Monday, March 16, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 6, 2020

This failed QB who has a great nickname was going to try and make a comeback but there was no way he was going to pass any drug test.

Johnny Manziel/"Johnny Football"


  1. And there's no way any team would want him in any case. Stick a fork in him.

  2. Ugh, he behaves like a total psycho. Even the most desperate franchise isn't going to want THAT out front leading their team.

  3. Cocaine is a helluva drug

  4. Gotta think a "comeback" for Johnny football at this point consists of the CFL (already came and went), the XFL or even featuring in WrestleMania lol but the NFL seems way off.

  5. Johnny was only picked by Cleveland to distract from the Haslam's financial crimes that neither "had any knowledge of." Then POOF everyone forgot.
