Monday, March 30, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 22, 2020

The people of the permanent A list "singer" are trying to get a hearing scheduled for next month continued until October at the earliest.

Britney Spears


  1. Courts are closed in many places around the country right now, no. If her case is in Cali, they are definitely closed.

  2. Lock her up in the mean time. Better safe than sorry.

  3. Bc of covid, this will drag on forever, and then they'll still file for continuations

  4. Must suck to be her.

  5. On that same topic Sandy, I bet we'll be seeing charges dropped, or sentenced to house arrest for many white collared criminals, such as Aunt Becky and other involved in the Varsity Blues cheating scandal, for example. The other defence will be for courts to take mercy on those going into potentially infected prisons.

  6. That's a possibility look at all the ones inside like Madoff and Cosby trying to force their way out right now.

  7. The courts are continuing everything that isn't considered urgent. Need a DV restraining order, you can still get in. Brit Brit's counsel aren't going to have any trouble getting any continuance they want on her mental health. She's not an urgent matter.

  8. Does anyone even care?

  9. Anonymous11:21 AM

    She can run faster than Bolt so they will never catch her.
