Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 17, 2020

The permanent A list "singer" is having a tough time right now and it continues to be broadcast to the world because it will be easier to keep her and her money under control if she looks unstable.

Britney Spears


  1. She is unstable. And a danger to society.

  2. Maybe she is competing with Madge to see who can be more unstable...

  3. Would say she's a danger to society, but certainty to herself, and maybe her children, if she isn't kept on her meds. As soon as the meds work, and the person feels better, they want to stop taking them, because obvious they don't need them anymore. And off they go again !

  4. Sorry should be "wouldn't say she's a danger to society "!

  5. Aw J, she's not a danger to society, but I agree with norster.

    Her issues could be destabilizing for her kids to witness.

  6. You remember that umbrella thing? Lock her up with Solange and Conor McGregor.

    1. She should do a duet with Rhianna of Umbrella..ella..ella.

  7. No, she is a danger to herself. The only time she was a danger to society was when she was off her rocker in LA/Bevery Hills years ago & driving like a maniac to get away from the insane paparazzi posse that was chasing her & causing massive traffic problems.
    But much of that blame must also go to the LAPD & the BHPD for not putting a stop to the paparazzi insanity!

  8. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Ahhh yes @J, the trained psychiatrist. . . Man stfu.
