be a parent's love for a child, not the other way around. If he's still talking smack about his father, he's probably carrying around a lot of pain.

    1. I hear he even dated THAT potted plant.

  16. i dont like ryan reynolds but if his dad was abusive, then I have no problem with this At All

  17. Have no idea what the deal is with his dad, don’t care but homeboy is an awful actor. A chunk of wood would show more range. You can apply that to this wife too.

  18. who cares. Reynolds seems douche-y to me. if the reason is from an abusive father then he has an excuse. no the next issue is to get some therapy, be an adult, and get over it.
