Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Blind Item #8

All this infection and quarantine has done is proved what I had told you just a few days earlier. This foreign born A+ list leader all of you know and his wife have split and have been leading separate lives for months. My only question is whether some Contagion style hooking up was going on before the quarantine.


Tricia13 said...


MDAnderson said...
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MyDogSmiles said...

Castro's son

MDAnderson said...

Definitely the Trudeau’s

Superfly said...

My only question is, did he do in blackface while screaming 'PEOPLEKIND'.

Unknown said...

Enty loves to throw some red meat to the fent-popping fox news grandmas!

Freed Weave said...

Trudeau and Katherine Schwaschwaface look like they'd make a great couple

Tricia13 said...

Sophie Trudeau is recovering though right?

Clark Green said...

Canadian PM Truedeau. I love the story that Matthew Perry tells that as a kid he used to beat up Trudeau who was a pompous little twit.

L said...

Now Macron needs to divorce his wife and then they can finally be together and unite Canada and France

fionafab said...

Idris Elba just said she infected him with the virus! Say whaaat?!

Guesser said...

@fionafab,now there's a blind! I noticed the PM wasn't all that concerned about being infected from his wife.

Pissoff said...

Sophie Grégoire f**ked and infected Elba.

J said...

Well, sometimes Idris and Justin are lookalikes. Understandable mixup.

alexis said...

Hmm ex mayor of montreal candidate and Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages

Girl with a Hat said...

some people are saying that Sophie has lived separately from Justin for about 2 years, I think since the India trip where he dressed up his whole family in traditional Hindu and Sikh clothing, clothing that Indians rarely used, and then he danced his little heart away in a party.

Oh, and he had his kids pray like Sikhs in front of the Golden Temple.

Cultural appropriation at its finest.

Kansa said...

Well, Enty has told us for the last few years that the current idiot in the WH and Melania do not live together. She, Barron, and her parents live together in a house in Maryland, according to Enty. I don't blame her.

fionafab said...

Kansa: They do not live together but they don't live in a house in Maryland. Melania, Barron and her parents live in a separate area in the White House. It is a YUUUGE place. You can get lost there very easily. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

@Superfly I'm dead. Best comment so far this year

HushHush said...

I wondered if Idris and Sophie hooked up, after they spoke/exposed to 12,000 London kids. It would fit with what enty was saying. The rumor is that JT is boyfriends with Seamus O'Regan, Cabinet Minister for Natural Resources. Seamus is openly gay, in a conservative way. Like Ben Mulrooney, he was a CTV celeb. He was the Canada AM guy. And vacations with the Trudeaus, infamously, at the Aga Khans tropical island (conflict of interest/spending scandal that cited on, but not punished- Trudeau that is).
Any truth to the rumour that Meaghan Markle was on Sophies private plane back to Canada? Now that would be interesting.

Blaise said...

Ha Ha! Castro's son.

Flashy Vic said...

Trudeau will deny this until he's black in the face.

Mrs Libnish said...

HAHAHAHAHA @ Flashy Vic.

"Kansa said...Well, Enty has told us for the last few years that the current idiot in the WH and Melania do not live together. She, Barron, and her parents live together in a house in Maryland, according to Enty. I don't blame her."

I'm pretty good at keeping up on the blinds and missed this. Do you have links or any other confirming info?

Tricia13 said...

lol@Flashy !

Studio54 said...

Baloney again. The facts of what Mrs. Trudeau was doing in London and who she shook hands with:

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau tested positive for the coronavirus after a massive event in London where she posed for pictures with Idris Elba and Lewis Hamilton

Studio54 said...

That information that Melania and Barron do not live in the White House, but in a house near Barron's school, with her parents was in "Siege" by Michael Wolff, a book about Trump. He also wrote "Fire and Fury" about Trump.

Half Domer Homer said...

Castro Blackface Jr?

Studio54 said...

Mrs. Trudeau was at the event with her mother in law, the infamous Margaret Trudeau.

Studio54 said...

Margaret Trudeau is also self-isolating.

gauloise said...

I thought Melania and Barron stayed in NYC so as to not disrupt his schooling and friends

Studio54 said...

@gauloise: That was only until the end of the school year, June, 2017. They then moved to the White House. Barron goes to school in Maryland, and he, Melania and Melania's parents all live in a house near his school.

Bleu said...

OMG fact checkers everywhere complained that he's wrong about almost everything. He just writes whatever he wants.

Do Tell said...

Michael Wolff has been called out by multiple sources for not substantiating the allegations in his books, which can only be called substantiations, and which should be taken with a ton of salt.

Melania and Barron live in the White House.

fionafab said...

ZZZ: Does anyone remember when Melania met Justin at a political event and sparks flew? The N Y Post had a field day. Maybe she and Barron aren't living in the White House or that house in Maryland but at the Governor's Mansion in Canada! Anyone seen her since the crisis began? Hmm.

Do Tell said...

Robert Mueller's office was one of the sources that disputed claims made by Wolff.

Amartel said...

Prime Minister Zoolander

T. W. said...

LaurenMaye said...

If you run out of toilet paper, use michael wolff's books.


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