Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Blind Item #9

This superhero was supposed to be no more. He thought he could be a big star outside the universe. He crashed and burned in a truly spectacular way and now wants back in the universe.


  1. Leto? Not that The Joker is a hero...

  2. No More as in dead?

  3. Downey- Doolittle was a MAJOR bomb, even overseas. He's only Tony Stark now in people's eyes.

  4. RDJ? Doolittle was atrocious and lost $100m

  5. Few people are so artistic that they'll turn down big money for little work.

  6. Robert Downey Jr as Dolittle crashed and burned and lost the studio money and now he wants back in.

    Just like roque said, Everybody see's him as Tony Stark now and nothing else and that will be etched on his grave stone.

    1. @Chernobyl, while I'm not convinced this blind is him, you have a point. I call him Tony Stark more often than not and have to remind myself that's not his real name. Poor Tony, errr, RDJ!

  7. Most actors would kill to be in a hugely successful franchise. I do not understand these people.

    1. Universe movies requires extremely fit and muscular physique...that's impossible to maintain for a loong time! A movie every 2 years,some are announced even before one if complete,so constant round the clock working! And not even real acting...all green/blue screen shooting with heavy CGI !
      And the money? You don't have enough time to spend the money you're can't even eat what you like!
      Takes a toll on ones psychology!

  8. Downey had points in the films. He dont need the money or attention.

    Jackman has had ZERO success out side of playing Wolverine.

    He should make some non Xmen Wolverine movies. Punisher vs. Wolverine, Wolverine vs. Hulk, etc. The stories are good and already written.

    1.*cough*..Greatest Showman was no Dr Doolittle for Huge Jackass.

  9. @Seljin
    I agree. A fraction of the $ would satisfy most people for a long time.

    @Count - I would rather this was Logan Wolverine but doesn't Hugh do very well on stage?

    In any case - why does it look like Enty has turned against RDJ?

  10. I hate to say but even Cevans sounds similar. I really hope this isn't him though!

  11. Jackson didn’t make those movies for financial success. It was reportedly hedonistic parties on set thrown by Bryan Singer. Anyone who went to those location shoots is a collaborator.of courseScar Jo, mother of the year, is easy- she supports woody -and calls the poor daughter a liar.
    I pray the young men victimized byHollywood come forward now- do it as a group- no doubt thousands more than even HW.
    The Nickelodeon stars could OWN the studios if Jen McCurty, Amanda Byrnes and Miranda Kerr spoke out- if only someone high profile like Drew Barrymore spoke her truth- imagine how many would be saved

  12. IndieRaga-- I think CEvans might be clear on this one...Knives Out did well and got good reviews

  13. Doolittle's been done to death. example of the dearth of originality coming out of the studios. with the right role, hes an AA caliber actor.

  14. Hugh made bank on The Greatest Showman, and they're likely going to sequel it and he'll make even more.

    I'm guessing RDJ because he makes the most sense. He'll bounce back with the next Sherlock Holmes - they've done well and were good more or less.

  15. Chris Evans didn't just ride a bomb to the box office. Most likely RDJ. Favreau was the savior, not you Robbie.

  16. It's too bad for RDJ that Doolittle was such a dog, but he is perfect as Tony Stark, and it would be great to have him back in the Marvel films.

    1. If the rumored Thin Man remake with Depp is dead, RDJ would be a good one to fill the Nick Charles role.

  17. It's now Dolittle, it was Doolittle

  18. Problem with Dolittle is audiences are screaming for female leads.

  19. audiences are screaming for good stories, imo. esp ones with good endings. hwood has no idea how to end a movie, or a tv series. its a problem, imo

  20. Miranda Kerr??? No dear, I believe you mean Miranda Crosgrove but Kerr was a VS model and married that Snapchat douche.

  21. Jackman has a LOT of talents beyond Wolverine but he's also getting too long in the tooth to continue to do the role justice, the steroids aren't good for him it's not healthy to keep bulking up like that.

    Robert Downey Jr. must be getting fucking LAZY in his wealth and comfort. We all know RDJ is talented AF and able to wring a riveting performance out of any role. Why the hell would he take Dolittle??

    You know who would make an awesome Dolittle? Johnny Depp, OBVIOUSLY, sheesh!

    RDJ can do any role but he's also just a man. That Tony Stark character had longevity Wolverine doesn't - can't be a 70-y/o Wolverine but a 70-y/o Stark is still doable I think.

  22. Renner, renner, chicken denner?

  23. Count-- I just watched Thin Man over the weekend! I didn't know there were talks of remakes. William Powell was divine in the role, but I think you're right that RDJ would be good as Nick.

    Igneous -- I was wondering if this blind might be about Renner, as well? The bomb being the animated dog movie around Christmas?

    1. There were talks of a Depp led relaunch, then word spread a couple yrs ago that it was dead in the water.

      Cant go wrong with Dash Hammett. I would even be interested in a Maltese Falcon remake. Either flick would have to be a bare bones period piece, not modernized w/ CGI fights scenes and the like.

  24. RDJ. Dolittle was horrible. But he's too damn old to play Ironman anymore.

  25. @ Rogue. I think of RDJ as SHERLOCK HOLMES on top of IRON MAN. That wasn't his only winning franchise after the bomb of DOOLITTLE. SO long as he wants back as Tony Stark they will figure it out and not be sorry. He was SO charismatic and with the alternate universes and how they 'resurrected' Superman writers could come up with something!

    Depp - the OLD Johnny - might have been a good Doolittle but not the angry, bloated etc Johnny of now. Those days are past.

  26. @Count - I just don't wanna believe the Talley story was all there was to Himmmm - however it is notable that Enty et al has taken a hatchet to RDJ, Kate Bekinsale, not "that" Sheen, the writer-director dude...and a couple of other favs.

  27. All Iron Man requires is a human brain inside a robotic exoskeleton, the age or condition of the body is irrelevant. RDJ could play that character for decades more. And thanks to the bullsh!t Marvel Universe, there's no shortage of ways to bring him back. Maybe a parallel dimension Tony Stark, a clone, he uploaded his consciousness, magic, psychics, ghosts, etc you name it.

  28. Robert Downey Jr can't remake 'Harvey' but he remade doolittle

  29. No way in hell this is RDJ, strictly based on how it's written. "He thought he could be a big star outside the universe..."

    Downey is a huge star. Everybody knows who he is, and he's a hell of an actor. I don't think fame drives him, and he's got plenty of money. So if this IS supposed to be him, it's about the most poorly written blind ever.

  30. Man I hope these superhero movies go away altogether

  31. Can't believe Downey, who's been around since 1970's is loosing his shit over one bomb. No doubt it's very disappointing and stressful-actors always worry about their next jobs but I doubt he's panicing.

  32. Has to be RDJ. All the others might have faded out of relevance but none have really crashed and burned like RDJ just did with that Doolittle movie and none were part of a "universe", only RDJ was.

  33. I love the Thin Man Movies - sure hope Depp is not the lead.

  34. He had a lot riding on that movie. The amount of money that was spent on it. And I'm sorry he is a good actor but he's been phoning it in for years. I like Robert years ago because he seemed like he didn't play the game. But now he's become like everyone else a arrogant sellout.

  35. Downey just needs 1 Oscar type of role and he's back in the saddle.

    Dude was robbed in 1992. Eastwood in Unforgiven was his only real competition, but the voters gave Pacino a faux lifetime achievement Oscar. Disgrace.

  36. I liked RDJ's Sherlock Holmes movies. I believe there is a 3rd on the way.

  37. Leto or Affleck just to be different.

  38. RDJ made sooo much money and is happy and retired. Evens the same, even though Knives Out is Craig's new franchise. Jackman made bank with the musical, and got cred with 'Logan'. Evans is the closest answer.

  39. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Andrew Garfield. Two Spider Man references in the blind (no more, spectacular), and there's a story out there about him being in talks for a live action Spider Verse.

  40. @Unknown: That's a lot better guess than RDJ!

  41. RDJ isnt desperate after Doolittle. Yea it sucked, yea he knows it, but not enough where he wants to return to the MCU. He’s been doing the MCU for 12 yrs. I’d imagine he needs a break from superhero-omg. The guess above is a great one! Andrew Garfield. Where has that guy even gone? The last thing I heard he was in was that Silverlake movie that nobody saw. I wonder if Emma Stone & her homely SNL writer being engaged makes him sad. Him & Emma were a cute couple.The
