Saturday, March 28, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 20, 2020

Back in the day, this foreign born A list actor who is having a better start to his year than he did last year, made a different kind of movie than he is now known for. One of those movies was based on a real life person who shares something with the actor. As part of his research, he contacted the top scholar on the real life person and borrowed several documents and pieces of memorabilia on the person to help him get in character. Memorabilia that was rare, expensive and hard to find. He not only refused to return it, but destroyed the scholar's career in the process.

Liam Neeson/Michael Collins


  1. Disgusting not to return the items
    If it was his items he would definitely sue to get it back

  2. Karma will pay the a-hole a visit and it won't be a pleasant one.

  3. What movie was this for and you'd think Neeson would have learned from his going hunting for a black guy episode.

  4. I'm glad this 2A hating hypocrite has been exposed. Love how he isn't from here but deems himself important enough to tell real Americans what they should/shouldn't do. Asshole.

  5. Found an interview where Neeson says he wore two buttons from Collins’ coat on a string around his neck during filming and ‘touched Collins’ blood’ that was on a letter. Sounds like those are the items. No mention of a scholar.

  6. Really inconsiderate and generally shitty to both lose history that was put in your care AND cost a guy his career.

  7. Stfu moron pricks

  8. DIdn't Liam lose his wife in a freak accident? I refuse to talk about karma.

    1. Probably ones of those "deals" one hears about....

  9. Liam Neeson is from Northern Ireland a safe haven for murderers and pedophiles

    imagine the sick shit he saw growing up

    are we really surprised he is a racist scumbag ?

  10. I'm really disappointed to hear this. The shine is off him after hearing this story.

  11. I wouldn't worry about Liam - I think he got his karma.
