Monday, March 02, 2020

Blind Item #9

This former A- list actress who starred on a now defunct cable show that used initials rather than the real name of the show, confirmed what I told you last week. The tall alliterate model who used to have a relationship with the A+ list singer is now spending time with the Oscar winning/nominate A- list actress. 


  1. Karlie Kloss and Brie Larsen

  2. Ashley Benson/Karlie kloss/ Brie?

  3. So Brie and Karlie are a thing then?

  4. So her husband's gay...

  5. @MyDog, Yeah everyone knew that lol

  6. @MD, Look at you, PLL fan, I didn't even get that one lol.

  7. i never understood the appeal of karlie, her head is too small for her body. her features too sharp, and she's too tall to be cute&seexy w/c is her vibe... shes just one giant looking freak

    1. Ok ok!
      Relax! She's a married woman now....let go!
      It was long time ago!

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

      “Freaks” I’ve always thought so. The type of human that looks good on film looks weird in normal everyday real life. That wouldn’t be so bad if most of them didn’t behave like depraved imbeciles.

  8. Brie inly sleeps with men for roles no wonder she's turned gay... that skank has intense intimacy issues and disgust with men

  9. It makes ZERO sense why these two would pretend they were straight. She's in a profession where being gay is the norm and although he's from a fairly conservative Jewish family he's Dad has been to prison for blackmailing a family member so I doubt being gay is considered that big a deal in comparison. I could see how it could have affected Karlie's career years ago but I can't imagine it would take a big hit now although I don't know what contracts she has presenting.
    I completely understand why Taylor wouldn't want to come out.

    1. it's hard to be gay when you're an "angel" and your target audience are slimmy, pot bellied men

  10. well this storyline outs several people who have yet to give any indication they are gay. in tay tay's case she is spending tons of money to spin the illusion that she is not. Kloss, who cares, never understood her appeal. I think she is ugly. Her husband, if he weren't the brother of the son-in-law of the president, no one would have ever hear of him or cared at all. If this blind is accurate, then I think the lot of them are talentless morons.

  11. @SlimKeith, Actors and actresses in the closet tend to get more roles, make more money, it's economic. Joshua Kushner's father, not that conservative, got busted initially for Democratic campaign donations lol. But still I think they all get trophy wives regardless. Karlie makes total sense, not many huge fans of hers and fewer by the day, of course she wanted to do a little gold digging and marry someone rich. Tay Tay wasn't going to put a ring on it so she moved on to a lavender marriage.
    Criminal conviction

    On June 30, 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to Democratic political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[11] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[12] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with him, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[13] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute he knew to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[14][15][16][13] He was sentenced to two years in prison,[14] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[17][18] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[17][18][19] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[20]

    As a result of his convictions, Kushner was disbarred and prohibited from practicing law in New Jersey,[21] New York,[22] and Pennsylvania.[23]

  12. So this is pretty interesting, and sloppy. Karlie spent a long time being very careful. Odd that she's less so while married.

  13. Excellent. Just goes to show that these ladies are smart not only a pretty face

  14. Anonymous12:37 PM

    this is a joke. not buying this one, enty.

  15. How did she confirm this? And what did Ashley Benson say about their friendship, according to the podcast?

  16. @Vita: She’s probably being less careful because she’s ‘married’, so she doesn’t think people will suspect her. Also Tay Tay was crazy careful.

    To those who think that Karlie isn’t attractive, I’ve seen her walking down the street (not glammed up) and she is gorgeous!

  17. Aquagirl-- I think your correct...the guard has been let down.

  18. @Aqua, Well she would be an excellent shopping companion, no shelf or rack out of reach.

  19. @Freed Weave, I've seen her in person and was told who she was. I didn't believe it at first that she's a model because her face ain't all that attractive. I just saw a bland tall woman

  20. Thought it was Karlie and Cara..she supposedly has good drugs.

  21. Kushner hangs with yes he may well be gay.

  22. Speaking of the sisters, anyone notice how Doria Ragland was in the VIP section with Gayle when Oprah fell on stage? Makes perfect sense to me since Doeia is allegedly gay. Sistahs hanging together.

  23. If they're happy,more power to 'em.

  24. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Piping hot tea. ☕️ So this whole Brie-Karlie thing is true. HOT. Well, if they’re happy good for them. And I don’t really think Karlie or/and Brie has been careless in hiding their relationship. They are not connected publicly as far as I know aside from few IG interactions. I follow Brie for a long time so I see a few IG interaction from them but it’s completely harmless. The impression I got was that they just casually know each other because they worked together years back so it’s surprising for me that they are now a thing. There wasn’t any hint that there’s something going on behind the scenes. Anyway, it was Ashley who had a loud mouth in confirming this. Was she high or drunk when she confirmed this? Lol.

  25. So much butthurt. Tay Tay fans why are you interested in Karlie's life? You focus on Swift's life.

    Anyway, I hope they are not together. Why would Karlie be with her when there are so many beautiful women around her?? I guess she's blind.

  26. So why did Karlie marry Kushner?
    I LOVE these right wing hypocrites "family values."

  27. Yeah, not buying it. Someone on the internet says 'this woman is gay! with literaly zero proof. Bit of a shit argument.



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