Friday, March 20, 2020

Blind Item #9

This about to be off the air A-/B+ list mostly television actress from a long running hit show found out her long time boyfriend has been cheating on her, but he has nowhere to go, so they are holed up in her house together.


  1. Supposedly some of the Asian countries that have reopened their courts have seen a flurry of divorces after couples were stuck inside with each other.

  2. Nothing like time together for a bad relationship

  3. Who cares if he has nowhere to go!?! He knew that when he cheated.

  4. How are the figures for domestic violence??🤔

  5. Hey if Brody Jenner can sleep in his car so should he

  6. I’m so happy to be hanging with just my cats. If I had to quarantine with another person, we’d kill each other before the Kung Flu could ever claim us.

  7. I hope they help Gal Gadiot on her next video. The last one really fucking helped.

  8. @norster, Supposedly domestic violence is also up, I heard the women's shelters are already getting packed in the US.

    If you want to flee some piece of crap and go to a shelter, do it now because they're running out of room.

  9. @J.Wasnt as bad as seeing pix of Sam Smith wingeing in his multi million dollar home b/c of "cabin fever" lol. Thank God he could pop around to the coffee house for a brew or it might have gone REALLY SOUTH!

  10. Is that the dude who is a woman too?

  11. @Brayson87 Think the husband might consider it - and he's only been working from home a couple of days ! Lol 🤣

  12. It's not her because they aren't quarantined together, but this cracked me up with Angelica Ross.

  13. Sleeping with the enemy.....I wouldn't have eaten anything she served me!

  14. @Tricia13 It's terrible reading about how all these rich people's lifestyles are really suffering !!

  15. Tis Tragic @norster!

  16. It would better if weather was warmer!! It's cold in SD. Need the sun..

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @J yes...jusr saw the question
    @Sd enjoy the cool breezes... still don't have them yet.Sun always comes out eventually:)

  19. @SD Auntie: Us northerners have been chomping at the bit to get outside, find some sun. Man, it's a wonder we're all on antidepressants up in the north.

    1. Ready to sit in my car to get some sun! Seems like the safest way these days😁@colonel blake

  20. and the winner is:

    sick fucks

  21. I think one of the reasons Cuomo doesn't want an enforced lockdown is to avoid extreme violence - between cops and people in housing developments (also see: racism).

    When I went out on the subway (NYC) it was empty as hell, there were about 4-5 people in each car and the stations were very very very empty.

    EXCEPT - I noticed the "kids" were out - black kids who probably don't want to stay in their homes, teens and young adults. Just hanging out, not doing anything bad.

    But I was thinking locking them all inside would be bad, we don't know their home situation, and arresting or fining any of them would just be cruel and needlessly violent.

    Cops in France have gotten violent with the enforced lockdown, I think he is trying to avoid that and if so, very smart.

    It is already sooooo quiet here in NYC, locking down any further wouldn't improve things.

  22. Hunter, stay safe. you are the Sue Ellen Mischke of Cdan. I am always eminently intrigued. LOL.

  23. Britain goes into lockdown from tonight.

  24. Hunter, my buddy in Manhattan says he's getting nervous. Be careful.

  25. Who cares if he has nowhere to go? You cheat, my house, you're OUT!

  26. @hunter, You seem tough, you should be fine. It's about 50/50 whether groups of teens would help you if you were in trouble or if they'd be the ones assaulting you.

  27. @J, Tell him to get the f*ck out ASAP unless he's got a small armory and a ton of supplies.
