Saturday, March 14, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 5, 2020

The barely there celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister wasn't hacked. She released what she did because she had been getting threats from those close to the parental unit.

Mikaela Spielberg


  1. Really they need to get her help.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "They" are the problem.

    1. QAnon conspiracy is a fever dream of sick people with dangerous urges. If you Fetishize QAnon you’re likely the problem.

  3. She seems like such a damaged, fragile person. I do wonder what the hell happened in her life for her to turn out this way?! Something is definitely amiss.

  4. @Hotbox: She was raped as a child and passed around by her abusers. She claims it's not her parents or friends of the parents. But there could be a third piece of information here she's not letting out: Not my parents, not friends of my parents but... did the parents know who they were in light of some serious but quiet allegations that have surfaced about her father and the pedo-world.

    The people that abused her have not gone away and are now squirming she might name names. She will end up suicided if she's not careful. She's psychologically broken but I also wonder if this is not a play for money from her parents who might have cut her off or the men that abused her. Regardless, she is not safe.

    1. QAnon conspiracy is a fever dream of sick people with dangerous urges. If you Fetishize QAnon you’re likely the problem.

  5. She attended boarding school, I wonder if the abuse happened there?
    Are they potraying her as crazy as a lead up to her future suicide?
    Take care girl.

  6. Am I the only one who thinks that her story & Hanks & Rita having Corona are related? Distract, distract, distract.

    1. QAnon conspiracy is a fever dream of sick people with dangerous urges. If you Fetishize QAnon you’re likely the problem.

  7. @Aguagirl
    Mmhmmm. Very strange.
    + the whole situation in Italy makes me wonder about the Pope.

  8. @AquaGirl I wondered the same thing. There's zero to indicate that but it still crossed my mind.

  9. Spielberg is a known pedo. If people close to her parents were intimidating her, of course its about what she knows. Sadly, she will probably soon be found hanging from a red scarf

  10. Spielberg strikes me as a guy who got way in over his head with dangerous company before he realized who they were. I'm not convinced he himself is a monster. He is reportedly extremely paranoid, in fact.

    Everyone knows who the monsters are in this town, I've heard all the usual suspects (pun intended) named again and again, but never Spielberg except for this site.

  11. "He is reportedly extremely paranoid, in fact." Our just us system might cater to the wealthy and powerful, but not so with karma.

  12. @Yaccub: I completely agree about Q anon.

    But this is different. This is right wing disinformation targeting liberals. Last weekend the NYT printed an article that right wing billionaire and brother of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Erik Prince was paying millions to PROJECT VERITAS to infiltrate liberal groups, etc. This is big money disinfo that has also targeted liberal Tom Hanks, now liberal Stephen Spielberg, smearing them, when there is no evidence he has anything to do with his daughter's MENTAL problems, and admitted MPD.

  13. O/T, as I write this at 1:57 a.m. EST, there is a MASSIVE cluster going on at Chicago's O'Hare airport and DFW Airport in TX. The corrupt, incompetent Trump administration's ill thought out travel ban is taking effect, with massive, hours long lines of people returning from the hot spots in Europe, SHOULDER TO SHOULDER, no "social distancing" whatsoever, a human petri dish of people in the ill thought out return. No help from the Feds, who are ducking responsibility. Governor Pritzer of IL has been trying to contact the corrupt Trump administration about the massive cluster THEY created in this disaster, no one home, they can't be bothered to answer the phone, so he took to Twitter. This massive incompetent cluster is on Trump administration 100 percent.

  14. The fact she was molested as a kid and she felt she couldn't tell her parents and be treated with love and understanding says loads.

    Instead, she had to keep it all in and got shipped off to a bootcamp tough-love boarding school

  15. Yaccub and studio 54 nobody even mentioned qanon except you two.

  16. Right wing discrimination targeting liberals? I've literally never heard anything stupider and I work in government lol
