Friday, March 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 3, 2020

I don't get along with the spouse of the permanent A lister and never did. He always wanted to know where the A lister was and what she was doing and always thought the A lister was going to leave him. Despite all that, he should be invited to a celebration of her life and her tribute concert.

Chris Pérez/Selena Quintanilla-Pérez/'Veinticinco Años Tribute Concert'


  1. Whose the Alist in all this?!
    Honestly don't know anyone of these!

  2. Wut...who are these people.

  3. ROFL.... Iam glad iam not alone !

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Selena the mexican singer. JLo played her in the movie

  5. She was a Tejano singer in the 90's. Just as she was about to cross over to English singing, she was murdered by her fan club president who is still in jail for the crime. She eloped with Chris Perez and was married to him when she was killed. She was 23 when she died and the (25th) anniversary of her murder was this week.

    1. Thank you for telling the folks above. I was starting to feel shell shocked and sad.

    2. It's not like we care about Bollywood crap. Seriously. Beautiful people but really dint care

  6. Did the event happen, or get postponed? Did they wind up inviting him?

  7. +1 Wine
    @Indie, Selena Quintanilla-Pérez is definitely permanent A list to many communities. Let's put it this way, without this Selena there would be no Jennifer Lopez, JLo got famous playing Selena in a movie.

    1. Yep that Selena I know, the one who created JLo in her biopic! But didn't know her full name!

  8. Haven't heard, but her family, last I heard, sued him b/c they felt he breached a contract or something they had with him. It was along the lines of no one making additional money off of her name after money that was split initially or something. He wrote a book about his life with her though and his family sued b/c he would of course get royalties off of it. Not sure if they patched things up with him; if not, he is likely not invited to this event.

  9. This reminds me of when Gloria Estefan said, during an interview way back in the day, the Miami Sound Machine couldn't even book a wedding gig in the US.
    But, they were selling out 100,000 seat stadiums in South America before they got famous in the US.

  10. Selena was on the verge of big fame when she died. But permanent A list? Come on, Enty.

  11. Selena was a great talent just taken too damn soon.

    She just broke the male only genre.

    God people, watch the movie SELENA.

  12. How can someone no one's ever heard of be A list? Boggles the mind.

    1. I normally don't comment a lot but yes Selena is permanent A+++++++ lister. She knocked down barriers, her music is still played nationwide on both Sirius and FM radio.
      Her murder was shocking.
      The biopic movie helped propel JLOs carrier. Probably the best acting JLO has ever done.

    2. Was attending SDSU back then and she was a big deal. Everyone was riveted when that mental fugly midget killed her.

  13. Selena Quintanilla will always be an A+++++ to those of us in Texas. Every current Latino act can thank her for kicking down the door to crossover fame! Siempre Selena! 💗🌹

  14. I'm a white girl from the midwest, and because I read a lot, I know who Selena Quintanilla Perez is, and yes, she is definitely Permanent A. Got a Grammy for best foreign language album, is HUGE in Latin America and Texas, Corpus Christi et al for Tejano music, and was just about to cross over into the US music biz when she was murdered by her fan club head psycho. Powerful voice, sweet girl. RIP Selena, you were just getting started.

  15. Never heard of her so permanent is a stretch.



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