Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 7, 2020

This B list actress/singer who used to be higher on the acting list has always been part of that celebrity cult all of you know. She likes to claim she has never given them a dime. Not true. She claims she drifts in and out of it. Not true.

Juliette Lewis/Scientology


  1. Okay goody goody gum drop
    Nothing new here

  2. Anonymous8:51 AM

    She's always been so overrated.

  3. If you're okay w/Scio, you believe in it, why downplay your involvement? She better be careful- she's not a big enough celeb to denigrate Scio like that and not get sent off to do hard labor, or at least endure a month long intensive "clearing" session

  4. Told yooouuuuuuuu.

    JULIETTE LEWIS THE SINGER - basically I always picture her character from that Bonnie & Clyde movie she did with Woody Harrelson and that's her singing I think.

  5. She's always been openly a member

  6. She was hot in Cape Fear

  7. @Hunter that would be Ms Mallory Knox, movie Natural Born Killers.
    She sings "Born Bad" in her prison cell one scene.

  8. A good actress, but sorely misguided in her beliefs. Probably like a lot of these people got caught up and when you try to get out, sorry you. Something should be done about how they harass and abuse members who leave or want to leave. I always hear stories of what they do to these poor people, but I never hear repercussions for these actions. They should have never been given tax exempt church status, and that can be revoked.
