Sunday, March 22, 2020

Blind Item #8

The people of the permanent A list "singer" are trying to get a hearing scheduled for next month continued until October at the earliest. 


  1. Well that should be easy enough since most courts are closed for the duration right now.

  2. Lock her up. Protect the public.

    1. She's probably already fairly well locked up under handlers.

  3. They're in NO hurry, so they're probably saying, "Courts, take your time! Catch up on every single other case first. PLEASE! "

  4. Poof...….just like that.

  5. Replies
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  7. I think Britney is better than we think...she just has parents that don't wanna lose that gravy train money.Quite sad, all around

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  10. Actually I am a loyal Android user, as I loathe Apple products with the heat of a thousand suns. We have iPhones for work, they suck; I will admit to tolerating my iPad as it is good for Netflix

  11. one can hope, it is

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    1. Thanks, Fionna. Well we know ONE aspect of you I REALLY dig (but let's move on from that). Many here enjoy your insight and you are an excellent writer, I imagine you have read many,many books. Stay safe. I am sure an adventurous spirit as yourself is going stir-crazy not being able to love their life. I suspect things are going to get bad in the world. I just read an article in Rolling Stone about white supremacy group s hoarding saliva of people with the virus and plans of using in it in ethnic neighborhoods (running it on door knobs etc) and using it for police retaliation.

      Anyways I'm done for the night but wishing you the best with health. Chat soon.

    2. *live your life . I hope you still love your life of course

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  16. @Tricia that link is unbelievable. And look how many people expressing sympathy unloaded their own grief. All for a sockpuppet. Out of all the "personalities" I've now changed my mind about which is the worst. ⬆️

  17. I wish she would go back to the shaving the head days as those were fun.

  18. Fall,not call. Just reread the BooHearne death tributes. Recommended reading, to help anyone confused by this. And why we can't really believe anything Fionafab says. Still was a good writer,back in the day. I wish there was a real book.

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  20. Believe me, i really feel bad that this has happened to u. Its uncalled for especially when children are involved. 💕 take care !!

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  22. Thank You,Sd. I know you to be a good soul (in a world a few)and that you mean that; so In turn, as it means a lot to me I can only extend the same(and always have ,actually)We are grand. Always will be....💜

  23. Boo Hearne died?? Guesser, can you link me to the tributes? I am super confused so please fill me in!

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  25. @YummyBoogers,@Tricia13 had a link,it was removed. FionaFab is BooHearne,she was caught and confessed. Faked her "death". She deleted her comments here. She was going to be caught in another lie,as she told of visiting the elderly delivering baked goods. In locked down NYC. Oops. Some of my comments and others were removed, I guess to end the @ladybaus, Tricia13 mess here again. Hope you see this.

    1. Thanks Guesser! I was typing my novel out and didn't see your reply here before I hit the publish button, so thanks for clearing it up. Not sure if you can see my comment, but I drew comparisons to the J.T. LeRoy/Laura Albert scandal here with Boo's fakery. Makes you wonder...hey @Boo/Fiona, are you another Laura Albert creation by chance?!? Hahaha.

  26. Why does everyone keep posting and then deleting???? What did Fiona Fab say?

    I have noticed that old posts from Boo Hearne now display as being from this Fiona Fab person. Was Boo Hearne a fake?!? Someone please fill me in. Not sure how I missed this ordeal, but maybe it all went down while I was on vacation or something. I definitely remember Boo first appearing post-Harvey scandal, late 2017/early 2018 - and posting regularly, then all of a sudden disappearing. I remember wondering where she went because for a while, she was chiming in on the daily it seemed. I don't think we ever interacted. She seemed nice enough but her stories seemed embellished and tell-tale like for me, so I took the things she claimed with a grain of salt.

    Anyone remember the J.T. LeRoy hoax of the late 90s/early 2000s?? J.T. LeRoy was allegedly an HIV positive, cross-dressing homeless, transient former male child prostitute born illegitimate to a young mother who was, herself, a prostitute as well. LeRoy wrote a book about working truck stops with his mother, and it caused quite the stir (understandably) - lots of press, Hollywood attention, and I believe his story was even optioned for biopics. LeRoy would be booked for promotional events, in store readings, book signings, or interviews - and then would often refuse to appear (claiming to be a recluse) and his manager/lit agent, Laura Albert, would appear on his behalf instead. Or, there would be an imposter who appeared fitting LeRoy's description but the imposter would be mute, and his manager, Laura, would speak on his behalf claiming LeRoy was intensely anxious in group settings. LeRoy would ONLY grant interviews by telephone, facilitated and arranged through his manager, Laura Albert, with whom he was living with. Long story short? It was soon discovered that J.T. LeRoy never truly existed but ended up being a false persona created by Laura Albert, the woman who presented herself as LeRoy's manager (herself, a failed author). There was huge fallout, lawsuits and Albert's career aspirations destroyed for the deception, because the public had developed a genuine fondness and concern for someone who had lived a horrific and traumatic life....only that person did not ever exist.

    If Boo Heane is a fake, she's clearly of the Laura Albert variety - because she developed her backstory and tone, and truly stuck with it. While I often wondered WHY in the world a 75+ year old would want to spend as much time here as Boo did, and did feel her stories were embellished, I never would have imagined she was a full-on staged character and didn't exist. WOWZA.

    Again, if anyone can fill me in for sure provide links - I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!!

  27. So what did Fiona/Boo say when she was busted and admitted to her "death"? I am genuinely curious now and by the looks of things on this thread, and considering how this place is so crazily moderated nowadays, I assume the original thread has been sanitized to death and comments deleted.

  28. FYI Enty is working from home these days so the first line moderators has plenty of time to clean up our messes.

    If you see a thread filling up and want to know what's posted before it's gone, you better check it out as you'll never be able to figure it out from what's left. You snooze you lose!!

    1. @E, I understand the need to moderate to keep the loons who viciously attack Tricia at bay, etc. - but at the same time, the hardline approach to moderation has turned many off to posting here - myself included- because over time there were observable patterns emerging. If you mentioned certain individuals in your posts, or took a certain position toward a certain celebrity or public figure, you posts were not being approved or made visible for some reason.

      What turned me off was when we were discussing T@ylor Swift blaming George Aoros for buying up her material. My posts were not being published. It seemed like the moderators in charge at that time were either die-hard Swift sycophants or Soro apologists.

      Moderating for behaviors are one thing, but moderating to control content is a whole other issue and infringement on free speech. Hopefully the deleted comments here on this post were deleted by the posters by their own volition, and not by overzealous enty interns. If not, then an era has ended- truly sad, as this place was truly special once upon a time for the discourse we were allowed here.

      If the boards ARE still being heavily moderated, then I feel inclined to quickly say to the regulars (including Tricia, who I adore!) before my comments are 86'ed by the mods here: HI EVERYONE! STAY SAFE & HEALTHY. Crazy times we are in! *hugs*

  29. There are NO Enty interns. Moderation is because people are nasty. I doubt anyone's opinion alone here is important or significant enough to warrant any sort of moderation. And any discussion about Taylor Swift should be moderated; or better yet, not happen in the first place

    1. Bwahahaha welp not disagreeing that Swift discussions are better left unsaid, but the truth is that back when she was on her cry-me-a-river tour last year about Scooter Braun et al. buying up her old label, the comments here were indeed being approved individually - and none of mine that were critical of Taylor were making the cut. Then, I noticed none of my posts mentioning or referencing Aoros were posted either. Seemed very, very odd.

      Question - if there are no interns, then who is handling moderation? Is it moderated by automation via keyword-triggers? Or are the posts that disappear being deleted by the commenters themselves?

  30. Enty is the moderator. There are no interns. If an individual deletes their own comment it is clearly stated. Hasn't anyone noticed that the mass deletions always happen way at the end of the day? And when comments are moderated before posting it takes forever for them to show up?

    I can't believe people don't really know this. I assumed everyone knew the "Enterns" was a joke; please tell me it is for most!!

    1. I've also had published comments of mine disappear on here without explanation this past year (comments that I personally did NOT delete myself) - thus why I asked.

      I do observe that there are a ton of replies on this thread which indicate they were deleted by the users themselves, but given how some of my own posts have been removed in the past, and/or how they simply just weren't approved or posted from the get-go, I felt inclined to speak up as to my observations. I was a late arrival to this space, started lurking in 2014, posting anon in 2015, created my account in 2017 - but I truly grew to love visiting this place and hated to see it go the way of ultra-moderation.

      Sorry for my ignorance on these topics, but I had thought this place was being moderated by "enterns" so that OG Enty could focus on the podcast. Is that not the case then? Where do I find all these details? Sorry for all of the questions! Thx.

  31. Excluding the one stalker, the crazy arguments were part of what made CDAN so fun to read before.

  32. I am also Derek. And Boo. Sometimes I'm Angela. The Office Angela, not the one from France.

  33. Any thoughts on the alternative for Brit Brit. What if she is allowed to take full control of her finances. I see Sam coming back in the picture and manipulating her into giving it all to him as he's been wanting for years. Kevin is coming for her, again. Here's an idea, she should give it all away and go live in some mountain. Leave a trust account that pays the kids until 18 and inherit at 30 and screw everyone.

  34. We can see that emotions are running high. As to be expected in a time like this.
    The polarizing effects it is having is at fever pitch and we have one side who believes Donny is the most incompetent narcissistic unstable and unhinged lunatic the US has ever seen.. and the other side views him the savior we've been waiting for, to rid the world of evil. most notably the childsexrings run by Hollywood's elite, and this will come to an end on April 10th. There will be ten days of blackout from social media prior to this, where MrTrump will use the Public Broadcast System to let people know of all these things that have been transpiring... That he's not really a politician, but was an inside operation they asked him specifically to do.
    So there is a lot riding on this, on both sides. Some of us are concerned our parents and vulnerable clients will die-
    The other side views it as God's will :) keep the faith :) and enjoy the show :) (Godisgood!)


  35. @YummyBoogers, hope you see this. I had mentioned that Taylor herself stated in an awards speech I watched on YouTube, that George Soros was someone behind the Scooter deal. I did not make a political statement on it. It was deleted. No one in the media mentions it, not did she detract her comments as best I know. BooHearne also admitted to begin Dianevonthirstybird, Annafrom Savannah,among others when she was "alive". I personally don't believe "she" is @ladybaus/Derek, who isn't a very good writer and slips up often. Boo is a pro. And really should write a book.

  36. And yet you feed the Trolls,@rosieriveter. And post insults to a stranger to egg them on. And a note,sarcasm does not translate well in print. Probably why they invented emojis.

  37. @Blaise,Britney needs basic living skills. Imagine the mess if her Dad died. He makes a lot of money,but an outsider would be paid more. Arrangements should have been made years ago for what if? An outsider and perhaps her Mother of brother handling finances. Supposedly professional do her medical POA.

  38. None of that was sarcastic. I hope they're shamed into reevaluating their position. I'm glad to see their insensitivity doesn't bother you. Why would sarcasm bother you?

    Thanku for the heads-up on Emojis that's informative.

    1. I suppose you're one of the Q's here.
      If not, and you have *all the time in the world* rn, you should do some digging. It's extremely Interesting.
      That's not sarcastic either.

  39. Not a A Q and wouldn't know about it if not from here. I'm an "essential worker" who is still exposed. I 'm also over 60,and I probably won't get a ventilator. You have no clue how you sound, and if it isn't sarcasm, you should know you sound more insensitive then those you criticized.

  40. who actually gives a shit at this point
