Monday, March 02, 2020

Blind Item #8

Apparently the alliterate former actress will not even have to follow the theme of this year and can wear whatever she likes to that thing that happens the first week of May. Her husband is 50/50 on attending.


  1. Megan Markle at the met ball

  2. Fatass Markle.

  3. Even I am 50/50 on attending this year's Met Gala!

  4. what about privacy to raise a family in the Canadian woods

  5. She should go with Sophie Hunter. La Hunter could resurrect her lavender abomination from last year and MM could wear a cheap ass tiara. They could both carry brass rings and keep their husbands' penises in their purses.

  6. Fine, let her wear sackcloth and ashes and go as St. John the Martyr and have everybody laugh at her.

  7. Meg can actually look OK when she lets someone else style her. Choose an outfit, get it tailored, insist on appropriate makeup (not too much bronzer), bring in a professional hairdresser.

    Unfortunately, Meg usually thinks she knows best and tries a do-it-yourself approach, which produces some truly heinous results.

    Everyone has their favorite bad Meghan fashion, but my personal favorite was the two clashing reds she wore to a daytime engagement in 2019. A warm, purple-based burgundy-colored top with a cool, brown-based brick-colored skirt. It looked utterly dreadful.

    1. The brown sweaty outfit that the press keep rolling out is a peach.

      It's a bad day when you wear 100k Of givenchy and make it look shit.

    2. She doesn’t make it easy to choose. All of her clothes look like shit, but I think the green tent of a dress she wore to some soccer game is the worst. It made her look even boxier & sloppier than usual.

  8. What is the theme this year, anyway?

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      “March of the turbodyke cunts”?

    2. @Derp that the Morgan Freeman film with the penguins in?

  9. I am curious to see what this no taste having hooker will wear - for the scadenfreude. 😈
    I just read that Vogue’s Edward Enninful, not her Prince, will be escorting Rachel to the ball.
    As with everything to do with her, I’ll believe it when I see it. Could be another PR trial balloon.🎈

  10. Desperation. I hope.

    She'd NAIL that one.

    That or Narcissism.

  11. She seriously musta put some kinda Caribbean voodoo on that idiot..

  12. This year's Met Ball theme is Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" about a male that turns into a woman, I think...or vice versa. I can't remember. Tilda Swinton starred in the movie version.

  13. I read in NY POST she is going androgyne per the theme and Harry won't accompany her.


  14. @Nutty Flavor,Meghan can very easily look great. But what is with her ill- fitting clothes? Surely she hears about the comments and laughing behind her back. So with all the $ she spends on the clothes, is she trying to look what she perceives to be a "common" look?

  15. Everyday on this site is "Get All The Page Views I Can Day" Obviously she is the most viewed topic on this site now and gets as many BIs a week as humanly possible.

    1. Seems to be a thing where the general public loves to hate people they are told they should worship and admire for being famous / rich / fabulous / beautiful / superior / royal, etc.
      But with her Cabal connections and money, and with that non-royal Satanist (literal) bastard dweeb hanging off of her arm? It doesn't matter much. Yet.
      When the Cabal is done, so is Markle.

  16. @Guesser: most of her clothing is on loan and then returned. Hence she can’t have anything tailored.

  17. can someone please tell me what about her is even remotely attractive? not remotely attractive facially, her smile is so creepy, altho I cant put my finger on it. the gross match stick calves. the skin. the tiny tits, the square shape. she did well to become a D actress imo, no doubt only bc of her dad's connections to the industry. I wouldn't give her a 2nd glance,

    1. I just saw a picture of her outside the home they're squatting in. Security was walking with her. Thisxwas just a shirt while ago. Anyway her boobs looked really big, much bigger. I think she got a boob job during the 7eeek " break " and that's why they were so quiet. Her cheeks look like they've had a little filler. Harry's cheeks also look Fuller recently even though he has lost a lot of weight. And maybe some hair plugs. That certainly would make them quiet for such an unusually long time then .

  18. Since Meghan obviously skipped a few U.S. history classes maybe someone needs to remind her how Americans feel about British royalty. Nothing too crazy, they could create that Carrie prom scene except with a bucket of ketchup instead of pigs blood. Like here's your crown you manipulative con artist.

  19. If the Olsen twins can, why can't she? According to this blog, some of hollyweird' gave are s h I t h o l e human but y'all have been hating on this woman from the get go. She does everything everyone else does, according to y'all. Where the hatred toward Kate? What about Kate that is remotely attractive? Aside from her white privilege?

    1. Because Kate has the beauty inside. It's not all about physical. Some don't like Kate but the one thing she is not is hypocritical, ever.

    2. I'm an African-American straight woman and Meghalomaniac offends me. Meghan is ugly on the inside. Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge to you, didn't quit her first family, then her second family, and use her child as a weapon against his great-grandparents. 'Kate' never asked her husband to skip a formal event honouring UK veterans to shill for a voiceover role in the Lion King. 'Kate' doesn't deny her children access to their extended family. 'Kate' never left the Royal Family to be 'financially independent' yet expect the in-laws or foreign governments to foot her non-earned security bill. 'Kate' was never separate from both her children AND husband.

      Meghan did not acknowledge Black History month, neither the US one nor the UK one on @SussexRoyal.

      This is not about 'white privilege'. Meghan is a horrible, nasty, manipulative, narcissistic human being. Being biracial is irrelevant.

  20. I don't mean to be rude, but she has beady rodent eyes with a touch of psycho in them, a busted nose job, matchstick legs attached to a spongebag square pants body, deformed feet and nylon hair. She can't even make Dior couture look good.

  21. If Doublewit Harry doesn't go, who will make the conversation sparkle?

  22. The Olsen twins were cute kids that were able to pull off some comic lines. Markle is a talentless actress with mediocre looks who projects the attitude that she's all that when she isn't even as much as the empty bag of chips someone leaves on the subway floor. And she is lazy and entitled.

    Kate works hard at what she is expected to do and is not expecting things to be handed to her, the way Markle and her delusional sense of privilege did.

  23. Harry must be all like "Wha hoppen?"

  24. I wonder what the politics of the costume ball is. If you do not dress the theme, the publicity is much less. Part of the reason for the costumes is to have a talking point for the person's PR.

  25. The Olsen twins have a hugely successful top end fashion company. They were very smart in their approach to fashion: they didn't do it. They sell staples instead. Very very very expensive and high end staples fro uber rich ladies who lunch. Fine cashmere, buttery leathers, drapey silks, etc and it's all timeless, it all defies fashion. And it all looks equally good on a 20 year old, as it does on a 60 year old. That's why The Row is so popular. They are geniuses , even though they look like trolls and are a bit creepy. They definitely earned their place at the MET ball.

    Comparing The Olsen twins to MM, is like comparing a set of Tiffany vases to the trainspotting toilet.

  26. What's attractive about Kate: how about her personality and character!

    She's likeable, something MM will never be.

  27. Therapy should be mandatory in the US. (Since y'all want to be in denial over your racism)

    1. +1 but not even therapy would help this lot.

    2. Then most of the UK and most if Canada are all racist. No one can legitimately criticize a WOC. And the "you are racist" is all you have to defend and it's so overdone now .

    3. I reserve the right to judge her on the content of her truly heinous character.

  28. Edward, how about in London, where I'm writing from?


  29. Calling out Markle's entitlement, immaturity and narcissism is not racist.

    Pointing out that she is a mediocre actress and has plain, unremarkable is not racist, it is simply opinion that many, many people share.

    Meghan is not being victimized by anybody except by the fallout of her own atrocious behavior and attitude.

  30. *plain unremarkable looks

  31. I don't think Harry will attend because they've already reported that she would just go with a Vogue editor. US Weekly did try to put out that she wasn't going to attend this year about an hour ago, but I don't think they're that credible. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

    1. Enningful whom Wintour hates. Agendas all around and they do not include Harry.

  32. Sparkles. The gift that keeps on giving. How does she remain relevant?? Spending tons of her husband's money for her PR efforts. She name drops Harry's name wherever she goes to open doors and continue her money-grab. So now she is attending the Met Gala, this time as a 'royal'. How laughable. She is a money-grubbing grifter. Nothing more. Sure am fascinated by how people fall for her b.s. though...

  33. She will participate as the guest of Enninful. She is not invited personally.

  34. This climbing narcissist doesn't have the good sense to lay low until people stop hating her. She just doesn't get it. Disappear for a couple years.

  35. Markle has disproportionate limbs. This looked okay when she was very slim, as she could pass for one of these lanky people, but after giving up on the weight watchers, she looks just awful. Her feet are oversized, like way oversized, and her toes are a mess. Her calves are non-existent. Her torso is boxy and she has no waist. Her arms are too long and her hands are too big. I will stop there because I don't want to get too insulting.

    And for those people saying I pick on things she cannot change, you're wrong. She could do some lunges to tone up those calves. She could stay on the slimmer side to keep the lanky look. She could find a way to camouflage her shortcomings with styling tricks.

    Her worst look was at the mosque in South Africa. She looked like someone when they realize they forgot their winter hat and have to wrap their winter scarves around their heads to keep warm. How could she think that that look was remotely appropriate for a royal? It was also insulting to the people of the mosque who expect women to try to cover as much hair as they can. Hers was hanging out all over the place. Her dress was horrible and she was wearing butt pads for crying out loud.

    There is something seriously wrong with that woman's head.

    1. Mischi — worst look was the neverending belly cupping of the fake bump as she tried to keep it from slipping down to her knees.

  36. I feel like this silly gala is on her Top Five goals. She seems to operate like she's checking off items from her Briefcase Girl wishlist. I just don't get her.

  37. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Only Mad Markle can make haute couture look like she shopped at Target. Anxiously waiting for the photos. Harry's not going anywhere near this event.

  38. @mischi, not in her early 40s. she's mostly stuck with the body she's got. it can be improved, but it wouldn't be drastic. the body has a memory... but if its never been, at 40 it never will be.

  39. Haha, Thing 1 is 50/50 and Thing 2 to wear whatever (because whatever she wants she gets, duh) to that thing that happens first week in May.

    Wonder if that thing ends up 'markled' due to Covid-19?

    (Cue the shrieking bitter tears of Thing 2...)


  41. @remiss, The theme will be everyone there getting infected and finding out two weeks later. Just like the rest of the world.

  42. I think Harry is going to wind up sleeping on Uncle Andy's couch, disgraced and abandoned. Luckily Andy only seems to go for the girls.

  43. Dip her in latex and staple some cubic zirconias to her and she can go as a Kardashian. The Met Gala is in the top 3 stupidest thirst traps.

  44. "Since this year will mark the Met's 150th anniversary, the theme will be "About Time: Fashion and Duration."

    it took 2 seconds to google that FACT

    So yeah... NOTHING to do with Orlando or gender-fuk...

  45. No I think remission got it with, "WILLFULL IGNORANCE AND DECADENCE IN THE AGE OF GLOBAL PANDEMIC" now that's art.

  46. Everyone who dislikes her is labeled RACIST. Yes, everyone is RACIST!!d Hopefully, everyone who has been hit with that label will now embrace it just to see what FatMarkle's high-priced PR comes up with next. Certainly they can come up with something creative!!

  47. Anonymous4:13 PM

    @Marjorie Markle's high priced PR can't even find her a job. Of course they aren't miracle workers. DD is saying she struck out in Hollywood. Suddenly there are zero job offers. Color me shocked.

  48. Hey idiot slayer, wanna debate sometime?

  49. Mischi MORE please. Telling the truth is not insulting.

    Let me add her Bob Hope ski nose.

  50. Uhh Enty, sMegwhorella isn’t going to the Met Gala because she wasn’t invited. Hello magazine reported that today. SMeg tried shaming Anna Wintour into inviting her with her claim she was going with Enninful, after she tried telling Wintour she wanted to cohost it with her and it to have a commonwealth fashion theme. Wintour sensing which way the wind blows said no, and put out the word sMeg’s free ride was over. Few are still carrying water for sMeg, only the most desperate

  51. Isn't Anna Wintour English? And she's going to allow Enningfield to bring Markle? There's no excuse for playing stupid about this.

  52. Caterer gave two estimates, with and without Fat Markle.

    Line item 7 on the "with fatass" estimate was for "kichen expansion."

  53. Plus Wintour usually gives the leftovers to NY's homeless. If Blimp Markle shows up, there won't be any.

  54. Aurelie, but you are judging MM by her character, not by her skin colour, unlike the 'non-racists'...

  55. @J: Absolutely evil and loving it!

    @Aurelie: You are absolutely on point. Markle did nothing to honor Black History Month in the US. She is a total phony.



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